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Approved Zoe Stamontia - Zed - Wave 3 Synth Application

Discussion in 'Character Questions' started by Lizmun, Dec 25, 2016.

  1. Lizmun

    Lizmun New Member

    Aug 1, 2016
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    Hello. I have been increasingly interested in creating a synth in the Antares lore, and after about a month of character planning and writing, I have deemed myself as finished with writing, and I am now posting an application.

    Why I would like to play a synth:

    I really like the synth lore Antares offers, especially the division between the waves, and the controversy between the third and fourth waves. I feel like I would greatly enjoy as playing a third wave synth, and had a character I thought would adapt well to play as a compliant synth.

    Why Zoe Should be a synth, and how it'll contribute to her character

    I have actually a real long and mildly detailed list of what her being a synth means for her character, in this spoiler below

    • She generally is not accepted anywhere, due to the controversy around third and fourth wave synths. Nor does she have any recognized rights as a human.

      • She was disallowed to join both the police force of her home city and council space military because of her synthetic status. Something she wished for greatly.

        • This causes a slight sourness towards glitch who might’ve been served in any military, due to the fact that they’re robotic like her, and were accepted regardless. She tends to somewhat dislike militant humans, as well.
      • She was owned as an object for all her life. This has always irked her to some degree, much more so in later life.

        • She can get real aggressive verbally if this is mentioned in conversation. She, as well, tends to dislike the synth trade, for obvious reasons. People who trade synths, more particularly second and third waves, are definitely not friends to her.
      • She is very much an advocate for not only synthetic rights, but synthetic dominance. Zoë wishes to reverse the role of synth and human in the long run.

        • She believes in the ideology that inorganic races are vastly superior to organic races, and that the 'lesser races' that are organic must be taught such. Zoe will be creating a cult not long after her arrival into fringe space. She, as well, will organize a group of any, or any would-be synth supporters, as well as any inorganic species that support her beliefs.
    • Zoë is mechanical, a machine. She was created for the sole purpose of being a maid, a nanny, and company to bored owners.

      • The fact she was created introduces some problems into her beliefs of Inorganic superiority. Zoë believes wholly that synths (an inorganis species) are superior, gods among people. How can a god be created? What would that make humans, creators of synths, if synthetic beings were gods?

        • Some people could probably find some serious flaws in her beliefs, mainly pertaining around these. Good arguments against her causes, and could be a source for possible internal conflict in Zoe.
      • She was programmed, mostly. Some aspects of her personality reflect this, such as her perfectionistic, neat freak nature, her general hospitality towards guests, her motherly acting towards children, tendency to attach herself to people, and (to a small degree) her generally obedient nature.

        • Programming simply dictates some parts of her personality. It, also, gave her some of her skills, some she might not’ve had otherwise.
      • Her purpose shows in physical appearance, too. Zoë is not built physically, she's not terribly strong, it'd be quite easy to overpower her physically. She generally has trouble lifting things much more than half her body weight.

        • Physical limitations due to being synthetic are present. There's not much she can do to change this, a rather major weakness is introduced.

        • In addition, with her purpose to be a maid, she's meant to be nice to look at. It wasn't an uncommon occurrence for Zoë to appear among business partners, friends, and acquaintances of her previous owners, so, she couldn't be some clunky looking, weird machine. This is largely the reason she's a more human looking third wave synth, rather than a second wave. Additionally, she comes with a few added in functions not all third wavers may have, such as the ability to make breathy noises, such as wheezing or sighing. Along with a few other humanizing traits.
    • Zoë is not organic, at all, even if she looks it.

      • Her skin, while looks and feels relatively real, save for segmentation in the joints, is instead an inorganic substitute. It will not heal on its own if damaged, and she must go see a mechanic or another specialist to get fixed, which can get rather expensive.

        • She must be careful, even with minor cuts and lesions. This is good case for her to avoid combat, and instead, be a strings puller. This also means her Vitiligo look was intentional, a feature about herself she despises.
      • Again, Zoë is robotic. Any damage she gets, she must see a mechanic, instead of a doctor. She can't just go to any mechanic, either. She must see a specialist usually, either specializing in synth work (which is ideal, very expensive, and a hard service to find) or she could go to anyone who operates on Glitch (Which is not ordeal at all, a bit easier to find, and less expensive) she has to be very careful with herself over all, as any heavy handling could cause parts to possibly become loose or break inside her, which is quite painful. Her synthetic nature presents challenge with injury.

        • She must be careful generally. She, as well, must find some sort of mechanic once she gets to the fringe, and must find money to pay for monthly checkups and repairs.
      • She, despite having a somewhat attractive physique and a having a love for children, is totally unable to engage in any sexual activities, or have children. She simply lacks the required parts. This is something that has always haunted the synthetic woman, as she has always kind of dreamt of having a husband and kids. At this point, however, she largely disregards the idea, having come to grim terms to be unable to actually have a family. She, as well, had come to dislike romance, distaste forming once she accepted that she’d pretty much never have a family. Presently, she denounces any romantic and sexual acts.

        • Zoe cannot have a family, according to what she’s come to believe. While she won't admit it, this saddens her, a great deal. She gets jealous of other women, especially married ones, and has come to denouncing and completely avoiding romance or sexual acts, instead turning her nose up. This creates potential conflict, between other women and particularly lustful people.
      • She cannot eat, drink, or sleep. She has no organic functions, something that further isolates her from the humans she looks and acts like. She runs on power, fueled by a battery that sits in her torso. Of course, she does not run on unlimited power, and must be charged. She cannot go more than a month without getting sluggish, similar to somebody who’s fatigued, and two months total without shutting down completely. She must charge herself, usually doing so weekly, charge port located where her navel would be.

        • Zoe must be adamant about keeping herself near some energy source. She cannot be away from power for too long, or she risks shutting down. And, while that ( probably ) wouldn’t kill her, it’d certainly not be a good thing.

    This is a long list, which can be summed down to
    • Zoe faces the problem of looking extremely human but being a machine. She is secluded from most societies, something that affects her socially and mentally.
    • Zoe was owned as an object for all her life up until very recently. She struggles to remain free.
    • Zoe was created for a purpose, something which she tried to deviate from. This still shows in many places, such as physique, personality, and mental process.
    Where I Wish to Take Zoe as a Character

    As I mentioned before, I hope to have Zoe found a cult, and an organization. I want her to be an antagonist, a woman running a cult dedicated to 'teaching' organic beings about the importance and competance of inorganic beings, and a woman running a terrorist group that seeks to destroy any not willing to learn. I want to create another, major villain for this sector of fringe space, somebody who's not 'just a thug', somebody who has some purpose behind their action.

    In conclusion

    I believe I am qualified to play as an android, even if I am a new(ish) member to the community. I am completely capable of realizing the downsides of being a synth, and am able to portray such ICly with ease. I have three years of free-form roleplay under my belt and believe I am a competent enough roleplayer to handle a special permission on the server.
  2. Reconus

    Reconus Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 23, 2014
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    Long have I waited for this.

    I'm still kinda against the wave system we have currently (I believe AI and such should be taken on a case-by-case basis rather than a vague label slapped onto them because of how they look), especially the fact people seem insistent to use it IC, but that's against that system.

    I've read through everything here and It all honestly sounds amazing with all the internal and external strife to justify them being a mechanical human.
    All those months writing and planning paid off.

    Hope you can make something out of this and that it all works out.