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(Violence) A Video Transmission

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Xenos, Mar 31, 2014.

  1. Xenos

    Xenos New Member

    Jan 3, 2014
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    (OOC note: This is a rather long (and rather violent) post. Read at your own risk.)

    Video Transmission

    An odd video would appear on Starnet. It includes a picture of Blade; she’s kneeling before something off-screen, in the middle of a jet-black room, illuminated only by a single overhead light, a thick, oily darkness reclaiming the area around them. The darkness would also obscure the object she was kneeling before. All that could be seen was the faint outline of a throne made of blades, and a large, muscular man sitting on it with Blade by his feet. A man wearing jet black Disphotic armor and a mask to match is standing over her. Those who had seen Tide before would recognize it as his armor. The posture seems slightly off, but there could be a variety of reasons for this. Blade seemed to be truly frightened, a trait that most people would realize was quite unlike her. As the figure steps closer towards her, she tries to struggle away, but the chains binding her in place would not allow her to move, despite her best efforts.

    The masked man looks towards the camera and speaks. The voice belongs to Tideborn, but something is off about it…


    Tideborn looks down at Blade, hate glowing in his eyes.

    “I offer this arrogant one in the name of Dystopia. This will be her punishment for killing so many innocent people.”Blade looks up at the figure, shuddering, her voice trembling as she speaks.

    “Why… are you doing this? I thought… you loved me…. and I loved you…”

    Tideborn looks back up after a moment of staring at her, not reacting at all to what she had to say.

    “My cause is just; this is her redemption from her sins. Her pain shall purchase salvation, her blood shall cleanse the stain she has left on her soul…”

    Blade simply looks at him, a snarl forming on her face, equal parts desperation and disgust.

    “And what about the stain on your soul, brother? Have you not killed thrice as many as I have, if not more? Who and what will buy your salvation?”

    He gives Blade a slightly irritated glance.

    “Poor sister. My salvation has already been achieved...something you are incapable of understanding.”

    Blade hisses at him, flashing her glinting fangs at him.

    “And what has given you, a man far more guilty than I could EVER be, salvation that I cannot achieve? Or have you deluded yourself that much? Tricked yourself once again into thinking that you are better than the world?”

    He shows no signs of anger, only of irritation.

    “In fact, I could say that your situation has gotten worse as time has passed. Hopefully, you, too, will understand what has saved me from the iron gauntlet of the past soon. Although, perhaps that is beyond your reach, like so many other things…”

    She spits at his feet, then looks up at him, her gaze defiant as she yells out a challenge.

    “Come on then! Get on with it! Torture me! Kill me! Violate me! I don’t care! I killed Luke! I watched my entire family die! I was abandoned by Felith! I’ve lost everyone I’ve ever loved! So get on with it! Come on! COME ON! DO IT!”

    He seems to jump at the opportunity to harm her ahead of time, scraping his fingers across her scalp.

    “You would do best to stay quiet.”

    Despite these words, he looks down at her, disappointed, expecting a defiant reaction.

    Blade hisses, closing her eyes as the single fin on her head shimmers metallically. She would shudder at the touch, as though it chilled her down to the marrow.

    “Tell me why… why are you doing this, Tide? Why have you changed so much? You weren’t always like this… What happened?”

    Tideborn simply leans down and whispers something in her ear. He gets back up and looks pleased as he stretches out his hand, the gauntlet sharp as blades. Blade jerks back, her eyes taking on a look of sheer horror. When she speaks, her voice trembles.

    “My gods, brother… what have you done? Why have you given yourself over to such a vile creature? I may draw upon his influence, but never did I think about a full partnership!”

    He suddenly looks angry, and promptly punches the back of her head.

    “Do not disrespect him. He has authority over you; you are nothing more than a pawn.”

    He shakes his head and stretches out his hands, preparing.

    “Enough of this! It is time for you to meet your fate. Goodbye, arrogant one.”

    Blade hisses again, growling at the man, but she makes no attempt to run.

    “Why are you saying goodbye now? I already said goodbye to you, Tideborn… You never really came back from Avalon…”

    The man picks up his hammer, a very disappointed, almost sad, look in his eyes.

    “I give you a chance to say goodbye and all you do is retort...Very typical of you, Serah.”

    He raises the hammer, aimed for Blade’s head swings it downward, with all of his might. Blade flinches away, already anticipating what is to come…

    And the being on the dark throne springs into action. The man, if he can be called that by his massive, muscular appearance and arrogant, sadistic attitude, leaps forward in an extremely rapid manner, and catches the hammer blow with his wrist. He doesn’t even wince. He simply gazes at Tideborn, his eyes, or what can be seen of them behind a thick black mask, seeming to blaze with disgust. His voice, a deep, rich baritone, carries a different emotion. He sounds a bit joyful in an insane way, like he’s enjoying watching the display of what most people would consider a vulgar disregard for the rights, values, and more importantly, lives of others.

