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Zahret's Video Logs

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Solour, Aug 23, 2014.

  1. Solour

    Solour a dad

    May 26, 2014
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    **The Video Logs, would be found, in his private quarters, in his ship. Accessed, quite easily**
    Log One.

    *Camera focuses, on a yellow clothed individual, a golden colored skulled-mask, seen quite easily, his voice, slow, rough, yet soothing*
    "This would be....Log one, it seems...Several attempts...at capturing a girl, proved unsuccessful." *Stops for a moment, thinking* "Aelid, my own Disciple...Opened f ire upon me, freeing the girl" *Voice turns sharper, quickened* "The Heathen let the marked run free! The Marked shall be taken! How dare he, set the girl free! Not to mention....The damned fool, committed Treason!" "Aether will have her Wrath, upon him!" *Catches himself, fingers, slowly tapping upon the console, angrily chanting under his breathe, before resuming* "I-..../We/ captured Linette, my Saviour in White, yesterday...." *His voice turns saddened, more solemn, pace slowing* "He...Defied Aether's exact ways....Took her for..."Private" business....What has he done to her? I fear the child has been corrupted by the outside world..."
    "He's....I do not see him as the young pupil he once was...He shot at me....calling me weak. Weak? Weak! The fool! He shall be...
    *lays a finger, on his faceplate, thinking, after a while, slowly lays it down, laughing*...He shall be Silenced, Children..."

    *Reaches over, laughing, flicking the video off*

    //File End//