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Wilderness Colony Interest Check

Discussion in 'Roleplay Planning' started by dukeminiman, May 19, 2015.


Do you think that this could work/ is a good idea?

  1. Yes!

    6 vote(s)
  2. No!

    2 vote(s)
  1. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
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    I'm a bit late in making this seeing as how I've already started to make it as well as run a few minor events centered around the colony with a sort of "test" group, but I thought that this might be a good place to get feedback and see if anyone else would be interested in joining. Essentially, the colony is kind of like a sci-fi version of Oregon Trail, with most of the RP being fueled by problems that are caused by natural events (predators, cave ins, floods, famines, etc) and the characters' reactions to these problems. A few pf the people who are currently testing this out with me expressed an interest in me incorporating some horror aspects into the colony as well, and I'll be trying to add those in as best as I can. The end goal for the characters will be to turn the wilderness planet into a fully functioning colony that could then take a part in Antares's political scene. The biggest challenge that I see for this is that I would ideally like to keep everything within Antares's own economy (ie: buying all tools and materials need from other players) and to spawn as few things in without justification as possible while still being reasonable. I'm pretty new at running events and things of this nature so if anyone wants to give any feedback or suggestions then feel free to. If you want to become a part of these mini events then say so below or through a private message, either's fine with me.

    Wilderness colony with survival and horror aspects. Mini events and character building galore
  2. Awe

    Awe Gotta go fast!

    Jan 28, 2014
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    maybe have it as an old colony thats overrun with some kind of plague or whatever and they're the lone survivors, and all the universal radios and means of communication are destroyed or dont work for some reason otherwise they'd just be like 'yo help us'. i like this, a really isolated event that removes a lot of the sci-fi elements we take for granted and keeps your freedom locked down, forces co-operation or death to happen and can lead to really interesting things in the future. if you want help building or need people involved, i'd love to get in on this so long as its similar to what ive said and im not misunderstanding you
  3. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
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    You're pretty close to what's already there. I'm using a modified version of one of the abandoned mines that the game spawns in naturally. Currently, all of the events have centered around exploring and clearing out said cave. At this point I can't decide on whether or not I want to build an underground settlement like the one that you've described above, where everyone (or almost everyone) is dead/gone, or if I want to have the colony expand onto the surface. The original intention was for the colony to eventually grow into a farming settlement. I suppose I could honestly do both, or even just have some underground farms (which could be cool).

    Edit because I forgot something: I could always use some more characters involved, especially since I want it to turn into a populated colony. Alternatively, if you just want to help me come up with ideas then let me know and I'll add you into the event planning conversation that I have
  4. Awe

    Awe Gotta go fast!

    Jan 28, 2014
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    maybe have the place like a walled off colony with zombies or something inside and the people outside trying to build up so they can get in and grab a ship or radio? makes this a long term objective based event with a select group of people playing characters, kind of like a movie really. i dunno im just suggesting what id like to see, you do it your way if you disagree
  5. Awe

    Awe Gotta go fast!

    Jan 28, 2014
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    If you decide to pursue this let me know, I've got a character already in mind for it maybe.
  6. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
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    Oh I'm definitely pursuing it. It was the colony that Reed show'd you earlier if you play the Greg that I think you do