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Worm's Brown Journal

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by OminousMushroom, Apr 13, 2015.

  1. OminousMushroom

    OminousMushroom New Member

    Apr 19, 2014
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    Date: 4/11/2415

    I never thought I'd be writing a journal, I honestly thought that stuff was only for girls. I learned just recently that it really helps to clear the mind and just let out all the bad stuff so people can't judge you for it... unless, you know, someone looks at your journal. I don't think anyone's going to snoop, though, I hope not.

    I guess I should start out with how I got where I am now..

    Avoiding my difficult past I'll try to fast-forward into more recent events. I was abducted from my Grounded village by men in purple and black armor. They stole us away and shoved us into the cramped cells. Apparently we were going to be served as food to these... things. They clicked. A lot. It was terrifying. They only fed them the strongest of us, though.. I think it was because they didn't want the strong to revolt and release them, or something.. I don't know.

    Those of us who werent 'physically fit' were removed from the ship, marooned on uninhabited planets. They marooned us in pairs of two or three... some of them told us we had better chances of 'surviving' if we ate each other... kluex above I don't think I could even imagine doing something like that. I would be scarred for life..

    I was one of the weak ones, and thus I was marooned from the ship and left on this jungle-like planet, which was strange because most of the other planets were barren..

    ... what's also weird is that one of the armored guys gave me a damaged radio. Told me that it 'might' be able to be fixed.. with some tools, or something. Luckily my father taught me a minor bit of tinkering while we were still at the village.

    I was marooned with two other Avians, and things started to go downhill very quickly. We were surrounded by jungle and I had to hide my radio, otherwise they'd have probably thought I was in on some scheme. They started to go crazy real quickly. I felt like a third wheel for most of the time, and they got into a lot of fights with each other. I tried to tell them to shut up and help me forage for stuff but they always bickered with each other no matter what. I didn't even count how long we were out there.. it felt like months. Maybe a few years, even. I was still really young then and they didn't listen to me.

    Eventually things got dark. The older one, who I think was named Haylik, suddenly started attacking the other, Yakka, out of the blue. I tried to pry him off but he was too big for me, and he started beating the life out of Yakka. I don't know what came over me, I was just so tired of being ignored.. I took a large stick off the ground and whacked it over his head with all the force I could. That alone knocked him out, but he fell face-first into a really sharp rock, and...

    ... he died right then and there. I was shocked. I tried to tend to Yakka's wounds but they were really severe, and I didn't have any tools on me let alone any knowledge in first-aid.. I tried using leaves and vines to patch the bleeding, and he was recovering for some time.. but I think his wounds got infected. He died a few days later.

    With the two of them gone I felt like I was going to die too. There were big creatures out there and I was certain if I didn't get that radio working soon I was going to perish along with them.

    Eventually I got it to work. I used rocks and twigs and other stuff to adjust the... whatever it's called, and I don't know how but from some miracle I managed to get in contact with some Grounded Avians.

    The first two people to help me were Avians, one of them named Ziggy, the other named Alo. I feel like Ziggy didn't really trust me at first, and I could tell Alo was looking a little stressed, but.. that was probably because I was freaking out too much.


    I REALLY. REALLY. REALLY HATE BEAMING. It feels so awkward. It makes me sick.

    I squawked really loudly when we beamed up to the ship, and then down into the Warren.

    From there.. the Avians there have been taking care of me. There's Glauen, there's Alo, there's Ziggy, there's Sol, and some others, too.. like Gustwood and Sol and Fenics, but I haven't interacted with them too much. I hope things can calm down.

    The above entry was written before the next. The next entry is stained with tears that look like they've been smeared off.

    Date: 4/13/2415

    My own father abandoned me...

    I know it was him, when I saw him, but he acted like he's never seen me before in his life. We were so close when we were in the Grounded Village.. and.. I thought he disappeared when the village was attacked. I thought he escaped.

    He doesn't even remember my mother. Or any of my brothers.
    I hate that smelly, sloppy cloaca. I hate him for what he said. I can't believe after all that time.. he just pretends they no longer exist! He had no emotion in his eyes! Plucking hell!
    The rest of the page looks like its been viciously ripped off.