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Everyone's making these threads, so here's one for DuskFeather

Discussion in 'Character Discussion' started by Angre, Aug 7, 2014.

  1. Angre

    Angre Majestic Penguin

    Dec 23, 2013
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    Alright, my last thread, "The United Systems", went poorly. I overreacted. I got upset. So, this time, I've got some rules for myself. I won't be defending my character or myself. I'll accept all comments, all criticisms, whether they're overly hateful or not. Criticize the way I roleplay, how I act OOCly, how my character acts ICly, I don't mind, I hope I'm prepared, but no matter what, I plan on this thread staying open, and I appreciate any and all posts in this thread, especially if the poster is actually trying to help me improve, and not just pointing out my flaws and making me feel bad about myself (I already do for the United Systems thread, I acted immaturely and made us all look bad, I'm sorry for that).
  2. Leschinsky

    Leschinsky Bohemic Tendencies

    Dec 31, 2013
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    I'll start!
    Duskfeather is rather stable and static; he is pretty predictable as far as reactions go. Kind of like a sunday comic character; his growth feels stunted and stagnant.
  3. Sen

    Sen Guest

  4. Leschinsky

    Leschinsky Bohemic Tendencies

    Dec 31, 2013
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    We're all living the human experience, but Sen is speaking it.
  5. Angre

    Angre Majestic Penguin

    Dec 23, 2013
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    Definitely two things I've had a lot of trouble with since I started RPing, is making Dusk feel alive, feel Avian. I've never been particularly good at writing, or, at least, making the characters I create seem real or believable. I've been working on it, but I'd appreciate some advice on how to improve. After all, only so much can be done on my own.
  6. Leschinsky

    Leschinsky Bohemic Tendencies

    Dec 31, 2013
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    Quick and tumble things to accomplish this;
    Controversy and Changes
    A handy tip I read in a DnD book from an edition I can't quite remember (I want to say 3.5 Player's Handbook)
    "Though Tordek the Cleric is righteous and upholds good and order, he is a little greedy, and indulges his vice whenever he feels justified. (ex; coinpurses of slain enemies, or unlawful gains from a bandit camp)"
    Essentially; hypocrisy in the character creates conflict, either internal or external, resulting in conflict of morals and wants.
    Conflict and trial is the heart of storytelling.
    These are best done subtly; if you get into a fight with a Floran, don't tatoo "MEAT PRIDE" on your forehead.
    It's all about how he interprets and internalizes events around him.
    The fight with the Floran example; does he reflect on that as partially his responsibility? Does he think the Floran started it? Does he believe Florans are predisposed to this sort of behaviour, and therefore he was in the right to defend himself?
    Answering questions like that not only reveal who the character is, but lay out a path for him to follow;
    Perhaps he's much less trusting of Florans, or even outright hostile in the future.
    This can lead to personal arcs of eventually getting over it, harboring the hatred, or making a terrible mistake because of it.
  7. Felonious

    Felonious Restart Monkey

    Apr 28, 2014
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    Making a BELIEVABLE Avian is hard. Like a Floran. Most of us are used to being Human, interacting with other Western-World Humans or witnessing exaggerated stereotypes of other cultures. (See: Every other Hylotl is a ninja.) We aren't used to interacting with an Aztec-like people, or big talking bird people for that matter. Heck, we're not used to interacting within a society that is literally bound and bred into religion, and we dont' have faith permeating every factor of our lives. (Even most of the 'true Avian' players have a hard time realizing that to Avians, faith and ritual are fundamental parts of their culture, nearly inseparable from the rest of their life.)

    I can't fault you for wanting to play an Avian (master race), and it's not really your fault if he isn't a traditional one, perhaps that's just how you felt he should be played. But there are a lot of strong voices that call out saying 'Humans should be Humans'. And in a way, they're right (see: opinion). Making an Avian is great and all, but if you just act like a Human, you toss out the entire point of being a bord person.

    It takes a lot of effort and skill to write something we know absolutely nothing about (research helps too), and even then, chances are it won't be perfect. I don't know much of Duskfeather's backstory, but if he came from Avos (or any of the colonies within its sphere of influence) I imagine he'd have a hard time shaking the traditional aspects of life. Being around Humans might speed that up, but even so, he seems to have adapted almost too perfectly.

    I'm not sure how to really fix this without killing Duskfeather as he is, though. So, perhaps for Duskfeather, it's best not to fix it. Or to read up a bit on the lore and keep things straightened out.
  8. Finestein Goodlad

    Finestein Goodlad Wizard Mod

    Mar 27, 2014
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    And some of the actions you do as Duskfeather are often fueled by your IRL attitude. Also cybernetic fists that can crush through cerulium and so on. Felo, as always, brought up a very decent advice. I do remember you going back and forth how Duskfeather was a Stargazer before BUT NO he was something else instead and something tells me that you still haven't decided. Just make him a former soldier that ended up being left behind and since then he held a certain grudge against Avos and so on. Make him still hold value for some traditions and no seem as if he was brainwashed by humans completely and just became another human. Try to refine your character, I suppose. Heck, I can even help out.