1. These forums are archived and available in read-only format. No new accounts may be created and content may not be added or edited. This archive is dedicated to hoshiwara.t who tragically passed away in April of 2015. She will be forever missed.

Comments on Profile Post by Narfball

  1. Toadkid1234
    Yes, because if you look in the right places you can find some kickass RPers and some kickass RP. Just... stay away from the not-good ones. *shudder*
    Apr 16, 2015
  2. Narfball
    okay that's not a good reason
    who are these good rp'ers
    you can just send me their forum names or whatever in a message im sure they dont wanna be made public
    can you maybe provide some clarification on your reason and/or a different reason?
    Apr 16, 2015
  3. Optimism
    Is there a reason I wouldn't want you to play on the server?
    Apr 16, 2015
  4. Narfball
    nice joke 1/10 i glanced at it
    this is a 100% serious status that i wanted to post to see how the community would react to someone who wants to return. please treat this more seriously, as i think this could help new players as well as help me.
    Apr 16, 2015
  5. Optimism
    I will treat this very SERIOUSLY.
    1) If you want to return, return. Nothing is stopping you. If you don't want to, it's not easy to convince you because you're already opposed to my argument and I don't know you.

    So throw me a bone. Why would you NOT want to return?
    Apr 16, 2015
  6. Narfball
    1.) i happen to dislike the community for several reasons i refuse to go into unless we discuss that over PM's
    2.) i haven't opposed your argument, it came off to me as a joke, thus i treated it as one. i didn't say that to be mean or to wave you off. but if i could think of a reason as to why you wouldn't want me on the server, i wouldn't be able to think of one since i don't know you from a hole in the ground.
    Apr 16, 2015
  7. Optimism
    1) I don't feel waved off or anything. But sure. Send me a PM on all the reasons you have to dislike the community and don't want to return and I'll try and think of reasons why you should return. Why not?
    2) That's cool, but it WAS an attempt at an actual question. Meh. Bad communications
    Apr 16, 2015
  8. Crescentfury
    We need your legs for our roleplay.
    Apr 16, 2015
  9. Narfball
    my legs are very important.
    please try not to derail this, i get you're trying to lighten the mood. thanks, crescentfury.
    Apr 16, 2015
  10. Crescentfury
    In all honesty Narf, I didn't even roleplay on the server when I joined like... a year ago. I really want to get into roleplaying with everyone but I'm a goof, and don't see I can actually have any input to any stories that are currently going on. (I am better in the background, than in the foreground.)

    Surely if you disliked the community that much, you wouldn't still be lurking around. You... lurky-mclurkington.
    Apr 16, 2015
  11. Narfball
    i lurk because there's specific people i like talking to that i don't have any other means of contacting.
    if i had another way to contact them (or they'd give me their freakin' skype/steam names) i'd not be here. that's literally it.
    Apr 16, 2015
  12. Crescentfury
    You could ask/demand for them.

    Another reason why I wouldn't want you to go as well, is that you're hilarious, and that the forums wouldn't be the same without your input.
    I am sure if you started playing and roleplaying on the server, you could bring your quirky personality to it.

    I would also love to see you actually play "Narfball".
    Apr 16, 2015
  13. Narfball
    >i would love to see you play "Narfball"
    narfball was a character i played for like five weeks. it was the absolute funniest thing. but that's a story for another thread

    asking is something i've tried. some people don't use skype and won't tell me their steam name, probably for the same reasaon you want me around. and i get that, i really do.

    >quirky personality
    i fear for your well-being
    Apr 16, 2015
  14. Crescentfury
    Narfball needs to come back. Revival of the Narf.

    Well, that's sounds annoying that they wouldn't give you them.
    It'd probably be good to talk to Awe about why he came back, seeing as he left for the same period as I did and he's come back with a vengeance.

    My well-being is completely fine. Absolutely fine. Couldn't be better. ._.
    Apr 16, 2015