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The Tale of A Glitch Trio

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Snitch, Oct 30, 2014.

  1. Snitch

    Snitch New Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    ((So, all text in blue is about Widget, all text in red is about Legion, and all text in yellow is
    about Free Radical))

    "Greeting. Hello father, I have completed my fencing and marksmanship practice for today." Said the stiffly formal son, a glitch made of gold, to his father, also of gold "Pleased. Good, now then son, you may go amongst the plebeians, and take your allowance" Stated the father pompously, slouching on his royal throne, family scepter in hand, he pulled out a well-sized pouch filled with pixels, more than what some of the farmers make in a year, and dropped it into his son's hand, making sure not to come into contact with him. The son left the castle and went out into the large farming community below, stopping at the tavern to meet with his dearest. Another glitch, a plebeian, her name was Pinnacle, a somewhat simple name for a not-so-simple Glitch. He spent his time with her only, and gave her the money from his father, before heading back up to the castles once more for his speech modification, ignorant of what would soon occur...

    He was a gift, nothing more. He was Legionnaire, and yet he was but a statue under his new owner, he was a special gift to the golden king from another kingdom of warriors nearby. Him and 20 other warriors, some of the finest available, and they were made to be his royal guards, but did nothing, they just stood there, him and his 20 comrades stood still, like statues, until bickering within heir minds caused them to slowly die off and become like the statues they stood by, lifeless, one by one, and he was the last one left. Standing there. Rusting away, the lone protector of the king's son...

    As Widget stood there, over the body of a bandit's son, he was emotionless, he felt nothing, until a sword plunged through his chest, and a bullet into his gut. Then he felt again, except it was not a good feeling, he fell to his knees, and the bandits attacking Widget took his shoddy weaponry and left, stowing away the stolen loot in their swag bag. He was still alive, and in his desperation, tried to add a program to himself, a self repair program, but Widget was a fool, and instead, through sheer confusion and desperation, created a self repetition function, causing a minor split between his personality programs, the split would grow, and would develop its own ideals and desires, but it had saved him in the end. The separate thought process wanted Widget to live, and so he was modified, and modified, and modified again, until he could survive by himself once more. Once Widget had gotten his strength up, he left for his home, only for his second thought system to hate it, widget began to call the second thought system 'King' as King began to control his very thoughts. King wanted them all dead, and so, Widget did just that, he killed them all after a few months, fighting, being injured, and repairing his wounds, he would have had no chance if the Legionnaires were still active, but they weren't, so the villagers all died, save for a few that ran to the castle early on, then King wanted the town gone, so Widget did just that, he burnt the town to the ground, and all that was left to destroy was the castle...

    ((So yeah, I'll add more when I feel like it, tell me if it sucks, and stuff, if it does, I'll stop, I probably messed something up, as I was doing stuff in between these))