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Trade with the Core Worlds has Opened! ((IC/OOC-ish))

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Avis, Jul 10, 2015.

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  1. Avis

    Avis Halloweenie of the Serengeti

    Apr 20, 2014
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    Advertisements flood Antares' localized StarNet. While advertisements are commonplace, out on the frontier many of these companies were previously nonexistent, though they are names known to many residents of the system; they are from back home. Web addresses adorn these broadcasts and images, indicating who to talk to in order to set up bulk trade between these companies and the businesses or colonies of Antares. They are looking to sell their goods as well as buy raw resources from the sector to manufacture their goods. The companies are as follows:

    Helios Aerospace Unlimited: A shipwright that specializes in both luxury and commuter vessels.

    Omnibio Enterprises: A company that stands at the technological forefront, creating mostly medicines, medical equipment, antivenins, and experimental technology.

    Omnibio Robotics Branch: A subsidiary of the Enterprise, it focuses on both precise robotics for numerous purposes as well as cybernetic replacements and enhancements.

    Intertronic Corporation: An electronics firm that creates anything from cell phones and galactic radios to ship systems.

    Retail Raptures: Terraforming at its finest. While some landscaping can be performed by most anyone quite easily, reshaping the earth for large-scale construction relies on some of the most up-to-date technology possible; terraforming.

    Durasteel Defenses: An arms company that focuses on bulk production of personal self defense weaponry and armor. Given specifications, they are capable of creating custom arms, but only to a certain, less expensive degree.

    Valu-U-Centrics: Modern-day Walmart. They create every day goods, furniture, simple electronics, and other "store-brand" products. They will not sell any foodstuffs to Antares, but they will purchase nearly every common resource, including crops.

    THREDS: The premier clothier of Core space has opened its doors to the frontier. A company as large as THREDS has become capable of creating cloths for nearly any person, ranging from rugged outdoorsman clothing to high-end couture.

    Arcturus Construction: Renting out its employees and providing materials, Arcturus Construction is about as efficient and cost-effective as professional construction will get in Antares.

    Iron Grip Machinery: Creating large-scale machinery such as assembly line machines and even construction vehicles and equipment, Iron Grip Machinery creates high-quality equipment necessary for any large-scale job.

    Ursa Majoris: The crown jewel of arms manufacturing. Ursa Majoris provides military-grade weaponry for civilian use, providing custom arms much like its competitor. Any military grade weaponry or explosives require a statement of intent, a background check, or other certification or qualifications.

    Application for trade with any company:

    Your business, faction, or colony:
    Which company you wish to trade with:
    Your name:
    What you are purchasing/selling:
    Special Requests:

    Post the application here. A representative of the company you contact will respond with the price of the goods you wish to purchase or sell, and will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Keep in mind the representative will ask for some kind of proof that your money is not counterfeit, for example, expense logs from your company or faction.

    The price is affected by a number of variables, but the heavy hitter in price is the risk the company takes in shipping to you, or picking up cargo you wish to sell, in other words a danger value. A danger value will be posted here numbering 1 through 5, 1 being the lowest or least danger, 5 being the highest.

    The Core is also stricken with shortages and surpluses of products. These can make prices fluctuate in catastrophic amounts. Shortages and Surpluses will be posted here including the products, and how severe the fluctuation is at a value of 1-4, where 1 is the least influence and 4 is the highest.

    Some companies cannot be bought or sold to regularly, as they rely on a supply/demand market. These companies will offer contracts periodically that players can bid on for supplies. The thread for this is here: Market/Trade - (IC) Contract Board for Companies | Antares Frontier. Keep in mind some companies have a constant demand (To a degree), while they also have certain products that function off supply and demand; this creates companies that use both models. Companies that use supply/demand and the products they use them for are below:

    Helios Aerospace Unlimited: Constant need for resources for commercial and civilian ships. Supply/demand for military-grade ships and their systems.

    Retail Raptures: Rarely offers very, very large contracts for nearly any resource.

    Arcturus Construction: Needs resources only when hired.

    Iron Grip Machinery: Needs resources only when commissioned.

