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Troubleshooting Your Air Conditioner.

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Eldless, May 4, 2014.

  1. Eldless

    Eldless New Member

    May 3, 2014
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    Good title. Best thread.
    I'm Eldless, I play a purple birdperson. Her name is Itotia Ihuicatl, it means Dancer Sky in Nahuatl (because I am a creative mastermind).

    Say hello and post .gifs while I wait for the server to restart and whitelist me.
  2. The Grand Mugwump

    Dec 29, 2013
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    Hello! Welcome to the server!
  3. Eldless

    Eldless New Member

    May 3, 2014
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    Thanks much, also, I dig the artwork. I might end up commissioning something from Jay, the shadow work and the expressions are to die for.
  4. Narfball

    Narfball narfball

    Dec 22, 2013
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    Attached Files:

  5. Crossed Swords

    Crossed Swords New Member

    Feb 21, 2014
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    Welcome to the server, don't mind Narfball being Narfball
  6. Eldless

    Eldless New Member

    May 3, 2014
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    I dig it, he's got some nice legs. I like your wreath hat.
  7. Narfball

    Narfball narfball

    Dec 22, 2013
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    what the fuck did you say about my legs?
    they're NICE?
    my legs
    are the best
    motherfucking legs
    in the universe
    they're better than kanye west's view of kim kardashian
    who i may add, is a fucking hobbit.
    and you call them
    who the fuck do you think you are
    i will stab you motherfucker
  8. Eldless

    Eldless New Member

    May 3, 2014
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    I dunno man, you say you like legs.
    Talk a big game and everything
    But I'm seeing a lot of foot and ankle in those pics.
    And I'm sitting here thinking, you know, maybe this guy ain't one of us.
    Maybe this guy thinks he's some kinda revolutionary
    But he's not
    He's just a leg poser.
  9. Crossed Swords

    Crossed Swords New Member

    Feb 21, 2014
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  10. Narfball

    Narfball narfball

    Dec 22, 2013
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    you wanna go kid
    you and me
    right now
    i'll show you who's top dog
    i am a revolutionary for those with leg fetishes
    it's just people don't realize
    that foot and ankle
    are very
    but i am an artist and i will fap to all the legs
    no matter how much ankle and foot is there
    you think you can just tell me that i am some fuckin
    on my fuckin forum
    dude i will wreck you
    your anus is NOT prepared for the storm
    fuckin wanker butthole poopface you suck butts
    try'na say im a fake person
  11. Crossed Swords

    Crossed Swords New Member

    Feb 21, 2014
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    -grabs popcorn and starts eating-
  12. Eldless

    Eldless New Member

    May 3, 2014
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    You're not a true blooded leg lover
    You're just an ingrate, poluting our long established fetish pool
    With your filth
    You might have all these normies fooled
    "Oh yeah, Narfball, he loves legs"
    But we can smell our own and you smell like
    Feet and ankles
    Your pics are, in fact, mostly feet and ankles
    If you're going to pretend to be one of us
    At least you could present yourself as a connoisseur
    And not some plebian foot fetishest
  13. Crossed Swords

    Crossed Swords New Member

    Feb 21, 2014
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    This is perfect. I love it. 10/10
  14. Narfball

    Narfball narfball

    Dec 22, 2013
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    I honestly disapprove of your theory, allow me to pick at it graciously.

    "Oh yeah, Narfball, he loves legs"

    Is the foot and ankle not part of the leg, you UNEDUCATED worm? You think the leg is just a shin, kneecap and thigh, do you not? Well, I have news, fellow leg enthusiast. The leg is also foot and ankle.

    But we can smell our own and you smell like
    Feet and ankles

    Then how did you misjudge me so harshly? Because you truly are NOT one of us.

    Your pics are, in fact, mostly feet and ankles
    If you're going to pretend to be one of us

    That is where you are wrong. I do not pretend, I am a man of truth. My pics are in fact, not, mostly feet and ankles. I point you at all of them. There is more shin and thigh there than anything else. You moronic whelp, you're now being put on the chopping block. Defend your points, or be slaughtered by my MIGHTY BUTTSWORD.
  15. Dingbat

    Dingbat Strange Quark

    Jan 26, 2014
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    10/10 would leg again.
  16. Eldless

    Eldless New Member

    May 3, 2014
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    "I honestly disapprove of your theory, allow me to pick at it graciously."

    Please do.

    "Is the foot and ankle not part of the leg, you UNEDUCATED worm? You think the leg is just a shin, kneecap and thigh, do you not? Well, I have news, fellow leg enthusiast. The leg is also foot and ankle."

    "In human anatomical terms, the leg is the part of the lower extremity that lies between the knee and the ankle,"
    So, fellow uneducated worm, we are both in the wrong.
    Three out of four of your 'leg' pictures also contain feet,
    I assume you also enjoy feet, which is disgusting
    Because you pass off your repulsive fetish as 'leg love'
    When actually you love legs (Praise Be) and feet
    Also known as ground hands to the common man.

    "That is where you are wrong. I do not pretend, I am a man of truth. My pics are in fact, not, mostly feet and ankles. I point you at all of them. There is more shin and thigh there than anything else. You moronic whelp, you're now being put on the chopping block. Defend your points, or be slaughtered by my MIGHTY BUTTSWORD."

