1. These forums are archived and available in read-only format. No new accounts may be created and content may not be added or edited. This archive is dedicated to hoshiwara.t who tragically passed away in April of 2015. She will be forever missed.

Welcome to Anchorhead.

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Mitzi the Floran, Sep 11, 2015.

  1. Mitzi the Floran

    Mitzi the Floran Sufferer of Prawnsequences

    Jan 4, 2014
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    Welcome to Anchorhead.
    Anchorhead is a business / future settlement located in Council Space, at the Coordinates X49, Y-8 on the Fifth planet from the sun in the Pegasi Expanse. Those wishing to come to come to Anchorhead will be welcomed with open arms provided they treat others with the respect other sentient beings deserve.

    Things to note when paying a visit:
    Anchorhead is situated on a frozen planet, so when visiting, some kind of insulating clothing is advised. Upon arrival you'll be at a teleporter in front of a large frozen ocean and some logs tied together to form a dock. Ascend up the stone stairs carefully, as sometimes water freezes on the surface and makes them slippery and you'll arrive at the entrance to Anchorhead, The Anchorhead Lighthouse. When arriving press the red button to call the elevator and the elevator will arrive in approximately ten seconds. This will take you to the main area of the business, which contains both a restaurant, a bar, and rooms for rent.
    This area is heated by geothermal energy and as such it as kept at a cozy Seventy degrees. Please exit the elevator in a quick fashion as to keep the cold air out of the warm air as much as possible.

    Facts about Anchorhead:
    Anchorhead was created when a dilapidated research station was purchased and renovated. Only the first Floor of Anchorhead is fit for human occupancy and as such the lower floors have been locked so that the elevator will not visit them without a Basement Elevator Key. The floors below have been long since abandoned for hundreds of years, and the station itself rests above an inactive volcano, heated by the geothermal energy the Magma provides.​
    Dangers of Anchorhead:
    The Basement floors of Anchorhead beyond the first are very dangerous, and entering them unprepared could cost the intruder their lives. The owner will be gathering groups of explorers and engineers to delve into the darkened sectors of Anchorhead regularly to cleanse them of filth, decay, and solve the mysteries as to why the station was abandoned in the first place. If you wish to apply for a role in one of these expeditions you will be paid handsomely for your attendance, and as the floors of the undersea station are cleared, Anchorhead will grow larger as a whole, spurring it into new levels of growth and prosperity.​

    Rules of Anchorhead:​
    1. Respect other sentient beings, treat others as you wish to be treated in kind. While by no means are you required to be civil with one another, you should not commit violent crimes on other sentient while visiting Anchorhead.
    2. Small sidearms no larger than a handgun are permitted at Anchorhead for self-defense reasons only. If you brandish your sidearm for a non-defensive reason you're effectively giving everyone who feels threatened by you carte blanche to act as they feel is necessary to remain safe, so try to keep this in mind to keep the fighting to a minimum.
    3. Drugs other than Alcohol are not permitted in the restaurant or bar area of Anchorhead. If you must abuse illegal substances you are required to do it in the cold outside the lighthouse so that when you inevitably pass out you'll die from frostbite and we can kick your corpse off the dock so that the native sea life can make a feast of your body.
    4. Slavery of other sentient beings breaks the First Law of Anchorhead, and is not allowed. Assault, Battery, Theft, and violent crimes against another sentient also fall into this blanket as well.
    5. While private security firms and other militaristic groups are allowed in Anchorhead, it must be treated as a Neutral ground due to treatises established with The Council and Council space as a whole. No helmets are to be worn and faction insignia are to be displayed clearly so that identity can be distinguished.
    6. Ships may be moored on the island west of Anchorhead if you wish to do so. The gravity in Anchorhead is slightly lower than Traditional gravity so the escape velocity is lower which allows smaller ships to come in atmosphere. The gravity level of Anchorhead is 0.944x.

