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Not Approved The plan of the colony "Commonwealth"

Discussion in 'Colony Questions' started by DmanriquezS, Jul 30, 2016.

  1. DmanriquezS

    DmanriquezS New Member

    Jun 28, 2016
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    ICly (before the update) Diego has seen a lot of places that are supposed to be secure, but unfortunately, he have experienced things like murder, attacks, etc, this has lead to Diego starting to make plans of a safer place, where all he has experienced don't repeat, in some days with investigation and writing whole days, he could make a design of a colony, planning things like estimated cost, designs, and other planning like, management of the place. Diego was happy when he finally had everything planned, but unfortunately, he had no way to finance all this, so he just took all his files and stored them in a safe on his ship, some time later Diego met Dannika at a outpost, in which they got to know eachother in little time, when they were already friendly to eachother, Diego mentioned the planning he has done some time ago from that moment, but unexpectedly for him, Dannika got interested in this idea and offered financing to his proyect. Diego was so blindly enthusiastic he didn't even ask how could she do so. ((OOCly, it is some backstory of the character, I don't know so much details and she has a lot of work and can't connect frquently, but she told me this, and I quote: "Danni stole from some slavers some several millions and her crazy ex boyfriend murdered the slavers." "It's part of her backstory" Again I don't remember so much details, but that's qutoed from discord chat when we were talking about this))

    Now, about how it will be, The place will be financed by Dannika (In discord, her name is "progdor") with a source of mone unknown to Diego, but at the same time, he was not really interested to know. The colony will be a heavily secured industrial era themed colony, which will start with a administration building (town hall) a trading sector (it will start with some shops, which icly will be owned by dannika and omega [[ICly, Diego still haven't met Omega, but it was mentioned by Dannika as her boyfriend]]) a factory which will produce weaponry, which is to be expected to be traded to factions and colonies, thus, being the source of income of the colony, and housing, which will be given to people who work at the factory, which other than housing will be paid depending on how well the factory produces. We're planning for the colony to be, in the future, a somewhat powerful colony, but never changing the main purpose, keeping people safe.

    In other details, the colony will be managed by Diego and Dannika ((she told me on discord she has to work irl and has little time to play, I will quote what she said in discord:
    "I mean IRL I don't have time to be an important person there
    So I will be around less, and Diego will more or less be in charge"
    The place will not allow armed civilians, only self defence weapons like tazers, pepper spray, etc.
    Guards will be armed.

    If you want me to talk more about this place, just ask me, I will reaply as soon as I can. Thank you for your time.
  2. Haplap

    Haplap Happypaps

    Aug 5, 2015
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    This sounds pretty full of holes, simply due to the lack of information from whoever plays Dannika. It's also a pretty vague outline for a colony, It only seems like it would be a factory with some houses around it, which I'm not sure would attract much RP. The colony also doesn't seem to have any story/plot drive to it, which might cause people to lose interest and for the place to ultimately flop.

    Sorry, but I don't see this one working out all too well. If you wanna refine your ideas some, you can do that and reapply later.