    “Hrmph. Typical. So very typical of you. And of all the races in this galaxy. You get overeager and ruin a perfectly good moment. A fun moment. Right when things are about to get good, you ruin it by trying to kill her. How or why doesn’t matter. All that matters is that you ruined it. I will let you off this one time… But next time, you’d better get it straight. After all, where’s the fun in just outright killing someone? You could just… keep the pain going on and on and on, until they beg you for mercy, beg you to just let them die… Isn’t that so much better than… “one blow, you’re dead”? Come ON, boy! Do it right!...

    The man looks at Tideborn, his blood-red eyes glinting dangerously, as he takes a threatening step towards him, the tip of a blade flashing in his hand, barely hidden, glinting ominously like some sort of fang half-protruding from the jaws of some unspoken horror.

    “Or should I use you as an example to prove my point…?”

    Tideborn backs away slowly, a bit of fear showing in his eyes. The man takes on final step towards him. The flash of a blade, the crunch of a connecting blow, and Tideborn would be knocked to the floor, a deep gash in the mask, dripping white blood that closely resembles paint. The man would then turn back to Blade, stepping over other as he tilts up her chin, gazing straight into her eyes. She would try to pull back, only to have the man roughly grab her by her fin and force her face into his mask. He would speak a few words into her ear, so softly that the recording device could not pick it up… Blade would reel back, as the blade in the man’s wrist would flash again, arcing towards her… the video feed would cut out then, leaving only the horrific sound of blow after heavy blow landing on her, and he crying out, until even that fades away, the sound of low, maniacal laughter being the last thing the viewer would hear before even the sound cuts out.
  2. Sen

    Sen Guest

    0/10 too long did not reads
  3. Aiko Ikari

    Aiko Ikari Guest

    ((gosh sen its a "video feed" not a message, sheesh.))
  4. Iridium616

    Iridium616 New Member

    Feb 2, 2014
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    (( Its a video IC.
  5. Biscuit

    Biscuit New Member

    Feb 10, 2014
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    Idiot didn't encrypt the video. Should be easy to locate the area in which this occured. I'm coming, Blade, hang in there.
  6. -ZaCH-
    Is this typical behavior to see on StarNet..? Because, seriously, this is gross. I can't believe anybody could get away with this for even a moment.
    If anybody needs assistance capturing and/or interrogating the one who did this, I will readily help.
    #6 The Lucky Prism, Mar 31, 2014
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2014
  7. Biscuit

    Biscuit New Member

    Feb 10, 2014
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    I just need to get Blade out of there. I'm still trying to figure out where this video was posted from. If I need help, I know where to go...
  8. (( I talked with Xenos and he approves of the following message. ))
    I have successfully traced the coordinates. It appears to link to a ship.
    *The coordinates and beam code are displayed, privately to Barbados's IP*
    Do you recognize this beam code?
  9. Xenos

    Xenos New Member

    Jan 3, 2014
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    I've... managed to escape. For now, at least... I'm just getting patched up, and I should be out and about.

    Don't know how long it will last... I think he put a tracker in me...

    which means he can find me any time...

    and anywhere...

    ~Blade's Edge
  10. Oh. I was hoping for an epic-save-your-life moment. Oh well.
    Who exactly IS "he"?
  11. Biscuit

    Biscuit New Member

    Feb 10, 2014
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    I will try to help you if I can. Perhaps I might be able to surgically remove the tracker, but it's risky... Come by Opportunity. Tell Sativa or Ria or anyone in charge that you were sent by me as a guest. You should be safe there for awhile.
  12. Terallis

    Terallis Dark Matter of Fact

    Dec 18, 2013
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    "You know... stuff like trackers can be detected with ease. Just need to properly scan your body and remove it. Then we can use the tracker to track it back to the source and then place a couple nukes in the engines of the ship... Or if it's a base, just put a couple nukes in the reactor. Could even go for something more interesting!"

  13. Liraxus

    Liraxus New Member

    Jan 21, 2014
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    If there's a tracker, then that can give away our coordinates.

    I want to help, Blade. But I cannot do anything on Opportunity, I'll see about setting up neutral grounds where we can help you, possibly.

    -Sativa "Noah" Oran
  14. The Grand Mugwump

    Dec 29, 2013
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    Floran yawn. More day, more torture video. Dumb fish not even get right.
  15. CaptainBritton02

    CaptainBritton02 Man of War

    Jan 7, 2014
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    Horrific this is. Is there anything the United Systems can do about this?

    -Ethan Britton
  16. Terallis

    Terallis Dark Matter of Fact

    Dec 18, 2013
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    "Does no one listen to what I say? Scan the body, remove the tracker, trace it back to the source, and blow the place up. It's not difficult, you know. Might I suggest sticking an unstable nuclear fusion power core in the ship or base?"

  17. CaptainBritton02

    CaptainBritton02 Man of War

    Jan 7, 2014
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    I would go with your idea, but, shoving nukes up everything's ass isn't the answer

    -Ethan Britton
  18. -New Luke-
    I have been waiting for somebody other than me to say that for years...
  19. Terallis

    Terallis Dark Matter of Fact

    Dec 18, 2013
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    "Not as much fun, but even still. Remove the nuke part and that's still a simple enough plan."

  20. Kai

    Kai hey im kai and this is jackass

    Jan 28, 2014
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