    Omnibio Enterprises: Constant need for exotic crops and research materials; supply/demand for medical equipment, such as scanning equipment.

    Ursa Majoris: Supply/Demand. Only needs resources when a bulk amount of high-grade weapons are ordered.

    ((Any questions/concerns can be PM'd to me, and I'll answer appropriately. This is the ONLY way to purchase products or sell resources outside of Antares. This system will become effective July 13, 2015. Any abuse of the grace period given will result in punitive measures.))
    #1 Avis, Jul 10, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2015
  2. SP3CTR3

    SP3CTR3 Flipping Tables at ignorance!

    May 13, 2015
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    ((Awesome way to ICly conduct trade with the core worlds as well as name some things within the 'Core Worlds' that CF will never define for us. The RP options are pretty big here, even selling mad science to tech companies....great idea Mr.Avis!))
    #2 SP3CTR3, Jul 11, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 11, 2015
  3. SP3CTR3

    SP3CTR3 Flipping Tables at ignorance!

    May 13, 2015
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    Your business, faction, or colony: Cy's Farms Inc.
    Which company you wish to trade with: Valu-U-Centrics
    Your name: Cy Wire
    What you are purchasing/selling:
    (Selling)Various Undamaged Salvaged Non-Perishable Cargo in Large Quantities(150k lbs. ready in cargo containers), Chili, Hops, Barley, Tomatoes, Automatoes. Special: Antares Old Timey Pepper Beer.
    (Buying)Plush Animals, Canned Food, Coralcreep Curry, Flat White Coffee.

    Special Requests: Researching the Valu-U-Centric market for native Antares wood fiber(planks, logs or pulp), please provide any materials you might have on this.
  4. Cole Ombre

    Cole Ombre Lurking Admin

    Feb 11, 2014
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    Your business, faction, or colony: Stirpis Weaponry
    Which company you wish to trade with: Arcturus Construction
    Your name: Jace Ombre
    What you are purchasing: Sheets of durasteel, steel, and aluminum-alloy, as well as copper and brass rods
    Special Requests:

    Your business, faction, or colony:
    Stirpis Weaponry
    Which company you wish to trade with: Iron Grip Machinery
    Your name: Jace Ombre
    What you are purchasing: Automated Machine for pressing and forming of bullets of various calibers and types
    Special Requests:
  5. Wreth

    Wreth New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    ((I feel like this will just get rid of any need or requirement or factions to interact with each other or depend on each other. Each faction can just sit inside its bubble and trade with out of sector organisations and RP will be reduced, because everyone will be self sufficient.))
  6. Avis

    Avis Halloweenie of the Serengeti

    Apr 20, 2014
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    ((That's been worked around. Buying from the companies is expensive, and selling to them doesn't net you a whole lot of money. On top of this, many things cannot be bought or sold to the Core worlds. For example, you cannot buy any metals from the Core; this stuff has to be obtained on the frontier. The system's in place to give people an option so that their company can get a legitimate startup, but it will stress a necessity for inter-faction trade. Feel free to message me with any questions you have.))
  7. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    -= Single Business Arrangements =-

    Your business, faction, or colony: Saltus Refueling and Refining Inc.
    Which company you wish to trade with: Helios Aerospace Unlimited
    Your name: Tanji Saltus
    What you are selling: Various fuels (Includes; Liquid Erchius Fuel (LEF), Plutonium Ore, Uranium Ore, solarium Ore, Plutonium Rods, Uranium Rodes, Solarium Stars)
    Special Requests:

    Your business, faction, or colony: Saltus Refueling and Refining Inc.
    Which company you wish to trade with: Omnibio Enterprises
    Your name: Tanji Saltus
    What you are selling: Various fuels (Includes; Liquid Erchius Fuel (LEF), Plutonium Ore, Uranium Ore, solarium Ore, Plutonium Rods, Uranium Rodes, Solarium Stars), Syrings and Empty Bottles
    Special Requests:

    Your business, faction, or colony: Saltus Refueling and Refining Inc.
    Which company you wish to trade with: Omnibio Robotics Branch
    Your name: Tanji Saltus
    What you are selling: Various fuels (Includes; Liquid Erchius Fuel (LEF), Plutonium Ore, Uranium Ore, solarium Ore, Plutonium Rods, Uranium Rodes, Solarium Stars)
    Special Requests:

