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Contractors Database

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Mitzi the Floran, Jan 11, 2014.

  1. Ratmanners

    Ratmanners New Member

    Feb 5, 2014
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    Captain Silas C. Sedgewick

    Education / Knowledge

    Biology Untrained.
    Medicine Untrained.
    Science Untrained.
    Anatomy and Physiology Minor; general knowledge of well-populated species'.

    Combat Skills
    Ranged Weapons Major; specializing in pistols.
    Melee Weapons Minor; specializing in swords.
    Unarmed Combat Minor; no training in any formal martial arts.
    Stealth Skills
    Intel Gathering Major; via charisma based skills and espionage.
    Stealth Major; keeping out of sight and being quiet.

    Utility Skills
    Piloting (Ships) Master; trained to handle the controls of small to medium sized ships. Able to pilot large cruisers, but with minor skill.
    Mechanics (Ships) Major; specializes in small to medium sized ships. Treat large ships as having minor skill.
    Hacking (Computers) Minor; personal computers and small-time firewalls.

    Construction Skills
    Construction Engineer / Architect Untrained.
    General Contractor Untrained.
    Sedgewick is always for hire, ready to take on nearly any job if it pays well enough. Better suited for bodyguard work or low-grade robbery until she can put together a crew and take on bigger tasks.
  2. Mitzi the Floran

    Mitzi the Floran Sufferer of Prawnsequences

    Jan 4, 2014
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    Database has been updated. Thanks for your contribution.
  3. Hibou

    Hibou New Member

    Jan 23, 2014
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    Joseph Crawford Brigsby
    • Piloting: Major. Flew as a cargo shipper for a few years before Earth fell.
    • Mechanics: Untrained, but knows how to do minor repairs on FTL engines.
    • Ranged Combat: Minor. Uses shotguns mainly. Gotta keep that cargo safe.
  4. Mitzi the Floran

    Mitzi the Floran Sufferer of Prawnsequences

    Jan 4, 2014
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    Updates have been processed. Thank you for your support.
  5. Sen

    Sen Guest

    floran like this guide on how to kill prey
  6. Flux

    Flux New Member

    Feb 11, 2014
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    Well, since I'm new to this sector, may as well put my resume up.

    Name: Flux

    - Liberally Applied Genetics: Major; You want some lab-brewed monsters, or a quickie cloning? I've got you covered.
    - Harmonica playing: Minor
    - Piloting: Minor; I've been behind the consoles of all sorts of "borrowed" ships, and know how to navigate in asteroid fields. I wouldn't vouch for my skills in a ship-to-ship combat scenario though.
    - Matter Manipulator... Manipulating: Minor; I'm not a half-bad interior decorator.
    - Monster Training: Major; Once you get past the projectile blood-vomit, most abominations of nature are pretty cuddly.
    - General Medical Practice: Major; When you spend most of your time interacting with creatures that can manipulate gravity, spit plasma, or tear you into pieces, you get very good at patching up injuries.
    - Partying Hard: Master; If you invite me to a party, safety is not guaranteed.

    Other Qualities:
    - I am Apex trained, and fully familiar with Miniknog-grade laboratories and computer systems!
    - I don't ask a lot of troublesome ethical questions like "where did the bodies come from?" or "How did you get so badly mangled?"
    - Willing to work for voxels, favors owed, monster specimens, avesmingos (can't get enough of 'em, they are so good), or "donated" organs!
    - I have a small squad of well trained combat monsters, ready and waiting to eat the faces off of whatever I happen to point at! They make great bodyguards! Just be sure to feed them properly.
  7. DirtyGoblin

    DirtyGoblin Guest

    Mucklurk - Mucklurk, Ssspurgle
    • Ranged Weapons specialist (Sniper Rifles) - Mucklurk
    • Biology ( Botanist, Biotechnology, Genetics, Cybernetics ) - Much Ssspurgle. Very Mucklurk.
    • Anatomy and Physiology ( Floran ) - Very Ssspurgle.
    • Science ( Physical Science ) - Eh, Mucklurk.
    • Melee Weapons specialist ( Stick ) - Mucklurkest
    • Ssspurgle Places: Much Ssspurgle, Very Mucklurk.
    • Sewers: Almost as much Ssspurgle as Ssspurgle. Most Mucklurk.
  8. Steamy

