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[U.S.C.M] Sgt. Jonathan Carver

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by iClearSkies, Jun 3, 2015.

  1. iClearSkies

    iClearSkies Military Veteran

    Feb 8, 2015
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    This is the beginning of a saga that has been in the making and has been the collective on-goings of an intersection of characters known as the 'Legacy of a Half-Life'. These stories involve many characters some who are dead and some who are still living and attempting to piece their lives back together. This story has been thought up by three separate members whom to my knowledge are no longer part of Antares but I assume their logs and stories and will finish what we started just a good form of writing practice. Without further withholding's I bring you the story of Jonathan Carver, by the year of 2415 who has reached the age of 37 and has been the survivor of two incidents of total annihilation by the wrath of the Tentacle Seed that destroyed Earth so many years ago. Refugee turned Soldier, turned Spirit of Vengeance this is the story of Sergeant Jonathan (John) Carver.

    Best wishes,


    PS . Please don't respond to these as Id like to keep the story In line as much as I can, if you want to offer opinions please PM me and ill get back to you with all quests and comments.


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    Jonathan Carver
    U.S.C.M Corporal
    DOB: May 26 2378

    Black Kompanie - Uxor Colony - 218th Operational Infantry
    Personal Soldier Memorandum
    March 13th, 2389


    "This is stupid, always seems to be my famous last words. This entry begins following the physiological evaluation
    after my disciplinary hearing on Uxor following the bereavement of my commanding officer Captain Llamar. Me and the Captain got in an argument when I asked for my sons birthday off in exchange for my assigned duty patrol in the industrial sector of the colony. After fifteen minutes of a very 'intense' conversation I ended up getting a written reprimand and the glorious assignment of patrolling the outskirts, the most horrible assignment. To make it even worse my wife Damara figured out how to use her colony communications device to pester me on patrol, mind you thats not a bad thing on the most part. However today her bothering me ever walking second of my fourteen hour shift . . . Id' rather put a bullet in my brain than have her reprimand me a SECOND time about me ot being able to get the day off for Dylan and his fifth birthday.

    "John its his eighth birthday . . ." a disinterested Damara told her wayward husband. Coldly Carver looked down at his wrist communications device as of looks could kill through his radio device. "I friggin' got it Damara I screwed up OK?!" Carver sternly told his loving wife "John you broke the captains vid screen, flipped over his desk and nearly threw him out the window, don't you think you overreacted a bit?!" She scolded back. "No." Carver deadpanned; "That idiot doesn't know what the hell hes doing and I think if given the opportunity I could do a lot better with my men." Carver aggressively replied. "John Dylan hasn't seen you in 4 weeks, I might as well be raising him on my own for lands sakes! you live only nine blocks away for crying out lout cant you be more supportive?" she pleaded with him. "Maybe you should see that counselor like Steven Tol-. ." ; "Are you even listening Damara! I 'aint going to see no fucking shrink and I sure as hell don't have an anger problem we've talked about this over and time again, not. Going. To. Happen." Carver stated plainly to his wife with a hint of absolution "You know what sometimes I wish you could move on without me cause I feel like im a lost cause already.". "John I don't think you understand, Dylan idolizes you, he goes out with his friends and plays Soldier every day with his friends, he wants to grow up to be just like you!" Damara pleaded with her husband. Carver internally sighed, he knew that his wayward son Dylan idolized him but he didn't want his son to end up like he was, early twenties, angry at the world, and of course the one thing he resented; being a Soldier.

