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What? Oh, hello

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Mystyice, Feb 14, 2014.

  1. Mystyice

    Mystyice New Member

    Feb 14, 2014
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    Hi, I'm, uh, Mystyice.
    You probably already know that.
    >.> Where am I again?
    I like Starbound. And roleplaying. I guess.
    So, yeah, uh, I'm here :D

    I'm a bit lost, even though I've read the guides. I'd really appreciate it if someone showed me around!
    I literally joined today.
    So, uh, yup!
    *shuffles away awkwardly*
  2. Paeonia

    Paeonia New Member

    Jan 24, 2014
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    If you have any questions about the roleplaying world or just questions in general about the server, just ask :)
  3. Mystyice

    Mystyice New Member

    Feb 14, 2014
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    Oh, hokay :p

    Do I need to apply to the server to roleplay a character on the forums? (Probably not, I think, but just making sure)
    And what's with all the "chaotic neutral" stuff behind characters?
  4. Paeonia

    Paeonia New Member

    Jan 24, 2014
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    Welp, not exactly sure what you were asking in the first question. Assuming you meant that is it necessary to start your character on the actual game before posting with him/her on the RP forums.
    The answer is, well, there is no rule forbidding it and I'm sure many people have been setting up roleplays for characters that are 'Works in Progress' using the RP forums.
    If you meant 'Do I need to fill in the registration for a new character before making posts with that character in the IC thread'.
    Well, you can't access the IC threads without getting approved first.

    Second, I'm sure if you've had experience roleplaying in games like DnD or any other table-top RPG, all characters and creatures have alignments.

    Good- Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Chaotic Good
    Neutral - Lawful Neutral, Neutral-Neutral, Chaotic Neutral
    Evil- Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil, Chaotic Evil

    Lawful Good- Characters that are Lawful Good are generally the knights in shining armour that have a strict rule of conduct and are honour-bound to save the innocent. Think Batman, or Superman.
    The weakness in these characters are, however, sometimes they can't choose between upholding the law or doing what's best. (And you know there are many laws that can do more harm than good)

    Neutral Good- A character that, while is still chivalrous and is similar to the Lawful Good characters and have a rule of conduct, it's still not as strict and these characters are not honour-bound to save innocents and merely follow their intuition and moral compass to do what's right, which normally ends up being the better option. A very typical character archtype. Think people like Spiderman, Dumbledore or Gandalf. They don't necessarily follow the law, but they do what's right.

    Chaotic Good- These are the extremists rebels. The ones who fight and kill to uphold true justice. They try to bring down an oppressive force to free the people. Think of characters like Robin Hood, the Rebels from Star Wars or that one guy from Firefly, the captain dude.

    Lawful Neutral- These characters are similar to Lawful Good characters, but they don't necessarily go for either the good or bad choice. They just do whatever their society, religion or orders from their king tells them to do. Example, a soldier. He isn't necessarily doing something in favour of either alignment on his own accord. He just follows whatever rules has been set down by his society/religion. Can't really think of a good media icon for this alignment.

    Neutral-Neutral- These characters don't have any alignment and would rather stay neutral. Either to benefit themselves in the form of money or comfort or to keep themselves safe. They can do evil things like kill and steal and good things like saving damsels in distress but they don't do it because they're evil or good. They do it for the money/convenience/survival. Example- the Nanite Systems company from Planetside 2.

    Chaotic Neutral- These characters generally do whatever it takes to become free. They don't necessarily do it for the greater good or evil, but they do it for themselves. Example, Jack Sparrow from POTC

    Lawful Evil- These characters are simply characters that follow a strict code of conduct but the rules they follow are cruel and merciless and these characters do these out of spite, but also to maintain order and a structure in their society.
    Not sure of an example, but Boba Fett comes to mind.

    Neutral Evil- A Neutral Evil character is typically selfish and has no qualms about turning on their allies-of-the-moment, and usually makes allies primarily to further their own goals. They have no problem in causing trouble for others but they don't bother to do it just for the carnage and destruction. Example - CatWoman, I think, Mystique from X- Men and I think Deadpool counts too.

    Chaotic Evil- These are the truly evil characters. They don't care about rules or lives and simply live for destruction. They do favour personal freedom, but, unlike Chaotic Neutral characters, they'll go out of their way to enslave others.
    Examples- Satan :p Bowser, I guess. Not many I can think of right now.
    #4 Paeonia, Feb 15, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 15, 2014
  5. Mystyice

    Mystyice New Member

    Feb 14, 2014
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    Oh, boi, denks :3
  6. Paeonia

    Paeonia New Member

    Jan 24, 2014
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    Sorry 'bout the huge text dump :L
    Hope you don't get turned off :3
  7. Aleiksei

    Aleiksei New Member

    Jan 3, 2014
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    Ayyy welcome!
  8. Mystyice

    Mystyice New Member

    Feb 14, 2014
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    Hi dere
  9. Mystyice

    Mystyice New Member

    Feb 14, 2014
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    Wait, how can I edit my signature? :eek: