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What happened to the days of having fun?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Julius Mayne, Nov 30, 2014.

  1. Julius Mayne

    Julius Mayne Member

    Jun 2, 2014
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    Exactly my question. When did we all get so wrapped up in our own drama that we ended up here? I write this with heavy hand and heart as I have realized that the community has changed. I remember my first week on the Antares server. I wasn't too good at role-playing and the concept seemed entirely foreign to me. Yet, I applied anyways because it was the middle of summer and I was looking to get my Sci-fi literature fix.

    What resulted was one of the greatest things I have ever done on the internet. I came in the server and made a b-line for Taranis. I was unaware of the in-game lore regarding Florans and I was almost immediately killed and eaten by ravenous Florans. Point is, I had a whole lot of fun doing that. I was laughing at my characters comedic ignorance and just generally having fun with the situation.

    After that, I was hooked on RP. I was hooked on the situations and the stories this server could tell. I was making friends and developing one of my most interesting characters on the server. I very rarely dealt with OOC conflict because Julius was a non-combatant character so this server was all the more enjoyable.

    What I loved most, and what I still love is the people. You guys, despite the misgivings that we all have, are great. This community was here for me even when I was going through rough times in the real world. Now, I know that seems a bit overly emotional, but it seems to be the only proper response I can give to how awesome you guys are.

    That's why it pains me so much to see us fight among ourselves. This community is exactly that, a community. A group of people with a common interest. A group of people who just wanted to play a videogame and have fun. What happened to that? What happened to when I would log on just so I could see what hilarious antics were happening at the Wolve's Den. We don't need to be like this. We don't need to constantly fight, complain, bicker, and treat each other like we are not human.

    When it comes down to it, we aren't just text on a screen. We are people. I see you all as people. Not just people I can be angry at and blame for whenever something goes wrong, but people that I want to see improve. People that I want to see do better. People that I want to joke with, and hang with, and play videogames with.

    I came here and I learned so much. This community, in it's own way, has made me a better person. I look back on things that I said and did and realized that you guys helped me realize the difference between right and wrong when I needed to know it. So why do we bicker? Why do I sit here and see so much conflict, so much anger, and hate, and hurt feelings, and arguing, and just generally being rude to each other. This isn't some big serious thing, this is a game that isn't even complete yet. This is a game that won't be complete for another year. Look at us, look at us tearing ourselves apart over a videogame.

    I just want us to all be friends again, I know we can do it. We can get over petty arguments, harsh words, and odd vendettas. We're human, so that means we can look past the small things. We can learn to laugh and share great memories together here. Right now, this is actually causing me to be sad. To actually /feel/ something over the fact that we have practically torn each other apart.

    I don't understand how some people can think that I hate them or dislike them. In fact, most of the people I argue with here I find are actually really cool people. Yet, we allow ourselves to argue and judge others when we barely know who they are. We don't take the time to learn each others jokes, stories, names, personalities, and interests.

    I can already predict some of the responses on here. "The server is always going to be like this," or the "Hello kettle, names pot" responses I usually get from Fiery Wither Rose on almost every thread I put up. Yet, I am simply trying to show that I am willing to make this community better. I want us to be that community that people look at and say "Damn, I wish I was in that community." I want us to be a community again. I just want my friends to have fun. I want us to laugh, I want us to cheer, and I want us to have a hell of a time playing our favorite game.

    I thank all those who have taken the time to read this, I am sorry things have become this way in our community. I will try my best to help others. To help anyone. Even if you don't like me, I will still talk to you like you're my best friend. I will help you improve and you will help me improve. However, I am only one person, I will need the support of others for us to be a community again. Thank you all for being a wonderful community and writing the great story that is the Antares sector.

    - Joshua Wilson
  2. Julius Mayne

    Julius Mayne Member

    Jun 2, 2014
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    Sorry for the over sentimentality for those who are prone to hating emotion. :p
  3. Julius Mayne

    Julius Mayne Member

    Jun 2, 2014
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    No comments?
  4. Senpai

    Senpai Uguu~

    Sep 7, 2014
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    I gave it a read, and I agree with it, all of it
    Not much else I could think to say that you didn't already, well spoken, man
  5. Redwilt

    Redwilt Washed up has been

    Jan 21, 2014
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    Im commentin dat u shuld b les emoshunul. Nurd.

    Kidding. 10/10.
  6. Optimism

    Optimism Guest

    You're hopelessly idealistic. And yet…

    It's a little touching.
  7. Jnick22

    Jnick22 New Member

    Aug 23, 2014
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    Embracing the fact that real people live on the other side helps stop this sort of problem. I'd like to think I havent antagonized anyone on here IRL. I have seen the bickering and fighting, and find it ridiculous. I wish people just knew. Anyway, December just started. I need to put up the tree.
  8. Sen

    Sen Guest

    1). you have victim syndrome, reality is 99% of the server does not care about you
    2). without some form of action against abysmal RP, the community will eventually turn into nothing but chaotic good insert-evil-race-here (Florans) dickgirls, this is true for all RP communities with an inactive staff and anti-drama policies
    3). most of the decent roleplayers have already left / been scared away by the endless edgelords who trample all over common courtesy in their quest to prove they have the biggest e-penis
  9. Optimism

    Optimism Guest


    You should write poetry
  10. Sen

    Sen Guest

    Ultimately, it boils down to this: you can't cater to both casual and serious roleplayers. Pick one, or the decision will be made through months of drama and flaming and you'll be left with everyone too stubborn to leave (protip: the stubborn ones are the cancer who are too stubborn to fix their RP).
  11. Weavle105

    Weavle105 Back in Black.