    Employment in Anchorhead:
    Anchorhead is currently seeking employees for the following positions, which can be applied for with a resume attachment to this Starnet Post ID. Resume must include a Name, a means by which to contact you, prior qualifications for the requested position, and the position for which you are applying.
    Expedition member (x4)
    Sous Chef (x1)
    Scientists (x2)
    Waiters or Waitresses (x1)
    Construction Contractors (x3)
    Fishermen (x5)
    Hydroponicists (x1)
    Doctors or Medical Professionals (x2)

    What if I'm interested in real estate in Anchorhead?
    In the event that you wish to expand and develop your business in Anchorhead, all you have to do is apply to This Starnet Post with your name, business type, qualifications, and requested space. If your application is approved (OOC: It's always approved) contact the Owner and she will set up time for you to hire a construction crew and begin building your business in question onto the Anchorhead station.
    Note: Currently space in Anchorhead is at a premium until new sectors of the Anchorhead station are cleaned and explored, purged of flora and fauna, and rebuilt and secured to withstand water pressure. The more expeditions take place, the more space will become available for businesses. Currently there is enough room on Anchorhead to support two to three additional businesses while simultaneously supporting Anchorhead employees. Additional bunks may be build as resources become available. Currently there are four rooms available for rent or purchase at Anchorhead to accommodate evacuees from The Antares Sector.​
  2. Tallen

    Tallen New Member

    Dec 23, 2014
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    *Logged in as [email protected]*

    The citizens of Antares has only just escaped a destructive force that wiped their planets out and sent them scattering to the edge of core space... and you build a restaurant when the others are still stuck in improvised refugee camps.

    Your priorities are fairly skewed, I believe.
  3. Mitzi the Floran

    Mitzi the Floran Sufferer of Prawnsequences

    Jan 4, 2014
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    There's still an entire sector of people who haven't been affected by a cataclysm, and far be it from me to create a place that creates jobs where refugees can work for a meal and a spot in the cellar with food in their gut. I've offered refugees that have ships the opportunity to moor theirs on the planet, I've offered those with qualifications the opportunity to get a job with a roof over their head instead of wasting away in a camp, and I've created a place where those same refugees can get a bite of delicious food and drink in their gut instead of the rice and water you'd get from one of the refugee camps you tout so highly.

    So before you start talking about who has their priorities straight I would suggest you read a very good book that I would consider one of the top three must read books for those who don't know what they're talking about. "Capitalism for Dummies". For a belief that guides the very hand of all of the cosmos more-so than any religion you would expect more people to know about basic economic principles. Antares refugees are creating a demand for food, water, places to live, and any other basic living needs they need to fulfill. I am supplying those things which they require.

    Sentient-kind has come close to extinction many times throughout the history of the universe, and always have they persevered. I doubt this instance will be any less showing of their ability to survive in times of crisis.

    -Anchorhead Administration
  4. Tallen

    Tallen New Member

    Dec 23, 2014
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    *Logged in as [email protected]*

    Yes. Your priority is profit in a moment of crisis is to make the most money and abuse the poor people who have no home and food from the exodus.

    I simply urge everyone to find a proper refugee camp and seek monetary aid of the council to set up a proper colony.
  5. Mitzi the Floran

    Mitzi the Floran Sufferer of Prawnsequences

    Jan 4, 2014
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    I suggest they find a job in this sector full of opportunity to pay for the things they want instead of looking for handouts like beggars.

    - Anchorhead Administration
  6. Darkwhip

    Darkwhip That Russian-Canadian-Nazi

    Jan 5, 2014
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    *Logged in as Neko-Kawaii*

    Hello, I must agree with you. Your initiative is good and the refugees aren't forced to buy to your place anyway, so I don't see how this could be wrong or bad toward them. Also, creating job opportunities is the best way to flee the refugee ''position'' and retrieve a more adequate living style ? I suppose what I'm saying isn't stupid, at least not entirely.

    I wish for all refugees to be healthy and safe.
  7. Elon Hyperion

    Elon Hyperion New Member

    Aug 27, 2015
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    [Logged in as "Hyperion1"]

    Is it here I put in the Resume? If so...

