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USAF Retcon Bomb Extraordinare!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Leschinsky, Aug 5, 2014.

  1. Leschinsky

    Leschinsky Bohemic Tendencies

    Dec 31, 2013
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    USCM who?
    Seriously; we're retconning USCM in Antares for alot of reasons.
    You can see many of them here;

    This thread will cover two main topics; our plans for the future, and the nuggets of the past.
    Firstly; the future.
    USAF is splintering off from the United Systems; their contradictory policies and lack of support or direction has frustrated the USAF enough to cut all ties and go rogue.
    A new settlement will be created to create a more open, player-involved world and faction.
    No more beacon-blocking, check in point, VISA's, they're gone and dead.
    A swampland shore-leave style planet with the only USAF base in Antares.
    We're coming back to lore, and, namely, dropping the toxic-establishments made by previous leadership.
    The Antares sector USAF has no back-up, connections with Central, anything.
    Along with the lack of direction and back up, is a lack of resources.
    No more power-suits, big fleets, etc. Powergamey elements have gone the way of the dodo.

    Now, much of tech, resources, and such are still in discussion.
    We're scaling down to very basic tech, such as armors and weaponry.
    Planetary defenses will be anti-orbital cannons that will need manned.
    Land defenses will be the current USAF members acting as security for the backwater port town.
    The United Systems faction is no longer connected to USAF; the USAF is an independent force without the "Unite the Galaxy" cliche.
    This will be updated as changes are made in real time!
    Let the discussions commence!

    I love you Chronicle.
    This is what's happening.
    Maybe leave the USCM as a NPC faction?
    That's a huge speculation.
    #1 Leschinsky, Aug 5, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 5, 2014
  2. JimHarrison

    JimHarrison Grouchy Player

    Apr 18, 2014
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    While I really do like the changes - are you sure RetCon is the right word? That would mean people would have to retroactively go through their characters back stories and edit out the experiences they've had in the past. Which is counter intuitive to RP. Not to mention a huge hassle
  3. Corvus

    Corvus New Member

    Jan 5, 2014
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    I'd like to note that, as someone who's main has a deep connection to the current USCM, this might be an issue for me. I'll see how it develops and try to work with the USCM members to still keep important parts of my character's story intact. :D
  4. Twitch

    Twitch Wayward Star

    Dec 17, 2013
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    Yet another sweeping "revision" of the USCM (which lets face it, it always will be the USCM whatever you rebrand it as) won't solve any of your problems. Clean slates don't manifest because you decide to overhaul something that you have established in game. Its stuff like this that originally killed Tetanis for a good long while.

    Retcons and voiding roleplay is a waste of people's times to try and oocly white wash someone's bad behavior.
  5. Leschinsky

    Leschinsky Bohemic Tendencies

    Dec 31, 2013
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    You're both correct; RetCon isn't the right word.
    Retroactive changes is the right word.
    Interactions and their effects are not to be changed; just the details.
    I may have worded that incorrectly
    Player-to-Player interactions are not in trouble here; that time you fist-fought a USAF at Den won't be nulled.
    It's the interactions of the faction that are up for voiding; considering we now don't have a massive fleet, huge high-tech armies, and an always win attitude, alot of these are, well, poop.

    But you're right; these kind of shenanigans killed Tetanus and have been done in the past.
    Honestly? Things have gotten so out of hand with what the USCM is due to IC and OOC actions/players/events, this seemed like the wisest move;
    A new faction that's more clear and accessible for players.
    Also, for once, instating a stable leadership in Couch, as parts of the community have been wanting for a good long while now.
    #5 Leschinsky, Aug 5, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 5, 2014
  6. Animator

    Animator New Member

    May 9, 2014
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    You need to take a lot of precautions if you're going the retcon route. Like Corvus said, there are people who have interacted with the USCM for better or for worse, and despite whatever reservations they have with their opinion on the faction, it's very likely that they still incorporated those opinions and experiences into their lore anyway. Then there's accounting for the possibility that some people from the past might crop up and still have that outdated lore afterwards.

    As harsh as it is, personally, I feel you have to stab the belly at the beast and start anew with a new name and a new group, with the new philosophies you want to adhere with. It sucks, I know; believe me when I say that I know the pain of an idea that you feel comes naturally and works so very well, an idea that you don't want to give up because you put time and effort into it. Unfortunately, there is a time to let go. The horse is dead: You've beaten it, and now you want to cut the meat out and prop its skeleton up, slather it with pounds of steak all over, and pretend it's perfectly fine. Historical revision can only get you so far.

    Or, you could just keep going. Neither I nor no one else is in any real position to stop you, I'm just speaking from experience that sometimes the best laid plans for things come apart, and you have to try something completely and radically new to get the results you want. Either way, if this is the right move, go for it; you'll be the one feeling the ramifications of what you choose in the end.
  7. Leschinsky

    Leschinsky Bohemic Tendencies

    Dec 31, 2013
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    That's essentially what this is; killing the USCM, or, well, what it was.
    Unfortunately, you have a very good point; this is still the same players and their characters.
    Similarities will exist; either substantial or ephemeral.
    As said; characters and their previous interactions with faction member's are NOT at risk, we promise.
    A new faction with the same players.
    Characters and their opinions? Perfectly fine. USCM-Haters are the same as USAF-Haters. (<- This is meant in a positive regard; conflict is the heart of storytelling)
    Essentially; people can consider their interactions valid, just the detail of locale, if it happened at any of the old bases/settlements, consider them having happened at our new settlement. (yet to be named)
    This is all still in planning stages; so criticisms and concerns are vital at this step.
    #7 Leschinsky, Aug 5, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 5, 2014
  8. Iridium616

