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United Systems Armed Forces - USCM Files - Subject D-451-Britton

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by CaptainBritton02, Jun 11, 2015.


"Am I a good Soldier?" -D-451-Britton ((only visible by file accessers.))

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. N/A

  1. CaptainBritton02

    CaptainBritton02 Man of War

    Jan 7, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Name: Ethan Kendall Britton
    Number: D-451974530933
    Age: 25
    Gender: M
    Status: Green
    Occupation: Marine - 0300 Infantryman (Acting Assistant Automatic Rifleman)
    Unit: USAF Task Force 77
    Registered Property/Ships: USS Zodiac (Repurposed SOEIV Pod)
    Engine Failure Upon Aviation Craft Launch. Minor loss of Oxygen, light exposure to harmful materials.
    Failed Reconnaisance Mission. Broken ribs, multiple bone fractures. External injuries.
    Suicide Bomber Attack. Shrapnel wounds dealt to back.
    Failed Reconnaisance Mission. Plasma wound to lower left leg. Reopened previous shrapnel wounds.
    Heat Casualty. Heat Exhaustion.

    Minor oxygen loss. General loss of ability to think coherently for a temporary time.
    Minor PTSD. Diagnosed by naval corpsman on Mars. Cause: Stated by D-541: "War is hell."

    One count of assault. Charges dropped.
    One count of desertion. Pardoned.
    One count of treason. Pardoned.
    *File accessible to only those in command of Subject-D451 or above rank of Second LT/Ensign*
    *To be used in event of court martial, after death assessment, or to be readied before cryosleep is enacted.*

    Overall Verdict: 7 on a scale of 10 in conduct. 5 out of ten on the scale of health.

    Identification Pictures:
    #1 CaptainBritton02, Jun 11, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 14, 2015
  2. CaptainBritton02

    CaptainBritton02 Man of War

    Jan 7, 2014
    Likes Received:
    >>Open File: D-541?<<
    >>Confirm Y/N?<<
    >>Passcode: ****<<
    >>Welcome, Lance Corporal Britton<<

    Entry 1:
    This is not inherently a journal. Merely files I will collect over time. I am required to do this considering my previous charges in case of death, court martial, or long term cryogenic sleep. I could go on and do what the brass wants and state my thoughts and share my real feelings. But that's not important. What is important, is Antares. A small place on the edge of reach for most. I came here, fresh out of the Naval academy, as an officer of the law. I enlisted in the United Systems Martial Service as intended, and all was well. Then, things went downhill.

    I was transferred to Mars as a Naval MP, and not more than a month later I was drafted into aviation. The Navy needed me. I flew everything under the sun. Close Air Support, Reconnaisance, and eventually, I became a bridge officer. I was a scanner operator, backup pilot, and biological consultant. When assigned to a frigate, I was stationed on the border of Antares in case members of ODA 7114 tried to escape. Kelsh put us up to it. That bastard never learned his lesson. He deserved what he got. Execution was a fitting punishment for that no-good son of a bitch. And, while tending to my newly bought ship, a repurpoused tactical insertion pod, docked with my frigate, naval MPs stormed in, intent on arresting me with claims I had committed treason. I detached my ship and sought the border.

    I learned the hard way veterans were not taken kindly to in this place. After months of scraping by, hope was regained. Task Force 77, spearheaded by Vice Admiral Verita Zirilli had pardons offered to would-be-criminals. I enlisted as basic infantry in the Marines. I soon rose to PFC and I am currently a Lance Corporal. I was assigned to an assault fireteam as a Assistant Auto Rifleman, or the MG man's packmule and line of -mobile- defense. Here I am now, a Lance Corporal, in the Marines. A past not worth bragging about and a future somewhat promising. I don't think anyone would care if I uploaded this to the net. Other than the brass trying their damndest to cover up the evidence. Either way, you know about me now, all of it was on my file any ways. I don't see why CentComm bothers. D-451 Britton, signing off.

    >>Close File?<<
    >>Confirm Y/N<<
    >>Goodbye, Lance Corporal<<
    #2 CaptainBritton02, Jun 11, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 11, 2015
  3. CaptainBritton02

    CaptainBritton02 Man of War

    Jan 7, 2014
    Likes Received:
    >>Open File: D-541?<<
    >>Confirm Y/N?<<
    >>Passcode: ****<<
    >>Welcome, Lance Corporal Britton<<

    Entry 2:
    Shit happens. I'm viewed as a fuck up from the very bottom of the ranks. I can't do shit without fucking up except shooting the enemy. I'm an infantryman, not a people person. Can't expect me to kill kill kill and then return back to Mattis and chat with other marines. Nor can anyone expect me to do shit right. I'm a killer, not a leader, an administrator, or desk jockey. But do these motives make me insane or a damn good fieldhand? Is being a fuck up a sign I'm not destined to serve under this banner? I need a beer or two... Okay alot of beers... Well, onto less "edgy and unimportant" news. Corporal Mattulip, my fireteam leader, is out-of-antares for a few days. Hopped on a ship called the "Opportunity" for some fuckin reason. I'm left here to feed her cat and babysit the other member of my team. I get the feeling if I don't fuck this up I can actually be a better infantryman. That or not get commended at all for it. I forget my superiors can see this sometimes... I guess it is -required-. Considering I apparently deserted and stole US technology. Got pardoned atleast. Still under heavy suspicion. Atleast compared to ODA 7114. Well, I've rambled too much this session. Britton, out.

    >>Close File?<<
    >>Confirm Y/N<<
    >>Goodbye, Lance Corporal<<
  4. CaptainBritton02

    CaptainBritton02 Man of War

    Jan 7, 2014
    Likes Received:
    >>Open File: D-541?<<
    >>Confirm Y/N?<<
    >>Passcode: ****<<
    >>Welcome, Lance Corporal Britton<<

    Entry 3:
    Matt's trip out of Antares didn't go as well as once thought. The ship crashed, the occupants of the ship had to survive in the harsh cold for quite a while before a communications device could send a distress. Naturally the Marines were the first there. Most are residing in Mattis clinic or their homes by now. This entry may be rather short. Very fucking tired. Very very bored. PT is the only thing keeping me from dying of boredom. Britton, out.

    >>Close File?<<
    >>Confirm Y/N<<
    >>Goodbye, Lance Corporal<<
  5. CaptainBritton02

    CaptainBritton02 Man of War

    Jan 7, 2014
    Likes Received:
    >>Open File: D-541?<<
    >>Confirm Y/N?<<
    >>Passcode: ****<<
    >>Welcome, [ERROR FILE NOT FOUND] Britton<<

    Entry [BLANK]:
    Matt's dead, Smoke's dead, Leto's dead. DuskFeather is a filthy traitor to us all, and I and Josh are struggling as it is. I'm looking forward to reenlisting. Just one more week in this shithole... Once I get back into Aviation, I'll get to feel like I belong once again. If they let me with this mental condition. I have a better chance of getting into a mental hospital. Infact I might die here... No. I wont die here, I can't, I deserve better. This may well be my last entry. Fuck... Britton, out.


    >>Close File?<<
    >>Confirm Y/N<<
    >>Goodbye, [ERROR]<<