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Approved The Shizukesa Clan

Discussion in 'Faction Questions' started by Krug, Jul 29, 2016.

  1. Krug

    Krug New Member

    Nov 27, 2015
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    The Shizukesa Shogunate

    Definite Supporters(13): Krug, Tazerok, Squamous, MrGodZilla, Kilobitten, DeliveryBoy, Cuzi, Cascadie, Fraacta, Yury, Jolly_Sailor_Boy, Clem, WholesomeBurn

    Possible Supporters(2): Smokestack, Grimsly

    Government Type: Plutocratic Oligarchy

    The Shizukesa Clan is a powerful group of Hylotl merchants and business people that uses diplomatic means to achieve their goals. They were cut off from the homeworld during the invasion. With trade routes and communications with the main branch cut off during the war, they were forced to deal with local corporations who took advantage of the situation to sell staple goods at inflated prices. The clan did not have the land or manpower necessary to produce all that they needed, so they were forced to accept. Communications were eventually established with the main branch of the Hylotl Government, but by then the Clan was in deep debt, forced to release their holdings and resettle elsewhere.

    The decision to settle on the frontier was one contested by many members of the Clan, especially those in positions of power, but with overwhelming crowd support and several key members backing the change, The Shizukesa moved to the frontier and formed The Shizukesa Shogunate.

    The primary purpose of the Shizukesa Shogunate is to increase the influence of the Clan and Hylotl as a whole, especially in uncivilized space. To achieve this,the Shizukesa plan to use diplomacy and trade rather than military might. One of their main strategies being to either produce goods and sell them to the frontier’s inhabitants, as well as using their preexisting connections with large conglomerates to purchase goods in bulk at a sizeable discount and sell them to the frontier. The Shogunate’s main export would be foodstuffs. Livestock and grown foods as well as lard and butter.

    The Shogunate possesses a small military of just under 50 used almost exclusively as a defensive reactionary force and to keep the peace on their territory, as well as to escort dignitaries.

    Currently, The Shizukesa Shogunate (sometimes called The Shi) are attempting to establish positive relations with wealthy and influential members of the frontier community.


    -An NPC population of 500 (50 per PC) to be used as pilots, traders, guards, government officials, and farmers.

    -500,000 Pixels (Negotiable)

    -Authorization to construct a base of operations in the frontier
    #1 Krug, Jul 29, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 29, 2016
  2. Haplap

    Haplap Happypaps

    Aug 5, 2015
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    You've got the support and the backstory is pretty sound, but i've got a few concerns about the application of this faction. I wanna know if you guys have a term goal with the faction or just an idea of what kinds of roleplay it would generate. For example, the hylotl dislike of florans would create conflict, or creating business/trade RP, ect. It's important to have a faction cause some sort of roleplay beyond just being members of a group, if you get me.
  3. Krug

    Krug New Member

    Nov 27, 2015
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    From me
    The Shizukesa Clan's general goal is to grow their own influence. I imagine many Florans would oppose the clan, maybe not violently, but the goal of this faction is different from many others in that, they don't have any plans of galactic domination. They want everyone to know that they could not live the live they are living without the Hylotl. It would create conflict due to their elitist nature and sense of superiority and the group would provide individual players, other factions, and colonies with a means to get supplies without pulling them out of thin air.

    From Tazerok
    Delivering goods, inspecting building sites, talking to colony heads, negotiations, basically generating more RP that isn't just basic slice of life and bar RP

    I hope that works.
  4. Smokestack

    Smokestack Bird man with a bird plan

    Aug 14, 2014
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    I don't udnerstand the request for an NPC population. Does this mean that each PC will be able to play 50 characters each? Then no. But if you want to make it feel like the base of operations of the Shizukesa Clan is bustling every time a player is added to the ranks, then yes.

    What I mean is that you can say that with your 13 supporters, you'd have your 500-650 NPCs that live at this place. But they aren't playable. Because I wouldn't want players to have have like 50 characters each as throwaways for their faction.

    And what would the 500,000 pixels go toward?
  5. Krug

    Krug New Member

    Nov 27, 2015
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    The NPC population exists to provide the Shizukesa with a means of production. Because their economy is largely made up of farming, many workers are needed to produce those foodstuffs. In addition, the Shizukesa exists to represent Hylotl purists, something that would be more difficult with a small group of 15 or fewer. None of the NPCs would be used by PCs, and a very small minority would be even somewhat proficient in combat.

    The 500,000 pixels would be used for purchasing in initial shipments of goods (and example being a request put to us from soon-to-be colont owner Shag) as well as building infastructure. That amount wouldn't be improbable for the Shizukesa to have when considering their history.
  6. Smokestack

    Smokestack Bird man with a bird plan

    Aug 14, 2014
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    Alright. Budget that money because that'll be all you have initially. The rest is going to have to be gained through IC actions, which is what happens with everyone. The NPC population is okay since the PCs aren't playing as them.

    Also sorry for the late reply. View attachment 4354
  7. Krug

    Krug New Member

    Nov 27, 2015
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    Don't worry about it. I know you guys are buay with 1.0. Everyone's just really excited to start RPing. In game, or otherwise.
  8. Krug

    Krug New Member

    Nov 27, 2015
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  9. Smokestack

    Smokestack Bird man with a bird plan

    Aug 14, 2014
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    List me the following:

    The exact name of the faction:
    The description under it (short):
    Subsections you want:
    Forum moderators you want on it (forum names):

    I'll set it up as soon as I can
  10. Krug

    Krug New Member

    Nov 27, 2015
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    Exact Name: Shizukesa Clan

    Moderators: MrGodzilla, Tazerok, Krug, and Forge

    Description: A Clan of Purist Hylotl that prefer Economic Strength to Military Might.

    Subsections: Diplomatic, Economic, Interior, OOC
  11. Krug

    Krug New Member

    Nov 27, 2015
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    There we go.
  12. Smokestack

    Smokestack Bird man with a bird plan

    Aug 14, 2014
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    Alright. The forum's all set up. Tell me if there's anything wrong.