    In the background a group of kids can be heard laughing and a young boy is heard "Hey guys lets go out back and play infantry!" (a couscous of agreements is head and a door open and closes) "Damara, I thought I told you not to encourage him, you know I don't like that." Carver stated. "Well John not like your a big part of his life anyways, if anything your more than a figment of his imagination the amount of time your away from him its like you don't even -" Damara suddenly us cutoff by a large atmospheric explosion as Carver looks towards the disturbance. Its funny how a small colony of ten thousand can off put the night sky with the glow of the city, but out in the boonies the stars are in full view for what Carver laid eyes upon. A rock with a streak of red and amber, but it wasn't just the rock that was so horrifying. It was the fact that the rock seemed to have one giant oculus eye and a salvo of withering tentacles pertruding from the rocks surface. More than alarming is the simple fact that it wasn't just the omen of doom that haunts all humanity as a whole, its the fact that it was heading straight for the colony and carver was twenty miles away. "John what the hell was that?" Damara pleaded over the communications device. Still shell shocked at what he is witnessing as in slow motion he simply cut off his wife's communication and opened a channel to Uxor command "Uxor Command!" John shouted into the device "Incoming projectile your under attack get ready for-" Before carver could finish his sentence her heard the impact and felt the shock-wave but no explosion occurred. Damara's voice cutback into Carvers intercom "John Did you hear what i Said! Something just hit in the center of town and im not sure what to do!" John attempted a response "Yeah i Heard! Damara get inside grab Dylan and-" before carver could finish a second explosion was heard from the impact site, but unlike the first contact explosion there was no shock-wave, but from Johns location he could see the impact site and watched as every light in a radial direction out of the impact zone suddenly turned off until the whole colony went dark.

    Carver looked at his communicator and attempted to contact Damara "Damara! come in can you hear me?!" But the only response he received was a monotone voice saying "Connection Failed." Angry carver started the long jog back towards the colony and was interrupted by a screeching sound coming from the sky. "Awe now what?!" Carver declared as he looked up and saw a large trade ship fall out of guided landing orbit and collide with the hillside overlooking the colony. With the Liquid Esterus and his high explosive yield as a fuel source shrapnel was cast far and wide as large pieces of the new wreckage was falling around carver in all its flaming fury and splendor. Diving into a nearby ravine Carver took shelter and for what seemed like minutes wreckage fell all around with a praticular lucky piece of plating bounced off a rock and gave a large gash over the right side of his face. Angry, Pissed off and now bleeding carver grabbed a hypo spray and unloaded it on his face and was bet with more flaming agony with screams of internal pain until finally there was silence. Slowly retreating from his makeshift bunker Carver and his newly scared face (From the hypo-spray which left unattended can leave permanent marks but John had other things on his mind) took in the new landscape from the aftermath of the crash. Fire and debris were scattered everywhere and the side of the mountain rose purple flames of hellish nature lighting the skies ablaze in violet hues, but as the scene progresses john took a new worrisome sight, a large piece of ship had detached and now lodged itself in the residental complex were Demara and Dylan lived. In his shock and the sounds of ambient burning of slag and brimstone his suits monotone voice sounded off with something that gave him hope; "SYstem Rebooted, Communications Re-established." Wasting no time carver attempted to contact his beloved, "Demara! Answer me can you hear me!" but was only met with static and the clicking monotone voice of "Connection Failed." Without further delay Carver made for the now dark colony. And that were his Horrors begin.

    Upon approach to the entrance to the colony carver took in the sights and tried to tactically assess what he was seeing. Three Large creatures covered in appendages were sulking about and were feeding on the corpses of his once friends in the service and local civilians trying to escape the impact area. Upon seeing John the creatures rushed towards John and without fail and with a muffled "The fuck is THAT!" John raised his bullpup rifle and began laying rounds into the creatures, round by round time seemed to slow and as the fragments of slag burst into the creatures soft bodies like sacks of flesh the creatures fell one by one until nothing remained but an empty clip and chewed up carcasses lay before him. Reaching into his carrier he drew a fresh mag of 7.62x59 ammunition into his rifle and racked the bolt back in preparation for the horrors that carver was about to face in the now hellish nightmare known as Uxor. Pressing the transmit button on his communicator:

    "Damara, I'm not sure if you can hear this, but if those things haven't gotten to you yet. . . Stay Safe. . . .

    I'm coming Home.

    #1 iClearSkies, Jun 3, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 3, 2015