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Vivien's Diary <3

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Badger, Jun 22, 2016.

  1. Badger

    Badger New Member

    Jun 14, 2016
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    Book is purple with black hearts and little squiggles and stars and happy faces drawn on it, as well as the name Vivien written a number of different styles all over it. Handwriting inside is flamboyant, strokes are broad and flared, every i is dotted with a tiny heart, every t is crossed with a wavy ~ and all of the loops and hooks dip down into the next line or swoop up into the previous one.

    Vivi journal.png

    Vivien lays on her bed to write, on her stomach, legs bent at the knees, ankles crossed and raised, rocking her feet absently back and forth in the air like a pendulum as she scribbles her recollection about her day in her book, pausing occasionally to listen to the sounds coming from the rooms beyond her door or to ponder her thoughts.

    Dear Diary,

    Today was a good day. Well mostly. Wisteria is grumpy and he ended the party early but that's fairly normal, but I'll get to that.

    It started out like most days, I woke up and took a long luxurious bath, put on my favorite skirt and top and went to breakfast. Ivy, my amazing Floran chef made me the most fantastic breakfast which I enjoyed in relative silence since Wisteria was still angry with me for drinking just a little too much rum last night and dancing on top of one of his skull thingies and breaking it. Honestly though, you would think that a skull would be made of sterner stuff. I was only on the third playthrough of Staying Alive when the thing cracked and he lost his temper and made me go to bed.

    After breakfast, I went to the cockpit to poke around and see where we should go next when I found Wisteria looking over things. I told him I wanted to find a party, and an argument ensued, as usual. Somehow he ended up activating the radio which ended up being amazing!! Oh my stars, hurray for contact! We met this shy little human who was pretty much all alone on his planet named Alexander Novak, Alex for short and a fella named Oak, who I didn't actually find out the location of, but maybe we'll catch him on the coms again soon. Seemed the brainy type.

    Anyway, talking to Alex was a heap of fun, and we made some plans to throw a party on his little planet but he had to do it all sneaky like so not to get in trouble so we had to pretend we were merchants. Unfortunately, Wisteria decided we were selling MY dresses. My dresses! Can you believe that? Honestly. The nerve. We didn't actually sell any, so it's alright, but the fact that he thought of it worries me.

    We headed to his planet...I don't remember the name of it so I'll just call it Alexworld. It wasn't the prettiest planet but boy did it have a pretty sunset. And the stars were so beautiful there. I got plum distracted when Alex was talking to us and Wisteria scolded me. Big surprise there, he's always scolding me for something. I think sometimes he's more a babysitter than a bodyguard and I'm not even a baby.

    He did bring some rum down from the ship without complaining though, so he's not all bad. And he smiles sometimes when he drinks. The good kind of smiling, not the I'm thinking of ways to kill and eat you smiles. Which are also good sometimes. That's weird. I also took Meat Dumplings that Ivy made for the party. I stuck the extra's in Alex's fridge. He'll have snacks for days. Hope it's better than whatever he was eating before. That planet sure is dirty. I wonder if all human places like dust.

    Alex had another visitor besides us, Muggy, who's a nova like me. He's a nice bright yellow like a little golden sun. Very friendly and he offered to help when I find the right planet to settle down on. Which was amazingly nice of him if you ask me. Wisteria didn't seem to like him though. He's weird about folks. Got real mad when Muggy and me went for a walk. Ended the party right then and there and teleported us both right back to the ship. There was of course a huge fight when we got home. He was being impossible with his stubborn logic about not being able to protect me if he can't see me. It was just a little ol walk. It's not like I didn't have my pistol or if Muggy was getting fresh. I AM a lady. Usually.

    He's in his bunk now beating up one of his dummies. Or...mauling it I guess. I can hear him ripping at the material that holds the straw inside. The chef and our medic are cheering at him. Florans. There really is nothing like them. I wouldn't trade Wisteria for anything, I just wish he'd learn to have a little fun now and then. Maybe I'll go find him when he's done beating the tar out of that dummy and try and make him feel better or something. We'll see.

    I can't wait to see what kind of friends we make tomorrow. Maybe we'll talk to Oak again. I'd like to know more about him. I like smart people, they teach you things. Night, night diary.

    xoxo <3 <3
