Logging on HolyShitSomeoneEmployMe@Summit . .. ... .... ..... Logged on Introduction. This one is designated as Bolt Burn. Recalling. I have worked on several ships for different employers, and have been left to my own devices after my old employers...Clarification. Sudden onset of losing the ability to breath. Listing. My skills include, cooking, cleaning, screaming at small children, maintenance work, and the disposal of toxic items. Pleading. I only request that you provide me with shelter and food for my services. Closing. If you are interested, contact Bolt-Burn at HolyShitSomeoneEmployMe@Summit. Logging off ..... .... ... .. . (Everyone is in for fun at a Noah Party)
Introduction! Greetings! My name is Herx-Amman and I am offering my services to anyone in need of a personal hand! Two, in fact! Like Bolt Burner said before me, I am capable of cooking, cleaning, screaming at children big and small, and disposal of non-toxic items! In addition I can fish, deliver messages, handle a hoe and retrieve objects for you like you wouldn't believe! All in all I'm a much better option than my competitor above! You can contact me at: Herx-Amman [[email protected]] I hope to hear from you soon!