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Willow's Blueprints and Notes

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Smokestack, Apr 30, 2016.

  1. Smokestack

    Smokestack Bird man with a bird plan

    Aug 14, 2014
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    PROJECT 1 Entry for Antares Council Space: Heat Cannon or 'The Heater'

    Objective: Combustion of ammunition, disabling of lethal weaponry made of metals, and no harm to belligerent using microwave rays.

    ((sorry for brightness))

    Materials required for frame:
    1. Tungsten (Heat Resistance of 4300 degree Celsius.). Will require smelting after powdering process
    2. Titanium alloy. Will require heat treatment for hydraulic hammering.
    3. Carbon steel. Will require heat treatment through spheroidizing.
    Materials required for use:
    1. Graphene battery with gold nanowire to enhance lithium ion anodes. Will reduce charge time to 6 minutes.
    2. Plasma channel generator. Will ionize air and form path to target.
    3. "Microwave". Will fire microwave frequency concentrated through plasma channel.
    4. Tubing to introduce coolant from barrel to battery. Nanofluid consisting of silver nanorods.
    5. Heat dissipators and thermal conductive tape.
    6. Miscellaneous supplies.


    Microwave introduced in plasma channel:

    • Plasma channel ionizes gas in the air to break down the ions, heating air. The channel forms is linear.
    • Microwave ray is directed into plasma channel, moving the electrons in the air at a high speed.
    • The combination of the plasma channel and microwave ray will heat the air to approximately 1800 degrees Celsius.
    • Exposure to rays will cause superficial damage and possible 2nd degree burns while extended exposure will cause 3rd degree burns and possible combustion. Can't be avoided, I'm sorry.
    • Microwave rays will bounces around and spark metals.
    • Weapons will be arcing with electricity and be heated immensely.
    • Arcs will ignite ammunition inside weapons as microwave passes through weapon.


    • Production cost is an anticipated 2000 pixels. Maybe 1500 pixels given abundance of resources.
    • Pricing, if sold, is 3000 pixels. Maybe 2500 pixels depending on demand.
    I did quite a bit of research to make sure different parts are accurate. All of it is using current day tech pieced together theoretically. It'd be nice to see more futuristic weapons in the game rather than the same old current-day weapons. Each part of the weapon is accurate, or at least attempts to be, and if there is an error in how something works, assume that it is to make the system flow smoothly. The tech used in this weapon are of current day technology adapted into a weapon. IF you would like to see certain parts of the weapon in greater detail, there are wiki articles on Microwave, Plasma Channel, Tungsten, Titanium Alloy, Nanofluid, etc. You can find articles on Directed energy weapons, microwave guns, arcs forming on metals due to microwaves, combustion of ammunition from a microwave, and more online.

    #1 Smokestack, Apr 30, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 30, 2016
  2. Smokestack

    Smokestack Bird man with a bird plan

    Aug 14, 2014
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    Journal 1: Decisions on the Future
    Might as well keep my journal with my notes. After all, my notebooks are mess no matter how organized they are.

    I'm slowly starting to grow up. I'm 20 now. That means something in Avian years and it's time to really embrace some sense of maturity. I'm kind of joking because ever since I saw the Antarans back on Terra, it made me realize the person I didn't want to be. The kind of person that takes everything too seriously. The kind of person that can't take a joke. The kind of person who could leave someone for dead in the name of frontier justice and kill a man without regret.

    My mom died an Antaran by gunfire. My stepfather died an Antaran by nailbomb. My father is constantly going in and out of sector banging and making kids. I'm a bird out in a sector on his own in a land of carnivores. I have seen the people here and I must say that I never want to be them.

    People have always judged me based on my actions. With good reason. How else can you judge a person besides by the way they act? I just wish the prejudice and discrimination never extended beyond the abnormal. But I am better now. I'm going to have a business.: Willow Advanced Technology.

    Maybe people will take my work seriously. Maybe they won't. But I want to make a difference out here. I want to bring the best technology has to offer to this fringe of Council Space and give the people a means to peace rather than gunfire. Because the past as I've had it has been so brutal and tragic and I could never wish it upon anyone I will ever meet no matter how badly they have dismissed or treated me. I think that even if my actions don't bode well with people, my work will.

    There isn't much of a competition. There's Omega's thing. It's respectable for a butcher shop. Never would I ever condone ammo vending machines and the public selling of firearms without background screening of those purchasing. Not in these times. He can do his thing, but I'll do mine to end the use of firearms.