    Jan 17, 2014
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    I remember my first week or so on the server, quite similar to your experiences, except with a little more experience under my belt. I will not lie, I really liked Avalon, that was a damn-fun colony for me... I miss the times when I could actually have fun roleplaying... :/
  12. Finestein Goodlad

    Finestein Goodlad Wizard Mod

    Mar 27, 2014
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    Writing obvious things (with a pinch of hypocrisy) isn't poetry.

    As for Julius. You just got to know the community and it's flaws. Ofcourse it is not's fun anymore. A new community, which is new to explore is always more fun. Plus the roleplaying communities are very specific. You might learn why and see the difference if you'll explore more roleplaying groups.
  13. Optimism

    Optimism Guest

    First we must ask ourselves, what is poetry?
  14. Destroyer713

    Destroyer713 New Member

    Mar 6, 2014
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    Honestly, I feel the major problem is the fact that people have different opinions on what RP here should be like. These differing opinions lead to drama because, well, this is the internet. People have a tendency to flame others who have different opinions than them on the internet.

    Honestly, I rarely make OOC posts because of all the drama in this community, and because I'd rather not deal with those whose opinions differ from mine and will not hesitate to force their own opinions down my throat, or just throw insults at me. I've even considered leaving the community a couple times because of the s*** fest I see on the forums all the time.

    As much as I hate to admit it, unfortunately, the only way this problem will ever be fixed is if this server only caters to a specific type of RP. Be it ultra-gritty realistic RP, somewhat more casual RP, or a contest of who can be the biggest edgelord. Too bad this will more than likely force me to leave because I'll wind up disliking the RP the server would then cater to.

    Then again, I imagine lots of people would love to see me gone anyways. I'm obviously just some attention whore who wants to be a special snowflake and attract the pity of others, right?
  15. Node

    Node Literal Edgelord

    Jan 26, 2014
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    I've always felt that variance in RP in the server was fine. I remember a time when super serious stuff would blend just fine with the more casual stuff. It felt like civilian involvement in military affairs.

    Unfortunately you'll realize though that Antares is the lesser of evils. Despite sometimes being a little bit of a "No fun allowed" zone, you'll realize that the lack of fun you are allowed to have is actually the thing that makes Antares fun. For instance, Galaxy citizen is chaos. There is really only one place to go, and its usually filled with OOC chatter, and crappy edgy characters that have wings or "are vampires". Ilovebacons is an unfortunate disaster which barely qualifies as roleplay. And Serenity from what I remember is a super no fun zone where... they actually make you play Starbound... that they modded to make resource gathering harder.

    Suddenly Antares looks a whole lot nicer. Enough freedom to have fun, but not too much to suck. Okay, yeah mercs and Florans get a little played out. I can admit I've had bad RP experiences here, but I've also had good ones.

    You want fun? Use your character bring a unique roleplaying experience to everyone else. I am sure that they will reciprocate.
  16. The Big Bad Wolf

    Feb 25, 2014
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    I think we just need to read between the lines.

    1.The mods won't make an outright decision and separate the community by announcing the server to be only mild, moderate or heavy rp only.

    2.The Community has a vast amount of different perspectives and opinions on what the server should be.

    With those two facts present there really is only one solution.

    Either you accept that this server will have a little bit of everything, and enjoy the areas of rp you like and avoid the areas of rp you don't.



    There is no one messiah in the community who is going to alter everyones opinions. The only people capable of changing the rules of the game is the mods and more specifically, Kaz and they don't want to discourage people and how they rp or learn to rp. They just want us to be mature.

    I really think its that simple. Sooner people either accept the server or leave the better.
  17. Narfball

    Narfball narfball

    Dec 22, 2013
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    my two cents

    it died after avalon died

    like seriously
    after avalon died the server just started to slowly become less fun
    note how i haven't played on the server for about a month and some change now
    the server isnt fun
    its work.
    im not here to work im here to pretend im here to have fun
    but if i cant even do that?
    theres a problem

    i'll write you a poem

    fuck you people who made edgelords
    you suck
    less than three
    colon carrot right parenthesis

    and here have a funny image too

    View attachment 2764

    Attached Files:

  18. Finestein Goodlad

    Finestein Goodlad Wizard Mod

    Mar 27, 2014
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    Poetry is video games.
  19. The Big Bad Wolf

    Feb 25, 2014
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    Edgelords, RealLifers, and the moderate players are all here to stay bud.

    Log out, or Log in. That's your call.
  20. Optimism

    Optimism Guest

    The staff already prefers serious role play over casual or whimsical role play, so the catering decision has been made as far as I know.

    Drama's just a constant, but I have seen little to no flaming on here while I've been here.