    I will be referring to the pictures numbered 1-4
    1. A celestial leg covered in skin trees. Lovely. Despite the super deformed anatomy the shading is satisfactory and sends pleasure tingles through my kneecaps. However, it is sullied by the nauseating inclusion of a large foot in the center of the picture. The center of the picture is the most important part of the picture and there is a foot there as the focal point of this "leg" picture. This picture is regarded as a foot picture, regardless of what you say.
    2. A crude cave drawing of a 'leg' which has little to no anatomy defining it's legglyness. Once again a foot is the focal point in this sorry excuse of a picture. Even the 'my' (marking the ownership as yours Narfball) is written on the foot meaning that the foot is yours. Why would a leg enthusiast want a foot? Why would a leg enthusiast write that a foot is theirs? I propose that we would not. Also, the 'leg' as you call it appears to end at the shin, showing a disregard for the most holy of sections, the thigh.
    3. The most sickening example of your incorrectness. Notice the detail on the foot, notice that it is crafted with the utmost love, and attention of the artist. Compare that to the 'leg' that is haphazardly drawn in the corner of the icon, the calf ending too early, the lack of shading. It is simply a limb a segway to the foot. Once again the foot is the focal point of the piece, the explosion lines extending around it showing importance. This picture represents you, Narfball. The text above calls out 'LEG' but the evidence shows nothing but toejam.
    4. This is a piece of art. Beautiful, best leg, 10/10 fantastic skin lawn and calf shape great thigh action true masterpiece.
  17. Narfball

    Narfball narfball

    Dec 22, 2013
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    While I understand your points and sympathize your stupidity, you are wrong.
    The foot is one of the finer details of the leg, yet you do not understand. You refer to the foot as a ground hand, which is not okay. Without the foot, the leg would be but a nub. You can't walk with nubs. The foot is an unsung hero, and you disgrace it by calling it a GROUND HAND. You truly are brazen, leg enthusiast. But let me direct you.. To the chart.

    View attachment 1331
    Notice how pirates have declined with the global average temperature (GAT), this is directly related to the decrease in legs as well. Legs are becoming extinct due to the increasing GAT. You're disgracing an endangered species, the foot, and the leg, by calling them unattractive groundhands. Now I will direct you to the other things that are just as important.

    View attachment 1332

    This, is not a ground hand. It has no thumbs. Yet you explicitly call it: "ground hands to the common man." What kind of argument is this, might I add? It's a poor one. It serves no purpose. You have to cover the facts when arguing, the leg is the best part of the body, foot included, and you fail to realize this. Why do you resume arguing with me when you know this argument will get you nowhere, as you are always wrong?

    "I will be referring to the pictures numbered 1-4
    1. A celestial leg covered in skin trees. Lovely. Despite the super deformed anatomy the shading is satisfactory and sends pleasure tingles through my kneecaps. However, it is sullied by the nauseating inclusion of a large foot in the center of the picture. The center of the picture is the most important part of the picture and there is a foot there as the focal point of this "leg" picture. This picture is regarded as a foot picture, regardless of what you say.
    2. A crude cave drawing of a 'leg' which has little to no anatomy defining it's legglyness. Once again a foot is the focal point in this sorry excuse of a picture. Even the 'my' (marking the ownership as yours Narfball) is written on the foot meaning that the foot is yours. Why would a leg enthusiast want a foot? Why would a leg enthusiast write that a foot is theirs? I propose that we would not. Also, the 'leg' as you call it appears to end at the shin, showing a disregard for the most holy of sections, the thigh.
    3. The most sickening example of your incorrectness. Notice the detail on the foot, notice that it is crafted with the utmost love, and attention of the artist. Compare that to the 'leg' that is haphazardly drawn in the corner of the icon, the calf ending too early, the lack of shading. It is simply a limb a segway to the foot. Once again the foot is the focal point of the piece, the explosion lines extending around it showing importance. This picture represents you, Narfball. The text above calls out 'LEG' but the evidence shows nothing but toejam.
    4. This is a piece of art. Beautiful, best leg, 10/10 fantastic skin lawn and calf shape great thigh action true masterpiece."

    1. The first leg, is the best leg. It has a very strong foot, with graciously painted feathers on the shin and thigh. Truly a masterpiece that you spit on with no reason. And may I add, the foot is at the bottom of the picture?
    2. This crude cave drawing was drawn by the magnificent TD, and you sully her name? You've truly outdone yourself, now you are arguing with two leg enthusiasts with the same beliefs.
    3. I'm not even going to dignify this with a response, uncultured swine.
    4. While it is a piece of art, it lacks the strong foot that keeps it standing. While the shrubbery is great, and the shin is gloriously painted, you do not realize that it lacks, the best part. The foot. It allows you to stand. Must I resume arguing with someone who clearly does not understand what they're getting into?

    Attached Files:

  18. Eldless

    Eldless New Member

    May 3, 2014
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    " you do not realize that it lacks, the best part. The foot.

    the best part. The foot.
    the best part. The foot.
    the best part. The foot.
    the best part. The foot.
    the best part. The foot.
    the best part. The foot.
    the best part. The foot.
    the best part. The foot.
    the best part. The foot."

    Ladies and gentlemen, this argument is over.
    He admits it.
    He is a foot lover.
  19. Narfball

    Narfball narfball

    Dec 22, 2013
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    That's all you can focus your argument on. Pitiful. And here I thought I was speaking with an intelligent human being who wouldn't affix themselves to five words. You are truly a disgrace to this community. Get off of my forum.
  20. Eldless

    Eldless New Member

    May 3, 2014
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    the best part. The foot.