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The Scared little Apex

Discussion in 'Character Discussion' started by MafflesCo, Jan 2, 2016.

  1. MafflesCo

    MafflesCo New Member

    Dec 29, 2015
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    Just a quick idea I threw together for a character. Not entirely 100% sure how it all works around here, being new to Starbound Roleplay and the lore of Antares, so let me know if you see any holes and/or places I can improve this.

    Stepav Greyskin
    Race: Apex

    Stepav was raised by his father, Eduar Greyskin, on a planet on the outskirts of Council Space. The planet remained unnamed to Stepav, as he never really bothered to learn it. His father, Eduar made good money doing odd jobs around their colony, and eventually purchased a television set for their home. Stepav became interested in this, mostly for the wires that poked out the open back of it. Disabling and rewiring the television became one of Stepav's preferred activities.

    Around the time of Stepav's maturity, a group of human refugees came to the door, asking for some food and water. Eduar, being the kind ape that he was turned to fetch the goods, just as one of them punctured his furry back with a knife. Stepav stood from his place and took to the back door. A knife whistled past his cheek, producing a deep gash just below his right eye. When he made it to the door, he simply ran, crying for help that nobody seemed to care enough to give. Stepav ran and ran, right into the empty bay of a small cargo ship. When he heard the howls of a man outside, he ran to the ship's bridge and popped open the console. Ignoring the A.I., he began rewiring the ship until the face on the screen recognized him as the pilot. The ship started,and the door that Stepav had dove into closed in the face of an angry looking Apex with a patch over his eye.

    The ship flew. Stepav took it towards the sky, and brought it to a stop just outside the planet's atmosphere. He didn't know where to go or what to do, only that he was tired living outside the lawlessness of the outer sector. He set course for the nearest planet inside Council Space, and took off.

    *I'm probably going to revise the Italics bits, so please be critical about those

    Stepav is a particularly shy ape, who enjoys keeping to the company of electronics and occasionally close friends. He tends to keep his thoughts and opinions to himself unless in the presence of people he trusts. When asked his thoughts and opinions outside of his friends, he tends to stutter and jumble his words. Stepav often falls victim to the will of others, for fear of rejection.

    Stepav always appears to be worried. His grey skin makes him appear so, while his bright orange fur brightens his face, making his entire figure appear to be some sort of ironic joke. His monochromatic blackened eyes are always droopy, whether or not they are at rest. Stepav has a slight gut, and little muscle for your average Apex. His age resides at 19 years old.

    "You look like a depressed flower with glowing petals" -- Eduar Greyskin

  2. Froot


    Mar 30, 2015
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    Sounds fine, though mechanics/engineers (and dead 'rents) are certainly nothing new there's nothing unsavoury about your ideas. This character would be good to use.