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We can't all be friends

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by The Big Bad Wolf, Nov 17, 2014.

  1. The Big Bad Wolf

    Feb 25, 2014
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    This is a fact.

    As futile as the purpose of this thread is I'm going to write it anyways to kill some time at work.

    I've been around since near the start of the server more or less and one thing never changes. Drama.
    The amount of negativity this community spews from its pores is incredible. Bashing each others creativity be it faction or character related ad nauseam.
    The community is relentless at putting people and ideas down at the whim of something new. The RA, USCM, Armored Wolves, The Order, and I am sure there are others have all experienced some form of hatred, negativity or bashing at some point of time.

    The thing is this is inevitable. We can't all like the same things. Some prefer heavy rping, others moderate, some mild, and some would bash rpers in general calling us all nerds. Personally I feel I am more of a moderate rper, I enjoy a more serious tone of fantasy, dark gritty rp. While others may prefer playing the roll of a wandering vagrant going from bar to bar looking for employment in the galaxy, or some a doctor who loves to care for the wounded and sick, a soldier with scars and a heroic tale to tell, a villain and master mind with no moral regards willing to sell his own mother into slavery, a rich spoiled kid who made it to the galaxy and created a corportation(not a fan of this one but meh, each to there own), a ninja, a samurai, a knight, a cult, a pirate, a engineer, a hill billy(.... you guys know who you are lol)

    There's different levels of maturity and so many different variables when it comes to each individuals expectations for a good rp experience. It is impossible for us to agree. So what do the haters do * cough Sen cough* ( many others) they create threads to start rants and riots to express there frustrations. The hate threads created are made for the public because naturally people feel a positive feeling when other people agree with what they have to say. Were I to hate on a member or faction of this community and have a portion of the server agree with me, for every like i receive or following post that supports my thoughts it will fill my ego. It's human nature and we all have it, no exceptions.

    Trust me odds are if you don't like me, I don't like you either. There are members, factions and colonies I dislike with a passion. I could probably name at least 10 members on this server right now that I don't care for but really it serves no purpose. If i need to vent i do it with the friends I've made on here. There is no reason to single people out. (*cough Sen cough*) <--- Even this is just an example and a subtle message thats really unnecessary, but I've done it only to prove a point in the same manner Sen did.(And no this threads not about you, you're an example nothing more.)

    The Armored Wolves for some was an annoyance to the server, full of edge lords and whatever else the haters spewed out. But heck, I was soooo flipping busy during the life span of that faction i didnt have time to spend to much time fretting over the occasional negativity. When Nox died on Antares it was my way out, I couldn't walk into the den without several people looking to icly speak with Nox. This was more or less a daily thing. This was going on while our not so fans spent there time complaining about us. I had a great time with The Armored Wolves and met a shit load of people and made a few friends along the way. I went into knowing that not everyone would agree with what I created, but I guess if I truly cared what you kids thought I would have back off when you first started shooting flaming arrows of love my way.

    Guess my point is this.

    For those who create hate threads or like to express your "constructive" opinion. I know you'll continue to do so regardless of this post. ( Do you. And Ill keep doing me as I always do)

    For those of you who have experienced such treatment. Stop QQing. Who gives a shit. Follow the server rules best you can, learn, grow, adapt and carry on.

    And for those of you who take this fantasy space game faaarr to seriously.

    Your world. Your Imagination.

    Go hard, bruh.
  2. The Big Bad Wolf

    Feb 25, 2014
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    (p.s 10mins till home time)
  3. skipi

    skipi New Member

    Jun 17, 2014
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    These "hate threads" are created because rallying together to publicly shame people is often the only option to get anything done.
  4. The Big Bad Wolf

    Feb 25, 2014
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    You know it's funny, I don't even think we've ever rp'd together, let alone exchange words via pms yet we've become such great friends.;)
  5. The Big Bad Wolf

    Feb 25, 2014
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    Yes, I am also aware of that function. Yet the hater threads that go on are often over zealous.

    (4 mins remaining)
  6. Malachar

    Malachar Heir to Madness

    Feb 1, 2014
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    This has long been needed. You won't like everyone, everyone won't like you, we all like RPing different things, some of the things we RP may offend others.


    All the time spent pissing and moaning about things you don't like could have been spent doing things you do like.
    And all these "hater threads" never amount to fixing anything, they ALWAYS devolve into a flamewar where people target people they don't like, often the same few people that have always been personally attacked throughout server history.

    Live and let live, get over yourselves, don't associate if you don't like, take your pic.

