These forums are archived and available in read-only format. No new accounts may be created and content may not be added or edited. This archive is dedicated to hoshiwara.t who tragically passed away in April of 2015. She will be forever missed.

- Last Activity:
- May 5, 2017 at 10:05 PM
- Joined:
- Jul 24, 2014
- Messages:
- 256
- Likes Received:
- 201
- Trophy Points:
- 0
Following 4
- Gender:
- Male
- Birthday:
- Aug 29, 1997 (Age: 27)
- Home Page:
- https://www.tumblr.com/blog/alaystus
- Location:
- Michigan, United States
- Occupation:
- Unemployed
Resident Art Bum, Male, 27, from Michigan, United States
Staff Member
"Well, you sure don't see that every day." Dec 4, 2016
- Alaystus was last seen:
- May 5, 2017
- Loading...
- Gender:
- Male
- Birthday:
- Aug 29, 1997 (Age: 27)
- Home Page:
- https://www.tumblr.com/blog/alaystus
- Location:
- Michigan, United States
- Occupation:
- Unemployed
Alaystus; Floran, Agender, 17, Bartender, Tried To Do The Right Thing, Dead
Lilyus; Hylotl, Male trap, 20, Artist/Musician, Incredibly Shy, Missing
Duckie; Human, Male, 24, Was Taking Life As It Came Until It Ended Abruptly, Dead
Monkey-Wrench; Apex, Male, 27, Mechanic, Really short, Dead
Xanth; Glitch, Male, 30, Thug, Has a short attention span and a fast trigger finger, Missing
Ivy; Floran, Agender, ~20, Journalist, Shot For Being a Plantsuit, Missing
Dirtleaf; Floran, Agender, ??, Guard, Learning About Honor, Missing
Ironsight; Glitch, Agender, 18, Robo Hobo, Intelligent but Ignorant, Eloped
Ace Jones; Human, Male, 23, Bartender/Gardener, Short Temper with a Sensitive Side, Alive
Matthias Salazar; Human, Male, 26, Architect, Quirky But Kind-Hearted, Alive
Millihua; Avian, Female, 21, Farmer, Overbearingly Chipper, Out-of-Sector
Kailutt Thornkill; Floran, Agender, 20, Thug, Painfully Apathetic, Alive
Coaltic; Novakid, Male, 25, Drifter, Living for the Moment, Out-of-Sector
Vesmika Palinkavinchsi; Apex, Female, 26, Bandit, Lorge Mamma, Out-Of-Sector
Rofei Roma; Apex, Male, 29, Vendor, Runs The Station, Missing
Dallas; Skeleton, Male, ??, Ghoul, Spooky Scary, Undead
Senzaki Miyu; Hylotl, Female, 19, Busker, Doing What She Can, Out-of-Sector
Sandiel Icepetal; Floran, Agender, ??, Brigand, Attention Deficit Hyperactive, Missing
Min Minski; Apex, Male, 26, Thug, Bright but Daft, Alive
Jade; Human, Male, 24, Farmer, Just Wanted To Protect His Sister, Dead
Sparkmate; Glitch, Agender, 250, Architect/Stonemason, Has An Affinity For Castles, Alive
Carbon; Novakid, Male, "At least a few decades old", Drifter, Apparently Wise, AliveInteract
Ace Jones; Human, Male, 23, Bartender/Gardener, Short Temper with a Sensitive Side, Alive
Carbon; Novakid, Male, "At least a few decades old", Drifter, Apparently Wise, Alive