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Upside Laws and Fines

Discussion in 'Upside' started by Haplap, Apr 16, 2016.

  1. Haplap

    Haplap Happypaps

    Aug 5, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Upside Laws
    (( Do note that breaking one of these laws means you consent to the associated punishment ))

    Notes: Any crime marked with a * means the fine must be paid before returning to the colony, or security will escort you out.

    Any fine not paid within a week will net you another fine and mean you will not be able to enter the colony either.

    Failure to cease an action that earned you a fine can result in a doubling of the fine. Further resistance to stopping the action may result in a ban and further fines.

    All officers are under authorization to request the removal of visitors with unnecessarily powerful armor or weapons. Said items would be any wearable armor composition rated above type IV armor or a servo assisted armor piece, and any weapons more powerful than a .30-06 rifle cartridge or its thermal equivalent. If said visitor possessing the item is uncompliant, officers have the authority to escort them off colony and charge them with disturbing the peace. If the visitor shows aggression, reaction ranging from non-lethals to lethals by officers is allowed.

    • Disturbing the Peace - 100px fine
    • Vandalism - 100px fine plus damages
    • Indecent Exposure - 100px fine
    • Harassment - 150px fine
    • Petty theft - 150px fine, return of stolen goods
    • Vagrancy/Squatting - 150px fine
    • Threats of physical violence - 200px fine
    • *Resisting Arrest/Questioning - 500px fine, subject to removal from colony at officer's discretion
    • Theft - 300px fine, return of stolen goods
    • *Assault - 1000px fine
    • *Brandishing a firearm threateningly - 800px fine, possible confiscation
    • Possession of Illegal Goods/Unlicenced firearm - 500px fine, confiscation
    • *Threats of murder - 500px fine, mandatory restraining order on the perpetrator
    • *Robbery - 500px fine, return of stolen goods
    • *Failing to Pay a Fine - 500px fine plus payment of previous fine
    • *Manslaughter - 2000px fine, possible exile
    • *Grand Theft - 1000px fine, return of stolen goods
    • *Murder (If determined to be self defense, no punishment) - Exile
    • *Terrorism - Exile/Death
    • *Assaulting an Officer on duty - 3000px fine, subject to exile depending on severity.
    • *Assault with a deadly weapon - 1500px fine, confiscation of weapon and possible exile.
    • *Attempted murder - Exile
    • *Armed robbery - 1500px fine, return of stolen goods

    So, you've been given a fine?

    Fines can be paid online via this page. You can remain anonymous when paying fine if you wish. All personal details will be kept private for your fines. To pay your fine, simply respond to the fine with the corresponding case number found on your ticket (Which should be given by an officer when you are fined) with sufficient payment or payment information. Once the payment is received, the fine/ban will be lifted.

    Fines can also be paid in person by speaking with a security officer, so long as you have the means to pay them and also have your ticket.
    #1 Haplap, Apr 16, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2016
  2. Haplap

    Haplap Happypaps

    Aug 5, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Fine Listings
    If you were fined, you can find your fine below.

    Fine format:
    - Name (( OOC Character Name for reference )):

    ___Info below this line is to be made public___

    - Crime:
    - Fine/Additional Instructions:
    - Case Number:
  3. CouchPotato360

    CouchPotato360 Last Man Standing

    Jan 17, 2014
    Likes Received:
    - Name (( Skeletor )): N/A
    Case Status: Open until fines have been paid.
    ___Info below this line is to be made public___

    - Crime: 1 Count: Assault
    - Fine/Additional Instructions: 200 px, return when the fine can be paid.
    - Case Number: 03

    - Name (( Pyro Sanders )): N/A
    Warning: Subject is extremely hostile and dangerous, approach with caution.
    ___Info below this line is to be made public___

    - Crime: 2 Counts: Assault
    4 Counts: Resisting Arrest
    - Fine/Additional Instructions: Permanent Exile, appeal required.
    - Case Number: 03
  4. CaptainBritton02

    CaptainBritton02 Man of War

    Jan 7, 2014
    Likes Received:
    - Name (( Shag )): Skaz
    ___Info below this line is to be made public___

    - Crime: 1 Count: Assault
    - Fine/Additional Instructions: Fined 1000 px (PAID).

    - Case Number: 06
  5. CaptainBritton02

    CaptainBritton02 Man of War

    Jan 7, 2014
    Likes Received:
    - Name: Grifter ((Grifter))
    __Info below this line is to be made public__

    - Crime: One count of Assault, One count of Assault with a deadly weapon, One count of Attempted murder.
    - Fine/Additional Instructions: Fined 2500 pixels. Exiled. Appeal required once fine is paid.
    - Case number: 07​
  6. CaptainBritton02

    CaptainBritton02 Man of War

    Jan 7, 2014
    Likes Received:
    - Name: Unknown​
    __Info below this line is to be made public__​

    - Crime: One count of brandishing a firearm threateningly, one count of assaulting an Officer on duty, one count of vagrancy/squatting.​
    - Fine/Additional Instructions: Fined 3,950 pixels, exiled until fine can be paid.​
    - Case number: 08​