    Iridium616 New Member

    Feb 2, 2014
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    So... Union and everything on it will be gone?
  9. Leschinsky

    Leschinsky Bohemic Tendencies

    Dec 31, 2013
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    Yes; the Union base will have not existed.
    Was there anything specifically you're worried about?
  10. Iridium616

    Iridium616 New Member

    Feb 2, 2014
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    One of my characters just got a job there, just that.
  11. Shag

    Shag High Impact Sexual Implications

    Feb 22, 2014
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    Dun worry. I'll bring the bar over NO MATTER WHAT.
  12. Leschinsky

    Leschinsky Bohemic Tendencies

    Dec 31, 2013
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    Yes and yes; player businesses ICly never stopped existing, promise.
    Once we have a planet scouted, we'll post the coords so people can get their stuff moved over.
  13. Shinki

    Shinki New Member

    Jul 19, 2014
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    -Saxton Hale

    Well, hopefully bygones will be bygones and stuff will get better for the USAF.
  14. Chronicle

    Chronicle nobody knows why he's still here

    Dec 17, 2013
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    First up: Welcome back, Leschinsky, great to see you!

    Now, on to business: For me to personally agree with this idea, you're going to have to explain it better.

    I found it to be quite wise to link the USCM thread as reasons to proceed with this course of action. I watched that thread, and agreed with a lot of that which was said. However, I'd like to link you to a thread of my own, which expresses the majority of my concerns:


    As this thread has shown, our view of voiding is often... pretty low, to be honest, because it usually does little but get in the way of RP. Now, the thing is, "voiding" is just an easier way of saying "retconning", which is the more universal term for it.

    And on that note, this is a really, really huge void attempt.

    Like. Easily the bigger void in the server, by far. The USCM, as a faction, has existed since around the server's founding. We're talking around 8-9 months of RP that you're wanting to get rid of. This sort of RP has, of course, been a mess OOCly, but it's also shaped a lot of characters to help them become who they are today. I'm using an excessive amount of emphasis because I want to make very clear the gravity of this decision.

    Once again: This is a really big retcon.

    Not only does that mean you change a lot of characters' histories, but you also add a lot of confusion if you say that bases are voided. I'll use just one of my own characters as an example. Chronicle had extensive diplomatic relations with the USCM, and ended up taking a great number of ill Avians to Marathon during the "Ashes to Ashes" event. This also resulted in the well-known communications blackout forced by the USCM, which, in turn, resulted in absolute chaos both publically and behind the scenes, on a diplomatic level. War was almost had. This interaction - combined with the plague itself - did much to disillusion the Glitch from his former worldview, and made him much of what he is today. Not only would this void make explaining that change rather difficult, but it would also make it kind of hard to explain where in the world all those Avians went during that time. (Alioth Prime's medical facilities were still being reconstructed, in-character.)

    Now imagine the potential for this sort of retconning with every single character in the past eight months.

    I understand you're trying to start with a clean slate, and I approve of that. However, you're going to have to give a bit more explanation for why this is necessary if you want everyone to easily go along with it.

    From my perspective, it seems like you and everyone else would have a much easier time making a splinter faction of characters disillusioned with the USCM's "false" ideals, and forming their own faction named the USAF. This would not only do a lot to remove the IC prejudice against your faction (and, in fact, maybe turn it in your favour), but also avoid having to retcon any history and provide easy, in-character reasons to have the kind of more realistic and limited resources you seem to desire.

    The above paragraph is just one idea of an alternative - others exist. In any case, I applaud this sort of ambition and proactivity; we need more of it on this server. But if you'd like to continue with this course of action, all I ask is that you please explain to us why it is better or more necessary than other alternatives.

    ...Also, this was not meant to have any tone of hostility in it, despite the emphases. Sorry for that.
    #14 Chronicle, Aug 5, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 5, 2014
  15. Leschinsky

    Leschinsky Bohemic Tendencies

    Dec 31, 2013
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    Plucking amazing idea.
    Not the least bit of sarcasm or derision; this is a perfect fit.
    I'll get to editing this thread; thank criminey for you Chron, I'd kiss you if it wouldn't rust your beautiful mouth.
  16. Chronicle

    Chronicle nobody knows why he's still here

    Dec 17, 2013
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  17. GuardianPotato

    GuardianPotato New Member

    Feb 24, 2014
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  18. M-Bot

    M-Bot #swellest

    Apr 4, 2014
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    it worked because it was the solution

    Don't void anything - /roleplay/ it. There isn't any need to whitewash any of this when the solution is simple as: get fed up -> leave union -> no time to take tech -> run away -> set up shop on some backwater no-name planet -> splinter group.

    I mean fuck, make it an event. Have the current members do something that is completely not in line with USCM policy ( like I dunno, raid a penal colony? ), have "Central" or whatever the governing body is freak out, send goons to arrest the crew ( these would be event throwaway characters ), have USAF peeps grab weapons and fight their way out.

    Bam. New faction. No need to void/retcon anything, character back stories are unaffected, and the result is the same. And we get a fun event out of it!
  19. Leschinsky

    Leschinsky Bohemic Tendencies

    Dec 31, 2013
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    Yeah; Retcon isn't happening.
    Chron's solution was as simple as it was beautifuly perfect.
    (This is why community discussion is a good idea; the community has good ideas, shh it's a well kept secret)
    Though the event does sound like a fun event (redundant edit) idea; likely pass that to Couch to organize (he's more experienced with those).
  20. GuardianPotato

    GuardianPotato New Member

    Feb 24, 2014
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    We totally aren't' gonna be doing that.