Separate names with a comma.
Summary Different kinds of in-built vision available Able to connect with computers/machines, and directly interact with them Minor mechanical...
The inner workings of the Glitch Preface The Glitch are artificial beings, most likely created to simulate the evolution of a humanoid species....
If you actually read what I had written up, you'd have known I've changed that. It seems you don't even care enough to read the TL,DR; section.
If you can't be polite and are too lazy to read, you ought to refrain from responding. third draft
Currently on the third draft, might be close to finalising it. I urge people to re-read the writerup and comment on it. Feedback is still welcome.
There is some variance, but generally they're "low energy plasma". Like how some gasses are gaseous at room temperature, these plasma tend to be...
They've got plenty of similarities to stars, by virtue of the fact that their main body mass consists from plasma. As they grow old and their...
Eh... Last I checked, Florans were organic creatures... -Oak
Greetings, As it stands, Ragnarok itself is currently mostly inhabited by Glitch and some Florans, therefor the risk of an outbreak in the...
Laters :/
Eh, I might be able to do something with this, if we can establish that Novakid society revolves around a wild-western-esque community where they...
Wait, are you saying you want Novakid to pop like a hydrogen baloon when shot with a gun? Because that's what it sounds like to me, but that...
If you have a hydrogen zeppelin, and someone is like: 'don't do that, that's highly flammable!', you don't go like "there'll only be fire if other...
Caloric intake and combustion both prove insignificant when compared to the energy a Novakid gains by direct energy conversion of plasma to...
plasma is also a state of matter. they'd still combust if you'd shot them with a gun if they were flammable gas
Yep, pretty much. Sorta did a poor job expressing myself yesterday, in that sense. In the end, both the Floran and Novakid physiology threads are...