    Steamy Pro spam bot

    Feb 2, 2014
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    Long range weapons(mastered)
    Thrown weapons(mastered)
  9. Mitzi the Floran

    Mitzi the Floran Sufferer of Prawnsequences

    Jan 4, 2014
    Likes Received:
    The main post has been updated. Swipes please re-read the first post and amend yours and I'll add you as well.
  10. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    Name: Crowliss - The Exiled
    • Biology ( Botany ) Minor
    • Anatomy and Physiology ( Floran ) Minor
    • Ranged Weapons Specialist ( Bows) Major
    • Ranged Weapons Specialist (Pistols, Assault Rifles, Grenade Launchers ) Minor
    • Melee Weapons Specialist ( Shortswords, Daggers ) Major
    • General Contractor ( Excavation ) Major
  11. Biske

    Biske New Member

    Jan 30, 2014
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    • Mechanic (Ships, mechs, vehicles, etc.) - Major
    • Ranged Weapons Specialist (Shotguns, Grenade Launchers, Rocket Launchers, Pistols, Assault Rifles, Flamethrowers, Machine Pistols) - Master
    • Explosives Expert (Grenades, bombs, etc.) - Minor
    • General Contractor (Transportation of goods, Excavation, and Basic construction) - Minor
    • Ass Kicking (Steel Toe Boots) - Master
  12. Cynthio

    Cynthio New Member

    Jan 11, 2014
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    Dr Heidi Keiser
    • Biology ( Botany, Genetics, Biotechnology) - Master
    • Medicine (General) - Major
    • Science (Physical Science) - Major
    • Ranged Weapons Specialist (Energy/Plasma Weapons) - Minor
    • Nuclear Physics - Major
    • Hacking - Minor
    • Speech - Minor
    #52 Cynthio, Feb 18, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 20, 2014
  13. Assassin Kei

    Assassin Kei New Member

    Feb 16, 2014
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    Assassin Kei

    • Melee weapons: Master (swords)
    • Hand to Hand: Major
    • Ranged weapons: minor (hand guns/assault rifles)
    • Tracking/Interrogation: Major
    • Engineering: Minor
    • Alcohol tolerance: It might have passed my lips... maybe. i dont really remember
    • Mining/Resource gathering: Minor
  14. Ohamajoga

    Ohamajoga New Member

    Jan 7, 2014
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    Baron Von Richthofen " The Baron "
    • Ranged Weapons specialist (Pistols) - Master
    • Leadership ( Captain of S.S. Nimbus and ex-miniknog general )
    • Social Psychology ( Apex ) - Dr.
    • Law - Major
    • Melee Weapons specialist ( Hammers ) - Mediocre
    • Hand to Hand - Major
    • Heavy Armor - Above Average
    • Has a decent understanding of mechanics, hacking, and electric work.
    • Genetically engineered apex trained in a miniknog facility to be a great warrior Apex general. Sometimes breaks out into PTSD-ish syptoms due to "Enhancing" process
  15. Mara

    Mara New Member

    Feb 21, 2014
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    Adelyn Blackstride (If my application gets accepted, just putting this here as a reservation)

    • Medicine (Internal Medicine) - Master
    • Medicine (Legal And Illegal Drug Manufacturing) - Major
    • Science (Life Science) - Major
    • Ranged Weapons Specialist (Pistols) - Major
    • General Contractor (Electrician) - Minor
    • Stealth - Minor
  16. FreightPsychoanalyst

    Feb 23, 2014
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    Linus Primus
    Glitch Freight-Runner

    Combat Skills;
    • Ranged Weapon Combat (Shotgun, Pistol)(Minor)
    • Knife combat (Minor)
    Technical Skills;
    • Vehicle Operation Specialist (Freighter)(Major)
    • General Contractor (Major)
    • Systems Engineer (Minor)
    • Mineral Extraction Engineer (Minor)
    • Item ‘Procurement’ Specialist [“Innocently. Definitely DEFINITELY not theft, Officer.”] (Master)
    Additional Skills;
    • Keytar Hero (Unclassified)
    • Cat Lover (Unclassified)
    #56 FreightPsychoanalyst, Feb 23, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 7, 2014
  17. TaintedMythos

