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How to tell if a colony only caters to Billy Badasses

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Sen, Aug 7, 2014.

  1. Malachar

    Malachar Heir to Madness

    Feb 1, 2014
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    Hopefully there will be a way to ensure the survival of the npcs there. We've seen what usual tends to happen :(
    But this sounds like a great idea.
  2. Bunshuu

    Bunshuu New Member

    Feb 18, 2014
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    how to tell if a colony caters to billy badasses:

    if a floran with a big ass weapon god knows where they got it appears and there isnt anyone shitting their pants over an anime fight between a cannibalistic plant and some other cookie cutter impervium armor got-three-shots-into-my-ass-but-i-can-battle-me-swear 30 minutes after i
    would say it doesnt cater to billy badasses mcedgy

    i would like to say maple hills is a good place but place is abandoned like heck until Fink decides to do something with it and it aint even a colony
  3. LaserLlamas

    LaserLlamas Mother of the Pack

    Mar 28, 2014
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    I will point out the Wolves' Den isn't a colony. Just a Tavern. Place to do shady business and other criminals to visit. Or just people who don't care and decide to stir trouble up because no one is online, and not telling us about it being done in front of three cameras. Just saying.
  4. Leschinsky

    Leschinsky Bohemic Tendencies

    Dec 31, 2013
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    I broke your piano with a guitar by the way.
    Raoul yelled at me for it.
    My feelings are still recovering.
  5. Felonious

    Felonious Restart Monkey

    Apr 28, 2014
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    With the amount of people who regularly visit it (see 90% of server's activity over the past 2 weeks), and appearantly live in a giant flotilla sitting above it, it might as well be a settlement. Not sure how everyone survives, seeing as the only thing they consume is about 50 bottles of whiskey a day (each) with a few bullets peppered in for good measure.

    But the point stands. Normal, civilian level, non-combatant people (see: 98% of real-life society) have no where that is hospitable to them. When they react realistically to events in most places (gunfights or threats or a bunch of people walking around in super armor with cybernetic everythings) they are called 'cowards' and told 'this is how life is'. Really its not... It's really really really not.

    Even on a frontier, life is rather predictable. If this is the Wild West of reality, it's about 1 billion times more hostile than the real 'Wild West'.
  6. LaserLlamas

    LaserLlamas Mother of the Pack

    Mar 28, 2014
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    -Shakes fist in the air- Was wondering who did that!

    To be honest I don't even know how most of the violence at the Den breaks out. Or why in the first place. Wild West was "wild", but not stupid. Not like this, anyways

    I can see a bit how it could be considered a colony with the traffic it gets, but I still wouldn't cal lit one personally. Though that's just me. As far as people eating there I too question how everyone there lives on booze levels that would make them need to go to a hospital.
  7. Bunshuu

    Bunshuu New Member

    Feb 18, 2014
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    livers??? what are livers for I space person!! no livers on space!!! pass the battery acid
  8. Aradin Stanguit

    Aradin Stanguit The Vigil's Jester

    Jan 16, 2014
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    In the future peoples livers evolved to be near indestructible.