Hello, everyone. In about a month, on October 30th, we're planning on completely purging all whitelist accounts to clear out the old and unused whitelists that we have. The reason for this mainly has to do with us wanting to make all whitelist usernames the same as the player's forum username, both for technical and administrative purposes, but it'll also be a huge help to clear out whitelists that simply see no more use. This purge does not mean you'll have to reapply, but we will need to know who all is still active and has a whitelist. There'll be a form you can fill out that asks only for your whitelist username; This form will help us document who all has submitted one by storing them in a place staff can easily access and view. Once we confirm that you currently have a whitelist, we'll create a new one for you after the purge is complete and nothing more will be needed from you. This is a rather important announcement for a pretty massive change, which is the reason for this being posted so far in advance. We wanted to give everyone enough time to see this message and fill out the necessary form so that their whitelist can be remade after the purge, but we do realize that some people may not visit the forums very often, or may be taking a break but still plan on returning at some point. If you happen to know someone that may not see this announcement, it would be greatly appreciated if you filled them in on what's going on or directed them here. EDIT - Kazyyk: Here's the form you can use to submit a whitelist reservation request: https://www.antaresroleplay.com/applicationform/reservation.5/form That's all for now folks, have a nice day/night.
I edited the post and added the reservation request form. Note that the form will only allow you to use it if you're recognized as already having a whitelist.
I think you should make this the announcement on the top of the forums page, I would've missed it if I didn't see your name under most recent post.
Hi, I'm here, I'm technically alive, but last weeks satanic ritual kinda threw things off a bit. Heck, I'm still scrubbing ancient runes off the wall! Anyways yes hi dont purge pls. Im probably going to return to the server because of reasons