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Comments on Profile Post by Ziggy

  1. Doc
    Who knows. Maybe they'll come back, never hurts to have more people.
    Oct 27, 2015
  2. Yotan
    Oct 28, 2015
  3. Doc
    Orion's Edge.
    Oct 28, 2015
  4. Khaltor
    Busy hours: Antares ~10, OE ~25 by guesstimate. (http://www.gametracker.com/)
    Lore: I personally dislike OE's lore, Antares staff is still working on ours.
    Server utilities: OE has a spawn, probably a hubworld on the server's starting world and apparantly a way to make all planets on the server have a slow day cycle. (2days in game per 1 day irl.)
    Site: Antares has the better site, better infrastructure.
    Oct 28, 2015
  5. Khaltor
    Too bad we can't seem to get along, nobody profits from fracturing the sbrp community like this, imho...
    Oct 28, 2015
  6. Ziggy
    I agree on the above points, Khaltor. I've said it maybe a dozen times in the Skype chat that if the staff of OE and the staff of Antares would cooperate and put the past where it belongs, we could achieve some great things. I harbor no resentment toward OE. They were, after all, my first SBRP experience.
    Oct 28, 2015
  7. Node
    Antares used to be more exciting and there used to be way more things going on in general. But of course some people had to abuse the freedom we once had. As a general response, admins cracked down on all the crazy things we were doing.
    Oct 28, 2015
  8. Node
    Dangerous characters were mitigated and nerfed to being absolutely unplayable. Everyone was ultimately marginalized. You can't be powerful anymore, otherwise you're powergaming. You can't be rich anymore, otherwise you're asspulling funds. You can't be a floran/glitch/avian that doesn't fit the model, otherwise you're suiting.
    Oct 28, 2015
  9. Node
    Last I checked, Orion's Edge found a healthy medium between the chaos of old Antares, and actually having rules. I don't blame people for going there.
    Oct 28, 2015
  10. Ziggy
    It'd be great if we could have crime without violence being a first resort. like pickpockets and vandalism. Some factions maybe. inter-faction tensions
    Oct 28, 2015
  11. Node
    Everyone talks about how much they dislike gun toting badasses, and yet somehow when something bad happens, everyone draws their gun.

    I would suggest gun control, but considering a large part of the player base is American, and that's a hot button topic, I don't think it would turn out well.
    Oct 28, 2015
  12. Ziggy
    Serenity has a neat system of gun control in place where at the beampad on most colonies there's a gun-scanner that won't allow someone to pass if they're packing heat. So ICly, characters can't get into the colony unless they're unarmed.
    Oct 28, 2015
  13. Doc
    I'd honestly just prefer to see creative baddies. Hell, just yesterday I met a pickpocket who asked if I had visible goodies in my pockets. Just a tiny example, but that's a nice start to proper "bad guy" or crime RP, instead of just rampant murder and banditry.
    Oct 28, 2015
  14. EyesofMarch
    Why would Americans care about gun control on a GAME? I don't care. If a group took control of the sector that enforced some sort of dystopian, no-gun civilization, I'd find that super cool.
    Oct 28, 2015
  15. Doc
    Or maybe not dystopian, and more just benevolent autocracy. It can work both ways after-all; Inherent evil isn't needed for conflict, just percieved evil.
    Oct 28, 2015
  16. EyesofMarch
    I thought Triton would fit that bill, but they're kinda just... Neutral in that regard. And pretty dead now, come to think of it. We just need something to happen. Something to cause conflict, to make our characters leave their safe zones; to test them.
    Oct 28, 2015
  17. Ziggy
    I was thinking of a huge invading force just fucking steamrolling Olympus with no contest. If Triton's not going to play anymore, then they could at least go out in a huge bang that shows our outer worlds that they're not as safe and secure as they thought. Like... pirates or some unseen force
    Oct 28, 2015
  18. Doc
    I can imagine it now, a bunch of Comcast-ass motherfuckers suddenly barreling into the now-defunct Olympus, plastering their image all over it, and suddenly making waves across the system and trying their best to basically strong-arm you and take over. And for an added bonus, make them seem intelligent and benevolent, not inherently evil. Nothing like a grey area, corporate "villain."
    Oct 28, 2015
  19. Node
    Several people from the forums have argued with me about opinions on gun control March, since I am for it.

    As for the steamrolling Triton, it won't work. The invading force will also dissipate and it won't have any lasting effect. Very short term solution.
    Oct 28, 2015
  20. Ziggy
    Unless said force makes appearances elsewhere
    like, say... news articles
    Oct 28, 2015
  21. Doc
    Exactly. Establish them as a real threat, don't just come outta nowhere.
    Oct 28, 2015