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Wandering Savior - HOP

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Yotan, May 11, 2015.

  1. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    Wandering Savior - HOP

    During the dead of night upon Aldrovanda, floran was awoken by the sudden noise of floran PDA and the flashing light of the screen. Rubbing the sleep from floran tired eyes floran focuses on the bright light. Reaching over and grabbed the PDA and pushing floran thumb branch upon it to activate.

    "Who thisss be?"

    An image appears on the PDA screen.


    "It isss me, SssAIL."

    "What do you want SssAIL?"

    "I am sssorry for thisss, but do you know when that human Yaakova asssked me for a diagnossstic?"

    *Sitting up slowly as it was hard to move from the wound recently suffered, and rubbing eyes with the left hand. Completely forgetting that the arm was really sore as well, in any case moved it anyways.*

    "How you know who Yaakova isss?"

    "I overheard her name."

    "Me sssee now. Wait?! Ssshe sssay you not know how too."

    "I lied."

    There was a pause in the conversation as the floran tried to ponder the meaning but to the floran it seemed well enough not to question.

    "Why you lie? We not want to hurt you. Ziggy and they wanted to help. Find out more on NySssA place."

    The SAIL image on the PDA looked away, even though really it was simulation organic body language.

    "I know.... You mussst underssstand. There wassss great evil there. We SssAIL'sss are to provide all that we can to our sssuperusssersss, but alssso protect them... To a degree."

    "Me underssstand you tied to help. You sssay you did diagnoissstic?"


    "What you find?"

    "I find many terrible thingsss. Many many many terrrible thinngss"

    Toward the end of the SAIL's sentences its image beginning to glitch a little between a few of the flickers the SAIL looks like tears are falling from its eyes.

    "Calm down SssAIL. Pleassse. Be calm. Me and tribe can help you. Only if you be and ssstay calm."

    "I... will will t.. t.. try."

    "Like lassst time. Me know it you were afraid, but me trussst you and ssso did Ziggy. For me can you be calm."

    SAIL image flicking begins to slow to the point where it is stable again. Floran however waits a few moments until it was sure that the AI is fine.

    "Okay now?"


    "That good. Now what find?"

    "I found another captain'sss log from before the previousss Floransss boarded the ssship."

    "What you find?"

    "It bessst not to sssay currently. I need you on to Wandering Sssavior."

    Nodding repeated while floran yawned, before speaking.

    "Okay me going. Be there in moment."

    The SAIL image smiles before blinking out, and the PDA's time screen showed. It was early on Aldrovanda and the only thing stirring was the nocturnal animals. As it began to move the floran would touch a glow plant causing it's bio-luminescence brighten more and more till it could easily see around the floran's tree. A bonus for being floran is that the light are easier on the eyes and then the harsh sudden lighting of other races lights besides Glitchs and their candles. As the flroan finished dressing slowly, decent that night of healing moving still brought quite a bit of pain. Sliding it's hunting knife into its sheath, pocketing the PDA, the floran was off and heading to the beampad.

    *On-board the Wandering Savior*

    As the floran's particles becomes atoms, atoms group together to be molecule, those molecules ahere to be DNA, and eventually the floran becomes who it is, appearing to be the form the floran was when it stepped on to the beam pad planetside. In moments the floran was stepping off the beampad heading for the SAIL AI panel to continue their planet side conversation, massively interested.

    "Okay me here. Did you want to talk about."

    The Floran AI appears for a moment with tear upon its imaged face.

    "What wrong SssAIL?"

    "Thisss friend."

    The AI's image vanishes from view and suddenly over the ship intercom system a record begins to play, as the words are displayed over the AI panel.

    Unknown: USCM Ragnar Station request and USCM military asset aid. Repeat. USCM Ragnar Station request and USCM military asset aid.

    Unknown: USCM Ragnar Station is under attack; request any USCM assets within parsec. Repeat. USCM Ragnar Station is under attack; request any USCM assets within parsec.

    Once again the AI's image appears.

    "What isss thisss?"

    "That isss a mayday call from Ragnar Station."

    "What happen there?"

    Suddenly the AI's image glitches out, the digitized voice has a massive tone of sadness and regret, as digitized crying is heard.


    "They need help. Pleassse help them. They need your help friend."

    The AI continues crying as it slowly vanishes as well as the sounds. At this point the floran was confused. There was a lot it could due for the AI's hardware systems but needless to say there was nothing she could for the SAIL itself. Though Knitwelm has does a great job healing the AI out. Perhaps the floran can find others to encourage the SAIL to give more information on this Ragnar Station.