    Willow Advanced Technology is going to be great. With Greens as my partner again, I might make the name Willow-Green Tech. I'm pretty strongly against the production of weapons, but if we manage to figure out a way of making a nonlethal-lethal energy weapon variant, we may as well be able to hinder the sale of full-blown lethal weaponry. If I can get the heater design manufactured, I may be able to figure out how to compact the design to make disabling of kinetic weaponry more portable.

    All in due time.
  3. Smokestack

    Smokestack Bird man with a bird plan

    Aug 14, 2014
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    Journal 2: Settled and Ready- 5/6/2416
    Kind of realized I should probably date these things. I never really thought about dating my own personal thoughts really. They all just come out of me and it's hard to just put a date on a thought that could've been made long ago by me.

    I finally found a place to set up Willow Advanced Tech. I'm going to go with Willow-Green Tech from now on though. I think putting my partnership with Greens down as the company will be good for the both of us. I'm going to need to teach her my electrolaser design though as well as the basics behind metallurgy if we're going to make an effective duo. Our shop is set up on the floor above this place called The Drunk Tank. It's in a USCM bunker thing, so I at least know it'll be somewhat secure. What'll be great though is that the contracts we get there might come in handy. This is assuming that military groups actually want energy weapons. And that's assuming they want primarily nonlethal ones.

    I might dabble in lethal weaponry again. But I want the option for nonlethal to still be on the table. My mind weighs heavy on me and it's just a pain if I have to deal with a disaster. I read in Smoke's journal long ago about Little Green and hearing from his friends, it's clear that people can turn technology into a monster, so I'm going to need to work to stop that from happening.

    The shop's set up and ready. I should start production of the Heater as my side project and begin production of my old electrolaser designs. The materials have cheapened if my blueprints for the graphene battery design are accurate. I may want to consider avian crystals. That tech is weird and Mud seems like the place to go if I want to learn more about its properties. If I happen upon a guard or villager at Mud, I'll ask about their weaponry or energy resources.

    Things considered, my production plans are the following: The Matador v2, which is a lightweight version called the Picador; The Heater, which is the heat cannon for ammo combustion; The ELS-101, the Electrolaser Standard rifle modified based on my old design. My next project after the Heater should be the Frequency gun. Reading online about natural frequency put a lot of ideas in my head.
    1 person likes this.
  4. Smokestack

    Smokestack Bird man with a bird plan

    Aug 14, 2014
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    Journal 3: Contracted
    I was pretty nervous about making my first deal in Council Space. I had my new uniform on and I felt a lot more serious than how I usually felt. I felt like a business man and that's kind of weird. I'm going to need to break that habit. Going to need to stay true to my roots.

    Anyways, I made a deal with Ernie Ernmeister Ernster Ernal. Guy's nice, but is more of a prude than I am about peaceful means to an end. I can understand pacifism, though I wouldn't call myself one, it can only lead to one being abused. Sometimes you need to take some steps in preventing people from abusing you. But I sold him the Picador nonlethal only variant and I hope it is a step forward to peaceful resolutions. I need to figure out what my next designs should be for non-weapon related matters. I'm thinking of recreational activities.

    The contract has been set. Mud will only deal with Willow-Green Tech for nonlethal weaponry. I told Ernal that he can deal with other companies for other matters but I'm expecting to impress, so hopefully he deals with only us.
  5. Smokestack

    Smokestack Bird man with a bird plan

    Aug 14, 2014
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    Journal 4: Somehow a Wiseman
    So I became a Wiseman in a floran tribe. The Chief plant man Bootrider made me one under Greenpetal. It's interesting. I don't do well under authority figures. But I'll manage somehow. The main point of being in the tribe is to make sure that Green is safe because I need to have that sidekick with me. Also because I don't wanna see a savage floran tribe sprouting out of nowhere while I can do something about it.

    The tribe ain't that bad. The leadership is quite nice. I don't get paid in money, but I get paid in deeds and favors which can prove to be useful for some form of diplomacy in the later future. I'm hoping to expand my contracts out to other organizations as well. So far, I'm looking at the bunker marine people and this talk about a TQRF thing. I'll call them the Turf. Nobody likes Q's. I think people would benefit from a form of warfare that will at least minimize loss of lives as well as give people the option to prevent the loss of lives.

    Advertising is going to fail. Omega will likely be competing with me on the radio and starting arguments. Lost my head a bit, but I gotta grow up now. I'm a businessbird. I'll take over the weapons trade and then destroy it.

    Hopefully the smart people will go to me for a contract.