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Vicci's Voice-Videologs

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Alyxx, Feb 2, 2015.

  1. Alyxx

    Alyxx New Member

    Mar 26, 2014
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    (( This information can only be obtained via Viccy herself, or if you're a smartypants, by slipping onto her ship's S.A.I.L; the one that keeps this stored. All the information here shall not be of public knowledge, unless being said that it is. Anywho', time to spit out her Logs... ))

    Day 1 - Voice

    After a bit of background cracking, an unusually squeaky, Floran voice takes place. It sounds pretty happy, for some reason. The constant rumbling of a brand-new Engine is heard in the background too. "...Floran isss very happy! found Metalmen willing to receive Bite in exchange for ssship! Wasss hard to bite Metalmen, sssince isss made of Metal, like Ssspear usssed to kill Metalmen. Had nice Hat -Magicman'sss hat. now isss of Floran! Looksss good on Floran, and hasss lot of ssspace to put thingsss on... Like Human ssskull!"

    Suddently, the sound of something being rummaged in front of the Microphone is heard, followed by a little 'Plomph'. "Here isss ssskull! Wisssh that knew how to put on Video, so robot Eye could sssee... But well. Ssskull name isss Tom! Isss not heavy. Sssoft meat wasss little, easssy prey. But well... Oh! Other thing! Found little Bar on Ocean planet, and it wasss ssstarting! Floran asssked if could have job -Sssince Ssskull Sssmassshing isss not job outssside of Tribe, and ssstill need to train more for Magician... Anywaysss, Metalmen running Bar sssaid yesss, and now Floran worksss on bar! Isss not easssy job -Many meatsss to serve drinks, and can't eat Cussstomersss... Floran wissshes to not have incident on Bar... But sssir Metalmen sssaid that if sssomeone ssstole on Bar, could eat!"

    The rumbling of the Engines stop, like if the ship reached its destination. "...Oh! Floran hasss arrived to moon! Decided to make little Travel, Ssship ssstill need Fuel, and wasss told that Moon hasss Fuel on cavesss. Floran hasss large pipe ready to bring Fuel to Ssship, ssso can travel more, and bring good prey back to Tribe!" And thus, the sound of Foliage slipping inside a Hat is heard, alongside with someone getting up from a chair. "Floran will be back ssson to Bar though! Only hasss few hoursss free before returning to work... Floran mussst remember place of Job... Eh..."

    The sound of a Paper being taken out is heard, followed with a throat clearing. "...Alpha Zsseta... 'Aqkr' Ssseven-Nine-Four... Three; Ex, Minus sssixty-two, Why, fourty-Ssseven..." (( AKA Alpha Zeta Aqr 494 III ; X -62, Y 47. These coordinates are free for public use though.) The paper goes back to a pocket, and a few Keyboard-hitting sounds are heard afterwards. "...Mussst make Sssail remember. Floran will sssurely forget... And that'sss it! Time to get fuel!"

    And thus, the sound of someone running over the metallic surface of a Spaceship is heard, but not before it's heard coming back to the Microphone. "...Forgot to ssshut down. Eh-hee." Then, a button is pressed, and the recording ends.

    ...End, day 1.