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The Walls are Closing In.txt

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Doctor Frohman, Jan 21, 2015.

  1. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    [Found on Ammon ("Dipper")'s crude PDA]
    I can't take this anymore. The other prisons I've been to were so different feeling. I have no sense of nature, no windows, or anything. Only cold, hard stone and iron bars. The stench of humans and their odors reeks the cramped and makeshift jail cells. The toilet clogs every few hours. Food is given to us via tray, if we're lucky. However, it is just bread, foul-tasting and human-like. There's only one bed, so my cellmate and I take turns sleeping on the wet, moldy, shit-covered floor, while the other takes the cold, stained, high-up bunk, without anything to rest your head on. Only recently I was un-handcuffed, much to the dismay of the mercenaries pretending to be police. I can hear the ramblings below of a human brought in on murder charges, and was caught with the chainsaw in his possession, bloody.

    I'm innocent, truly. These people here, they act under a "Guilty until proven Innocent" policy. I have been tasered, beaten, and mistreated, all by the hands of a colony pretending to be Hylotl in nature. They're going to kill me, I know it. They have all the "evidence" they need. One. Grounded. Avian.
    Alo hated me beforehand, and now she has Glauen and Omenvreer blindly following her. I have prayed time and time again, Kluex, yet I see no difference in my circumstances. Is this truly a test of faith? Or is it seeing how far my will can go before being broken? The cage I am in seems to be closing in, slowly, but surely. They're making my death a slow, painful one. I need a priest, I need someone, anyone, from the outside. I need to get out of here before the walls close in completely.