    All this whining and complaining without civil focus needs to stop, as it accomplishes nothing.
  7. LaserLlamas

    LaserLlamas Mother of the Pack

    Mar 28, 2014
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    Not really. We have moderators, a private reports sections, private conversations. Simpler solutions to simple problems.
  8. skipi

    skipi New Member

    Jun 17, 2014
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    moderators that will not do anything
    i'd say the ra thread accomplished quite something
  9. LaserLlamas

    LaserLlamas Mother of the Pack

    Mar 28, 2014
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    Do what we did in the old days - Invite every staff member to a conversation. It worked for us.
  10. Malachar

    Malachar Heir to Madness

    Feb 1, 2014
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    the RA thread did nothing, by the time it showed up, everyone playing RA was getting sick of it anyway.
    50% of it was misinformation and outside biased perspective in the first place
  11. The Big Bad Wolf

    Feb 25, 2014
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    Lol. No. The RA died long before that thread. All that thread did was kick it while it was down.
  12. Kazyyk

    Kazyyk Administrator

    Dec 16, 2013
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    If this divulges into personal attacks, I'll lock the thread. Stay on-topic.
  13. Vornvynzar

    Vornvynzar New Member

    Jun 28, 2014
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    Two things;

    1) The misconception that "fun" roleplay means boundless, nonsensical wish fulfilment. What about the people who consider characters that make sense and a setting that is consistent with itself to be "fun" roleplay? Or is fun only reserved for finger-fucking mansbians and their pre-pubescent entourage?

    2) The one thing that you had spot on is the fact that there are different degrees of roleplayers. Some are more hardcore than others and prefer a more thorough enforcement of the setting, rules, and storytelling etiquette. The fact that this server tries to cater to all of them is the crux of the issue.

    As a new player, and someone who has led multiple roleplaying communities, I can tell you that your problem is an indifferent staff that does not take either side and tries to make everyone feel welcome.

    The administration can either continue to spectate indifferently while this contention continues, they can establish some sort of compromise (unideal solution, as the only real one I can think of is being allowed to completely ignore other roleplayers), or they need to land on one side of the issue or the other. Decide what sort of roleplayer this server caters to and quit the juggling act.
  14. Kazyyk

    Kazyyk Administrator

    Dec 16, 2013
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    Let me respond by inserting a few excuses, such as real life getting the way, or being distracted, busy, and having motivation and depression issues... blah blah blah. No, in truth, I agree with this. We're working on solutions to these issues, though I can't say for sure when they'll come about. Sometime before the server's official 1-year anniversary is what I'm shooting for. (December 14th)
  15. skipi

    skipi New Member

    Jun 17, 2014
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    i really appreciate that we've finally received an official word on this
  16. Anyad

    Anyad New Member

    Oct 31, 2014
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    So wait, I'm confused... Is this a hateful hate thread about hate threads being hateful?

    If not, two cents:
    Your freedoms ends where another's begin.
    The simple truth is that drama comes with roleplay. Everywhere, be it in some MMORPG, a MUD (yeah, I played a MUD), here or on games like Newerwinter. There is literally no amount of control, no policy that will stop it. Not an authoritative squad of crack moderators, not a hippy-go-lucky, liberal attitude, not micromanagement and not even absence of game forums can stop this from happening.

    Any of you who've roleplayed anywhere else will attest that this is the case - if they don't, I want to go RP in the communities they've known.

    The best and thing you can hope for, the only thing you can actually ASK is that the hate stay IC, that the hate doesn't stray into the meta, that the hate is channelled towards something constructive. Let's aim for that and forget the crusade for a utopia where nobody's feelings ever get hurt.

    PS: I'd also like someone to pimp my hate thread and put some hate in it so I can hate while I hate.
    #17 Anyad, Nov 17, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 17, 2014
  17. The Big Bad Wolf

    Feb 25, 2014
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    The problem will exist no matter what the solution though. Too many individual preferences and opinions. The purpose of this thread was just to share my perspective all while reminding everyone we will not all get along and to suck it up.

    This thread too will eventually collect dust and be forgotten, and days, weeks, months later we'll be back here again.

    People have to accept there really is no right or wrong way to rp.(Especially in a server that allows freedom to be whatever it is you want to be) Either you choose to rp with the person or you don't. That choice is rightfully ours.

    Even if the administration took a stand there would be a whole new bag of problems. Lets say the admin took the server and decided it would be mild. A) A portion of the heavy rpers would leave B) Were any heavy rpers that stayed show signs of heavy rping or begin whining that everyones running around as a super saiyan, they would be warned, bashed, and turned on just like the threads we see today. And vice versa.

    I don't really see a solution, other then everyone minding their own business and rping with who you want to rp with and avoiding those you dont. Rather then resort to internet bullying.

    I can internet bully like the best of them, but I only like to bully the bullies.
    #18 The Big Bad Wolf, Nov 17, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 17, 2014
  18. Roflmaozors

    Roflmaozors New Member

    Feb 22, 2014
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    Actually I think there is a level of expected roleplaying "seriousness" capability because of the application that you have to make to be put on the whitelist. You know, honestly with the amount of work I put into my application which I assume would be similar to the other applications I feel that people are not as in-depth as they were in their applications. Now I still play the character I made the application with, and maybe I'm just seeing the bad side of people but I personally believe that some people aren't putting the equal amount of seriousness as they did.
  19. Anyad

    Anyad New Member

    Oct 31, 2014
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    As I understand, the application simply serves to give a general assurance to the staff - I.e.: Your answers demonstrate your RP mentality and show how well you can define metagaming and avoid appling that definition to your rolplay.

    The depth of character you put into your backstory doesn't really matter in the long run since most people play with several - and most people lose some to stray bullets and florans and other dangers of space.
    #20 Anyad, Nov 18, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 18, 2014