    TaintedMythos New Member

    Feb 26, 2014
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    Fletch Dustfeathers
    Biology: Botany (Minor), Zoology (Minor)
    Medicine: External Medicine (Minor), Herblore (Minor)
    Science: Physical Science (Minor)
    Anatomy and Pysiology - Avian, Hylotl, Glitch: (Major)
    Ranged Weapons Specialist - *Sniper Rfiles(Major), Pistols (Minor)
    Melee Weapons Specialist - *Daggers/Knives (Major), Swords (Minor)
    Architecture - Avian (Minor)
    Stealth - *Sneaking & *Assassination (Master)
    Other - Alcohol tolerance (Pitiful - Could look at some and get drunk), Social skills (Sometimes blunt, but mainly normal),

    *Will not be used unless absolutely necessary. Fletch tries to avoid conflict.

    Fletch Dustfeathers (Drunk)
    Biology: Botany (Minor), Zoology (Minor)
    Medicine: External Medicine (Minor), Herblore (Minor)
    Science: Physical Science (Minor)
    Anatomy and Pysiology - Avian and Hylotl: (Minor)
    Ranged Weapons Specialist - Sniper Rfiles(Major), Pistols (Minor)
    Melee Weapons Specialist - Daggers/Knives (Major), Swords (Major),
    Hand to Hand Combat (Drunken Master)
    Architecture - Avian (Minor)
    Stealth - Sneaking & Assassination (Master)

    Other - Alcohol tolerance (N/A, already drunk), Social skills (Blunt-er),

    Fletch is more aggressive when drunk, but can still discern friend from foe (Most of the time)
    *A strike-through indicates that the field can be considered untrained.

    ((I felt it was necessary to include both of Fletch's "personas" because he has two very different personalities. This is why he tries to say away from alcohol most of the time. Also, just because a skill is lost does not mean he won't try to use it :"I'm swear to drunk I'm not Kluex!"))
  18. Toadkid1234

    Toadkid1234 New Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    Ray Beluga - Spacecraft Design Specialist
    • Astronautical Engineering- Major
    • Mechanical Engineering - Major
    • Physics - Major
    • Circuit Design - Minor
    • Swordsman (Intermediate, Self Defense) - Minor
    ((Edited to reduce my OPiety, thanks Kazi!))
    #58 Toadkid1234, Mar 12, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 12, 2014
  19. Kazi

    Kazi New Member

    Feb 28, 2014
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    ((i didn't know that so many characters were so old... just out of interest what ARE the ages of all these characters?
    Sorry if this sounds rude but I am pretty sure that I counted for Fletch Dustfeathers far more than 70 years of training based on the guidelines lists for master 30 years/major 10 years/minor 4 years and that was being very generous in grouping things together so assuming that they started when they were 15 that puts them well into their 80ies or even early 90ies, and i didn't even look that the "drunk" skills that they have. Adelyn Blackstride has 68 years of training, Assassin Kei 58, Mitzi 88, Oweyn 90+,Cutter ( & Rin ) 140, Blue 68, really i could list everyone but there are a lot in this list, i think people should possibly reread what minor is and consider downgrade a lot of their skills
    just my two cents in the matter, play what you like but look at these numbers (and there were years of training and not counting lets say 15 years of non training while growing up, and lets face it, who really starts training for most of these things when they are 15 or younger?) and think about your character history, did you really do nothing but train and study for all your life? if not, then you are even older! People have jobs and social lives too, so you might be able to swing learning one maybe two things at once while working and having a very very small social life that is hard to keep up for 4 years while in university studying a double major (which would give you two minor skills) let alone 50+years.

    ...sorry for the rant))
  20. Toadkid1234

    Toadkid1234 New Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    ((Good point, however sometimes mastery can come at a young age and does not require such an extensive amount of time. For example my character went through intensive study in his mastery fields for 6 years, with some additional prior experience, knowledge and talent. I would say that makes him a master, especially if he is gifted in the field. If we are going strictly by the master-30 years major 10 years thing I will change it, but jussayn.)