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Viper's Audio Logs

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Viper, Feb 15, 2014.

  1. Viper

    Viper New Member

    Feb 10, 2014
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    Entry 1 :
    Stardate 02082014

    I've decided take my leave of the core systems, there's been more news regarding the new frontier this... Sector X, still a relatively untouched region of space, rich in mineral resources and even the presence of solarium which has been all but mined out in the more civilized government controlled territories.

    I'm too old to constantly take missions anymore, but I've amassed a considerable sum of pixels, time to settle down and start my own operation.

    Entry 2 :
    Stardate 02092014

    I've found a planet that suits my criteria, preliminary scans show that it is mineral rich particularly in high-grade uranium, the meteor hazard will prevent large capital ships from approaching as an added precaution against potential aggressors. Its classified as a level 10 threat, all the better to cull the weak and test the mettle of those whom would come. A scan of the planetary surface reveals an Avian Necropolis and some buildings likely an Apex outpost, those primates and their medical experiments, I'll have to deal with the locals before I begin my own construction.

    Entry 3 :
    Stardate 02102014

    The Apex scientists mad in their research were hostile but easily dealt with, the keepers of the Avian tomb posed a greater challenge, but they fell nonetheless, I shall leave things here for today, by my fatigue I am clearly getting too old for this.

    Entry 4 :
    Stardate 02112014

    Began my search through the catacombs today, the structure seems sturdy enough and the place adorned with gold ornaments, these tribal Avians certainly have a taste for value, the gold artifacts melted down or sold to collectors will conveniently serve to fund some of my initial expenses and hire some thugs to watch the entrance. I should set up a treasury to keep anything left for future use.

    Entry 5 :
    Stardate 02122014

    Construction proceeds fairly smoothly, I had initially intended to replace the entire structure with metal panels but the Avians appear to be far better architects that I had expected, the structure is surprisingly sturdy I've gone through half a dozen diamond drills already and I've barely renovated half the place. I've decided to build over the ancient structure instead, it'll save time and the structure itself is sturdy enough to provide additional protection.

    Entry 6 :
    Stardate 02132014

    I was right in my assessment of the structure, a couple of meteors struck the surface today and my facility remains unscathed protected by the resilience of the tomb's exterior. Things go better than planned, I've also dug through the bottom of the tomb into the cavernous system where I shall eventually begin the mining operation, the remaining tombs where the dead used to rest shall be repurposed to serve as housing for the slave miners and ore storage.

    Once the uranium mine is operational the next step will be the refinery, uranium refined into weapons grade plutonium will fetch an excellent price, from the Florans with their aggressive nature to some Hylotls seeking to defend themselves and reclaim their homeworld there's no shortage of those in need of weapons in these turbulent times.

    Entry 7 :
    Stardate 02142014

    The vessels periodically shipping out my cargo will inevitably draw attention, I've decided to act as a Supply Depot for the Sector, this cover operation will serve to explain the space traffic, and fits in nicely since plutonium also serves an excellent fuel source.

    I'll call the place Event Horizon, the point of no return... seems appropriate.