Separate names with a comma.
Well the lore also states that a lot of these "sunborn tombs" are just giant tourist traps the Flightless use to kill any who would dare defile...
Aaah right
There's a brand of Nacho's that sounds like my name?
Hmmm Donuts...
Why the sudden shall and the rest is"shalt"?
[SPOILER] I know it's 40K and ppl generally don't like the comparison, but do give it a read. It has some interesting ideas.
1. Looks weird
What I'm getting from this is: A) energy weapons are expensive B) energy weapons that are actually useful. (particle beam), are rare. C)...
I dunno, looks to me like you're not only erecting buildings here... :P
somehow I think he didn't expect anyone to actually "play" all the way through it
___________________________________________ ############################################################################################ FATAL...
[SPOILER] Cataloging this before the site implodes or something
The Florans: Floran History: Throughout history, Florans have been at odds with the Avians, who tried to prevent them from spreading their...
Yes you are and you should be ashamed of yourself, CLEARLY! Welcome :P
I remember ur name, u lil shit... Welcome back!
Everyone welcome! We're sorta in the process of creating our own lore, slowly but steadily in Antares (finally). I for one focus on the...
The decrease in matter would be gradual enough to be almost entirely neglegible, considering the fact that the Novakid will "refuel" by drinking...
It was in Bietol's original idea, people said I shouldn't disregard what Bietol has written before, when it came to Novakid having to eat, so I...
You scoundrel.
For science! And it's not an army...