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Things that I build!

Discussion in 'Art & Graphics' started by JohnShadow, Dec 18, 2015.

  1. JohnShadow

    JohnShadow "Now you're all alone, little Caroline."

    Apr 14, 2015
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    Welcome to my build show place thing!

    Soooooo, these are some of the cool builds that I make in Starbound, whether on the server or off, and I wanna share them with you guys because I think they are cool, so hopefully some of you guys will too!

    Feel free to ask some questions and stuff and enjoy all the builds and stuff! Have fun!
    #1 JohnShadow, Dec 18, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 18, 2015
  2. JohnShadow

    JohnShadow "Now you're all alone, little Caroline."

    Apr 14, 2015
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    Ok, here is my first build that I wanna show all you peoples. It's a big cathedral, made to look like a big Gothic building, but with a few tech elements here and there, however, it also has a massive full-tech bunker underneath it!

    This is meant to be the main home of the Temple Culextes.

    Ok, so, here is the top part of the cathedral, meant to look medieval with sprinkles of tech.
    In the top right picture, you see the left tower, with a radio tower and computer

    The top middle and right picture host the right tower and its roof, with it's balconies and it's floral top-section

    And, the bottom to pictures are showing off the left and right sides of the main hall, where players can hang out, eat, and maybe listen to some announcements.
    Cathedral Top.jpg

    Ok, now for the bottom. You can see (in reading order) The main area, with the main office, armory, break room, and residential rooms.

    You can see in the top right, the garage, built in the side of a hill, complete with hoverbikes, an elevator, and some solar panels.

    In the bottom image, you can see the library. Now,
    I DIDN'T BUILD THE LIBRARY ALONE!, I actually had some really cool people help me out with it, WrongEndofTheRainbow, and War Weazel. Now, the library has a LOT of books and is meant to be a big study place for the players. Cathedral Bottom.jpg

    Ok guys, that's all for this build, hope you enjoyed the pics! You can stop by every once in a while, as I may have posted a new build. Thank you so much for reading and viewing and I hope you guys have a good day.

    Bye bye.
    #2 JohnShadow, Dec 18, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 18, 2015
  3. JohnShadow

    JohnShadow "Now you're all alone, little Caroline."

    Apr 14, 2015
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    Alright, here's a little mini-build. This is the house of one of my characters on Ragnorok! Hope you like :)


    Alright, that's it. Mini-build is mini!

    Bye bye
  4. JohnShadow

    JohnShadow "Now you're all alone, little Caroline."

    Apr 14, 2015
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    Alright, now I have a sorta mini-build. It's just my ship lol

    So here's the front of the ship
    And here's the middle and back
    Ok das it

    Bye bye.
  5. Froot


    Mar 30, 2015
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    How utilitarian. :D
  6. JohnShadow

    JohnShadow "Now you're all alone, little Caroline."

    Apr 14, 2015
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    :D I know lol, I gotta make it look more pretty
  7. JohnShadow

    JohnShadow "Now you're all alone, little Caroline."

    Apr 14, 2015
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    I'll post a prettier version one day
  8. JohnShadow

    JohnShadow "Now you're all alone, little Caroline."

    Apr 14, 2015
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    A cool story thingy

    So, I was asked to write a paper telling a story for my English class, basically to prove that we knew about all the writing stuff like literary devices. Anyways. . . I made a fake story, but centered around the lore of this server, so I figured I'd post it here just for fun (please ignore the obvious english paper-y stuff)
    The year is 2416. A deadly plague is spreading through the galaxy, spread from a gigantic, tentacle based monster known simply as ‘The Destroyer’. The plague nears the planet, and The Council, the leaders of the galaxy, have decided it is time to put an end to this. They are banding all the populated planets in the sector together to send out a party to destroy the source of the monster.
    One man named Jason, who lives on a planet called Ragnarok, in a city of the same name, is part of the planet’s party. He stands in his house, waiting for the phone call to go. He looks down at a picture of his family, all lost to the Destroyer when it ravaged the Antares sector, his old home, it motivates him. The phone rings, and he looks over, going to pick it up. “It’s time.” says the man on the other end. Fear creeping up in the back of his mind. He makes his way through the city, looking around, wondering if he’ll ever see it again. He gets to the facility, going through the ceremony, not much paying attention, he’s just eager to get it over with. Finally, when it ends, he takes off with his planet’s party.
    A little while into the empty space, they meet up at the border of the old Antares colony, grouping with the other planet’s parties. All of a sudden, the order to charge for the center of the system is given, and all the ships start flying out at hyperspeed towards the center. Once they reach the tentacle beast, chaos ensues. Jason looks around, panicked, and flips his weapon switch to engage auto firing. Missiles and guns begin to sound, explosions everywhere, sweat drips down Jason’s face. It’s overwhelming him with fear, flying fiercely through the tentacle storm. The tentacles were a storm. He looks off to the left to see a ship being torn apart by a swipe from The Destroyer. Then, an announcement comes from a head member of The Council, he orders that the Anti-bio superbeam be launched. Out of the fleet, only moments later, a massive beam launches into the center of the beast.
    A loud screech spreads echos through Jason’s ship. It almost immediately clicks with him, sound can only spread through physical objects, and then he knows he’s been grabbed. He braces, as a large piece of his ship is torn off as if it was merely snow from a larger pile, and then the beast let’s go. Another order comes through, stating that the beast was retreating from Antares, and that they had accomplished their mission, by some miracle. Jason almost starts to cheer, and suddenly he is pulled backwards by outer space, as a door is pulled from the room, sucking him towards the hole far back in his ship. He grabs the doorframe as tightly as he can, slowly pulling himself along a railing towards the head console. He keeps pulling, slowly losing grip like a rope snapping. His life flashes before him, his family, his friends, the place he lived, and he suddenly feels a burst of strength. He pulls towards the console, finally reaching it and hitting a button to close all the blast doors in the ship, sectioning off the damaged area. He flies back home, remembering those that died to free the sector.
    He gets home, looking around at the city. A friend of his rushes up, jumping to high-five him. “You did it!” he says to him.
    “I guess so!” Jason says back, laughing. He goes back to his house after the victory ceremony, picking up the picture of his family. He knows that they gave him strength when he needed it most, and he knows that they would be proud of him for what he did. The Destroyer wasn’t dead, but it wasn’t in Antares anymore, and the plague would soon cease to spread to the new sector. He lies back, happy for what him, the planet, the sector, the galaxy, and The Council, had done.

    92 people like this.
  9. Froot


    Mar 30, 2015
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    Hey, that's pretty good!
  10. JohnShadow

    JohnShadow "Now you're all alone, little Caroline."

    Apr 14, 2015
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    Thank you @Lyro! It means a lot