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Well I'm back again ! -_-

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by joeingram318, Aug 25, 2014.



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  1. joeingram318

    joeingram318 New Member

    Feb 5, 2014
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    Well I'm back and I'm happy to say that, the last time I said that there were large problems with the server and that's why I took a break.... But after 10 minutes of finding my old password I'm happy to sign in to Star Net. But man has the world changed... Just curious what happend to the USMC?? But any ways after months of not playing on the server or starbound for that matter both have made great leaps forward! I will be playing but not alot like i used to because of school (freshman) and hope to be playing with you guys!!!! And I want a new idea for a roleplay character! Comment down below -Joe
  2. Malachar

    Malachar Heir to Madness

    Feb 1, 2014
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    Welcome back to Antares.

    In a nutshell, Central command came to arrest human members of the USAF, and execute the "xenos", as they felt joshua was unfit to lead with many of his choices. Naturally, they didn't approve, and now the whole group and a few of the civs are on the run hopping from place to place lying low.

    Won't say where we are atm to prevent possible Meta from anyone who might be after our hide.

    TLDR: USCM is kill, boss came in and tried to shoot everyone, they run away as fast as they can, colony destroyed