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yo, what's the etiquette?

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by whipping post, Mar 14, 2014.

  1. whipping post

    whipping post New Member

    Mar 14, 2014
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    maybe i'm jumping the gun here. i'll find out soon, i suppose, yeah?

    anyhow, what up y'all, i'm a new applicant to the server. i've been bouncing around a few of the other 'role play' servers on the server list but i've been generally unsatisfied. from what i hear this place is pretty tops, so fingers crossed.

    a little bit about myself. my name is west, and i generally prefer to be called that as opposed to my username or a permutation thereof. i've been rping now for thirteen years, mainly long-format play-by-post forum role play but there was a pretty significant chunk of time where i rp'd pretty heavily on wow. uh, character wise, i dunno. i usually play villains but that's on a site with pretty strict combat rules- i'm not usually one to step on toes in a more free-form environment.

    other than that, hmm. i'm pretty friendly, like animals better than people, and read too much manga.

    nice to meet you all.
  2. Izzida

    Izzida New Member

    Feb 3, 2014
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    Seems we've both gave about the same amount of years under our belt. You're fine, nice to meet you West. We've got lots of villains around here but hey, the more the merrier! If you want to be called west perhaps put a status on your little profile so it's your status message when someone looks at your icon. Or put it in your signature. Let me know if you have any questions. I'm pretty new to roleplaying on an server like this or any game of this scale really. But doesn't mean I can't help. Hopefully I'll run into you IC sometime with whatever characters you're making...well maybe not the villains so much...eitherway. Welcome to the server!
  3. SirFruitcakes

    SirFruitcakes New Member

    Feb 15, 2014
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    Nice to meet another fellow WoWaloid, I used to play just about nothing but WoW private servers myself.

    Again nice to meet you and welcome.
  4. The Grand Mugwump

    Dec 29, 2013
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    Yeah. Combat here is definitely more free form. I kind of like it though as it encourages more communication between parties in advance instead of random attacks and dice rolls. Of course, if people fail to communicate then....yep. Hope you enjoy your stay!