Hey guys, if anyone here is either a ship engineer, an explosive engineer or even just a cook?... i guess. Just wanted to let you know that if an old Floran guy is trying to sell you some "Good" Bio-fuel don't buy it ! i perhaps should have worn a mask while working but then again ! that fuel-feuds that i inhaled made me literally dead for 3 whole minutes, i was lucky to have been saved by Prism, anyways ! Careful from some old Floran dude that has pink petals on hes head and don't buy hes *Cynical high pitch* "Good Bio-fuel now ! 50% Off !!"
(( Silskeer )) Really? You inhaled fuel? What did you expect? I certainly did not expect someone would "be dead for 3 whole minutes".
This is not a problem for engineers, unless they are O&M in which case it would apply. It is more of a problem for ignorant consumers. Most engineers know of the toxicity of fuels, and breathing even elementary fuel fumes can be toxic, let alone biofuel. Additionally, most engineers work in teams, especially for corporations. Individuals hardly are as efficient as teams as every engineer knows. These teams would likely have a resource management member who would purchase from reliable sources and run tests on any fuel. So, I would change the name to 'impulse buyers beware'. Heh. Engineering/physics jokes.