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Val, the Glitch Brigand

Discussion in 'Character Descriptions' started by Spice, Mar 11, 2017.

  1. Spice

    Spice Optimist

    Jun 2, 2016
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    Unarmored vs Armored
    View attachment 4556 View attachment 4555
    Valkyrie "Val"
    Years Since Activation: 20-30
    Height (Armored): 1.9 m (6.2 ft)
    Height (Unarmored): 1.8 m (5.9 ft)
    Gender Build: Female
    Preferred Weapons: Javelins and buckler shield

    Val was never really at a loss for a purpose. They always had a voice deep down inside them that told them exactly what their function was, and in order to be excellent they had to perform that function excellently. That function was robbing people. The day they broke from the Glitch hivemind, or realized they were capable of doing so, was the day they asked themselves if they really needed to make robbery, an unpleasant process, even more unpleasant than it already was by being excessively crude and violent.

    Since then they've considered themselves a freelancer brigand, preferring to do their robberies by their own self-proclaimed robber's creed, which entails a certain amount of pleasantries, civility, equity, and clarity when going through the process of a robbery. This makes their role rather bizarre and contradictory, given that they've dedicated themselves to making their unpleasant function less unpleasant without giving up their calling in life. Or maybe it's made them more organic than ever, trying to indulge in what gives them pleasure while causing others as little pain as possible.

    Val doesn't often ask themselves questions like that, however. They prefer to leave such tall-ordered philosophical conundrums to star-gazers who have their heads craned so far up that they risk walking into wells and breaking their necks because of not paying attention to their immediate surroundings. They just enjoy robbing, and accept it as a decent enough purpose in life.

    Common Quotes
    "Statement. Your money or your life."

    "Amicable. There really is no need to be unpleasant about this."
    "Concerned. You are becoming hysterical."
    "Reassuring. I am a professional in this field."
    "Query. Would you like an aspirin or some tea for the nerves?"
    #1 Spice, Mar 11, 2017
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 11, 2017
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