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Thoughts of the moon girl

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Lunarexlipse, Apr 13, 2014.

  1. Lunarexlipse

    Lunarexlipse New Member

    Apr 2, 2014
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    ((This is OCC unless some being should randomly find Lunetta's journal inside of her apartment, where it is kept :p))

    Entry 1

    I have decided to keep a record of the things I do while I find myself wandering this Galaxy. I doubt I will write in it often, as between my adventuring and study I may not find myself with much time. I finally sucked up my pride today and asked for some help on the radio.
    A man named Sai answered my call. After an initial scare to "make sure I remembered how dangerous this galaxy could be", an event that nearly lost him a limb, we spoke and he agreed to take me to a small town called Opportunity. It is a lovely place.. Truly. It is quiet, so I won't be disturbed I would hope. The town has charm and the man who runs the city, a floran named Sativa, accepted my in person application. So, for now I suppose I have a new home.
    Try not to mess this one up too, Lune..

    Entry 2

    I met a man today, a Hylotl
    A Hylotl named Onyx Roots.
    Strange that my first entry of the day would be of a person I met, much more so a man, but, it has been the focus of my day. I was outside reading on a bench, attempting to rest my newly wounded shoulder when he beamed down into town and began to play his music at the restaurant. My curiosity was piqued when I saw how well he played and how excellent his posture was. I felt... drawn to him. As I was to Jettram the first time I saw her playing her flute in the park.
    I ended up slowly approaching him behind and starting a conversation. After some talking, questioning about the serpents on his armor (Deus meus, they were gorgeous) and agreeing upon many things, he gave me a long speech about how he had only just decided to give social interaction another try after decades of research and nothing else, and how he had never expected to meet a woman like me. Who's "beauty matched her intelligence", or something just as cheesy. Then, he stated, that he would be completely honored to play for me.
    and he bowed. *the ink seems to blot on the page, as though there was a pause in the writing*
    I of course accepted the offer, but soon my shoulder began to bother me again. I do not know if he saw me when I touched it to attempt to stem the blood I felt going down my shoulder, or if he simply noticed my face. But he came up behind me and offered to help stitch me up. When I declined the first time he gave me a look that let me know he would not accept a no. So I simply let him. We went up to his ship, and he patched me up just fine. He used a strange toxin on me though, one that numbed me to my legs even, but it did the trick.
    I... I want to meet this man again. He is completely fascinating to me, and I do not know why. Curiosity may very well get this cat killed.

    Entry 3

    Journal, why do I bother with social interaction again?
    Perhaps that Onyx fellow gave me a false hope for finding people who are more like me..
    After reading in my newly claimed spot on a bench in Opportunity, I was stared at by a glitch. A... creepy. CREEPY. Glitch. Do not ask me why I do not like the glitch, they have never done anything against me. It is probably a simple fact that I cannot process such an advanced technology having a medieval mindset.. It weirds me out.
    He even asked me what I was reading. My helmet was on, I had music playing. Is that not a sign of "I don't want to talk" on this planet? Regardless I removed the helmet so we could speak. A mistake, surely.
    I amused the glitch by showing him what I was reading and answering his questions. But then that Hylotl from the day before beamed down, that Onyx fellow. I seized the opportunity to escape the conversation by quickly going and reading by him again. The glitch followed, but a swift glare seemed to have staved him off coming closer. The glitch seemed to...fall asleep?
    But then a man ran by in a hurry and knocked him over. And since nobody else seemed concerned about the sparking robot who was about to light the foliage on fire, I stepped in with my minor knowledge of repairs and managed to un-jam a blade in his arm. Not stabbed into his arm, it comes FROM his arm. The most beautiful thing i've ever seen.. I almost wish I had a robotic arm simply for that purpose, to have a BLADE come forth from it like a knife of justice and inexplicable RAGE.
    Pardon that diversion, I digress. The glitch thanked me and told me his name, which is Sal-237, or simply Sal. We spoke for a while, and he began to flirt with me and tease me ad nauseum.. Then he began calling me Snow White.
    Deus Meus.
    This robot could not get any more on my nerves, or so I thought.
    Soon enough his jaw fell off when he becamed so amused by my getting flustered at the preposterous new nickname. Serves him right I say. But, when I noticed his face, I decided that perhaps this man had gone through enough. And besides, I've never tried fixing a glitch before.
    So, after his body rejected the new bolts I tried to install to keep it in place, I had to remove it again. All my hard work for naught. But then, Onyx, who had wandered off without me noticing in the commotion, came back and Sal instantly called me snow white in front of him.
    I could have killed him there. But I didn't. I'm a better woman than that.
    But then I had to explain why I didn't like him calling me that. Then he started calling me PRINCESS.
    and, to admit it honestly, I snapped.
    Had I not asked Onyx to stop me, I would have gouged his eyes out.
    Curse my insatiable curiosity.
    #1 Lunarexlipse, Apr 13, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 13, 2014