    Your business, faction, or colony: Saltus Refueling and Refining Inc.
    Which company you wish to trade with: Retail Raptures
    Your name: Tanji Saltus
    What you are selling: Various fuels (Includes; Liquid Erchius Fuel (LEF), Plutonium Ore, Uranium Ore, solarium Ore, Plutonium Rods, Uranium Rodes, Solarium Stars)
    Special Requests

    Your business, faction, or colony: Saltus Refueling and Refining Inc.
    Which company you wish to trade with: Durasteel Defenses
    Your name: Tanji Saltus
    What you are selling: Various fuels (Includes; Liquid Erchius Fuel (LEF), Plutonium Ore, Uranium Ore, solarium Ore, Plutonium Rods, Uranium Rodes, Solarium Stars)
    Special Requests:

    Your business, faction, or colony: Saltus Refueling and Refining Inc.
    Which company you wish to trade with: Valu-U-Centrics
    Your name: Tanji Saltus
    What you are selling: Various fuels (Includes; Liquid Erchius Fuel (LEF), Plutonium Ore, Uranium Ore, solarium Ore, Plutonium Rods, Uranium Rodes, Solarium Stars)
    Special Requests:

    Your business, faction, or colony: Saltus Refueling and Refining Inc.
    Which company you wish to trade with: THREDS
    Your name: Tanji Saltus
    What you are selling: Various fuels (Includes; Liquid Erchius Fuel (LEF), Plutonium Ore, Uranium Ore, solarium Ore, Plutonium Rods, Uranium Rodes, Solarium Stars)
    Special Requests:

    Your business, faction, or colony: Saltus Refueling and Refining Inc.
    Which company you wish to trade with: Iron Grip Machinery
    Your name: Tanji Saltus
    What you are selling: Various fuels (Includes; Liquid Erchius Fuel (LEF), Plutonium Ore, Uranium Ore, solarium Ore, Plutonium Rods, Uranium Rodes, Solarium Stars)
    Special Requests:

    Your business, faction, or colony: Saltus Refueling and Refining Inc.
    Which company you wish to trade with: Arcturus Construction
    Your name: Tanji Saltus
    What you are selling: Various fuels (Includes; Liquid Erchius Fuel (LEF), Plutonium Ore, Uranium Ore, solarium Ore, Plutonium Rods, Uranium Rodes, Solarium Stars), Bricks, Roof Tiles, Coal, and Glass
    Special Requests:

    Your business, faction, or colony: Saltus Refueling and Refining Inc.
    Which company you wish to trade with: Ursa Majoris
    Your name: Tanji Saltus
    What you are selling: Various fuels (Includes; Liquid Erchius Fuel (LEF), Plutonium Ore, Uranium Ore, solarium Ore, Plutonium Rods, Uranium Rodes, Solarium Stars)
    Special Requests:

    -= Duel Business Arrangements =-

    Your business, faction, or colony: Saltus Refueling and Refining Inc.
    Which company you wish to trade with: Intertronic Corporation
    Your name: Tanji Saltus
    What you are selling: Various fuels (Includes; Liquid Erchius Fuel (LEF), Plutonium Ore, Uranium Ore, solarium Ore, Plutonium Rods, Uranium Rodes, Solarium Stars)
    Special Requests:

    Your business, faction, or colony: Saltus Refueling and Refining Inc.
    Which company you wish to trade with: Intertronic Corporation
    Your name: Tanji Saltus
    What you are purchasing: Refueling and Refining parts, Ship parts for a Leach Solar Machine Industries eagle class frigate at a length of 84.734m with a height of 33.528m modified with a large Liquid Erchius hold tank, nine refining machines, one crystal compressor, two large cargo.compartments
    Special Requests: On a need bases.
    #7 Yotan, Jul 24, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 24, 2015
  8. Avis

    Avis Halloweenie of the Serengeti

    Apr 20, 2014
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    This thread is kill and you should not pay attention to it anymore. Do still be reasonable with your roleplay, please.
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