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Not Approved You Knew This Day Was Coming.

Discussion in 'Character Questions' started by Alaystus, Feb 18, 2017.

  1. Alaystus

    Alaystus Resident Art Bum
    Staff Member

    Jul 24, 2014
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    I'm here today to re-apply for Dallas the Skeleton. My apologies in advance.

    Dallas was (and is) a near-complete human male skeleton held together and operated by cybernetics, controlled by a "brain" located within the cranium. Two white (and purely aesthetic) optics shine from within the eye-sockets. Dallas lacks a lower jaw. Originally, I'd argued for Dallas being completely organic, functioning on an organic brain kept alive via electrical stimulation and oxygen intake. I later realized what an absolutely horrible idea this was, and asked the player who'd done the tests on him to let me retcon it. Dallas now operates on a synthetic brain, and controls realistic, but ultimately fake replica bones.

    The mechanical pro to playing Dallas is solely his lack of important vitals anywhere within his chest or abdomen. There is nothing for anyone to hit aside from his spine (and useless ribs). His only weak points are his cybernetics, his joints, and his head. The mechanical con to playing Dallas is the fact he's horribly weak and in almost all scenarios virtually harmless. He can't damage anyone or anything by hitting them, as he's got the opposite of super-strength. As far as synths go, he'd likely be considered fourth-wave. He's horribly mentally advanced; he speaks, acts, and thinks on par with a typical middle-aged human male with several mental issues. He's got no way to interface with technology other than touching it (physically, for example typing on a keyboard), and requires to be plugged into an outlet (typically via extension cord) for an undetermined amount of time at least once every four weeks or so, give or take depending on how active he is.

    Dallas as a character has had a history of being horribly annoying on both an IC and OOC standpoint, and I recognize this. IC, obviously, the character is typically viewed as freakish and unappealing, often furthering their unsettling presence by attempting to make a joke out of their own existence. OOC, Dallas has had a history of bluntly breaking the fourth wall. Character designs and ideas aside, I recognize this behavior is unacceptable, and can (and will) put a stop to it. I like to think that in certain situations this sort of behavior, if done subtly, can be comedic and enjoyable, but I'm willing to conform to any strict rules circling this issue. With that in mind, despite his behavior, I have not and will not meta-game(d) with Dallas. Any knowledge he's ever had, or has hinted at knowing is always irrelevant should he have no reason to know it. He never has drives nor hunches to seek out specific points of interest based on "meta-knowledge". I stand by this.

    Can this character be a Glitch?

    No. Not by our definition of Glitch, not by any sort of stretch of the concept. The motivation behind Dallas is to create a character that embodies irony, disphoria, grief, and depression, as well as the irrational method of coping with these aspects of his life. Mechanically speaking, his brain and thought-process alone is impossible for a Glitch to replicate. He's practically a human, which was why I'd wanted so badly for him to have once been human, completely human. Brain and all. But I just couldn't do it. I couldn't justify that. Dallas deals with the confusion and horror that he was once, or could have been human. He feels as if he might have been. He feels that if he tries hard enough, he can remember vague bits of his past. Yet, he knows that this likely isn't true, that his concept of self is synthetic. Fabricated. Dallas finds it difficult to cope with reality, often finding his sense of identity shattered and difficult to solidify. More than anything, he wants to give himself meaning, find a way to convince himself that his existence has a purpose. And to this, he can dedicate himself to nearly anything. Whether it's cleaning up Seafeather as a Janitor, or protecting Underside as a Goon in the shadows. Or perhaps it's just making the same bone-puns over and over for the rest of eternity.

    Dallas is a horrible train-wreck of a character. After everything I've written here, I can't possibly deny that. But behind the car-fire, underneath it, the burning, screaming person inside the car has many motives, feelings, and themes I'd like to present. I'd appreciate any questions, feedback, and decisions you may have. Thank you for your time.
  2. Reconus

    Reconus Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 23, 2014
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    Alright. Here goes nothing.

    I personally don't know anything if at all about Dallas, so I may as well start off and try and take this as unbiased as possible. I myself take a lot of interest in this idea - the kind of 'mad science' no one really dares do, yet someone took the time and effort to go do it. A forbidden courtship of chrome and organ, a machine of biological structure but mechanical nature. It brings something new to the table - if done correctly.

    But then one has to think over how such things work.
    The human skeleton is an advanced and complex thing by it self, and then you have to take into account the human body that - in essence - drives it. The skeleton supports the body, but then the muscle drives it. On top, there are over three-hundred or so bones.

    However let us presume that the cybernetic motors and the like are both strong enough (and placed well enough) to support him standing and drive him forward without complications. We supposedly have the tech after all.

    It then boils down to the character itself. You've made your case on how it would effect them, and I'm somewhat swayed, but will it be squandered or not?
    You mention especially his history, and judging by some responses (I recall a long while ago) sometimes when you bring him up the term 'annoying OOC and IC' is probably as accurate as it can get. You even mention the whole deal as a 'train wreck'. If the character has brought around so much grief and controversy before I have to doubt bringing him back now.

    You vow to improve and fix, but whether or not that will be the case we would have to see for ourselves. All I can say now really is: justify to us why he should be brought back.

    We know the character, and we know what they've done. What would Dallas' return mean for you and the server?
    How would we put this train wreck back on the tracks?
  3. Sam Fisher

    Sam Fisher Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2015
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    Closed down by request of submitter.