    While I have no true prior experience, I, Elon Hyperion, would
    Like to, if there is still positions available for it, be an Expedition member.
    I understand it can and will be very dangerous, but I have an insatiable curiosity.
  8. Mitzi the Floran

    Mitzi the Floran Sufferer of Prawnsequences

    Jan 4, 2014
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    Very well, I suppose I can include you in the Expedition Elon. Meet up at around 5PM EST tomorrow after you Moor your ship and you and the other members can go down there and poke around and clean that place up. Hopefully we'll have three more people in addition to yourself before tomorrow around 5 or so.
  9. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    Plucking hell... and I thought Florans were brutal. If this is how they treat the misguided or unfortunate addicts, then imagine how they handle the justice system.
    - blackbeak573
  10. Kirby teh Pink

    Kirby teh Pink Puts the Coo in Cool

    Feb 4, 2014
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    I wasn't aware this empty sector was inhabited... maybe they're all a rare type of invisible novakid? Also, I'd like to point out the humans and Hylotl do not make up the entirety of "Sentient-kind", despite how they may act. -Skarti
  11. Mitzi the Floran

    Mitzi the Floran Sufferer of Prawnsequences

    Jan 4, 2014
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    Yes because all addicts are just poor unfortunate souls seeking to get one more hit into their system and were addicted through no fault of their own. All civilized colonies ban drug use for a reason, It makes people act irrationally and interferes with the safety of other individuals. Just by association, That breaks Anchorhead's first rule. They wouldn't want to hang out with a Drug addict that could trip at any moment, therefore you should not be subjected to the same by them. God forbid someone have a drug trip in a civilized area and someone die because of it, No. It's always poor unfortunate souls.
  12. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    Starnet Network Connect code: QFJLCI2CNK
    Tetragrammaton Network System:
    USCM Babylon Encryption: Online
    USCM Jericho Decoder: Translating
    Demigod Interface: Initiated
    Mana Port: Linked
    Host Line: Connected
    Karma System V5.86 CS: Actuating
    Reincarnation Post Processing: Accessed
    Login ID: None2

    Anchorhead Administration,

    I am seeking employment at Anchorhead either as Expedition Member, or general labor. I have enough skill for both. I have little issue as a work horse. Transmitting over resume.

    Secondary Starnet Network Connect code: CHU2JS2IQ7
    Tetragrammaton Network System:
    USCM Babylon Encryption: Online
    USCM Jericho Decoder: Online
    Unknown Server:
    Name: Lamant Cranston
    Address: Jenksin Frigate
    Starnet Contact Information: None2
    Employment history:

    Hivemind Glitch (2363-2409)
    Self-Aware Date: 2409

    USCM (2409-2415)
    Service Length: 6 years
    Squadrons (Organic Support):
    Warring Choppers
    Dura Guard
    Canner Spearhead
    Highest Rank: Corporal
    Duties: Classified
    Personality: USCM Psychological evaluation states that I have PTSD, lack of emotional connections with other people, dedicated and loyal personality toward team mates. Also examination states that I can work in unsupervised situation and lead when needed.
    Skills: Extensive Military training, various weapon expertise, first aid field patching glitch.
    Reason for leaving: Honorable Discharge

    Cy's Farms Inc. (2415-2415)
    Position: Ranch hand
    Duties: Grow various trees for wood farming.
    Reason for leaving: Presumed Company Collapse.

    Hobbies: Observe Organic
    Awards: Classified
    Transfer to Anchorhead Administration
    ......Transfer complete.
    150kb Document Transferred.
    Tetragrammaton Network System:
    USCM Babylon Encryption: Online
    USCM Jericho Decoder: Online

    If there is anything else you require feel free to connect me.

    Lamont Cranston

    Tetragrammaton Network System:
    USCM Babylon Encryption: Online
    USCM Jericho Decoder: Translating
    Logoff ID: None2
  13. Mitzi the Floran

    Mitzi the Floran Sufferer of Prawnsequences

    Jan 4, 2014
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    That's two thusfar, If that Avian from last night shows up that's three. So we need one more.
  14. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    They're still people, Hylotl. I thought you'd understand that.
    Guess I was wrong.
  15. Mitzi the Floran

    Mitzi the Floran Sufferer of Prawnsequences

    Jan 4, 2014
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    To everyone who was a part of the expedition, I'd like you all to fill out a report listing your account IDs so I can pay you all. To those seeking an interview drop me a line here.
  16. yoyohaloreach

    yoyohaloreach New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Alive corrosive slime down there what the he'll was this place for?
    Quite the dangerous environment.