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The Order of Librarians -- vade mecum.

Discussion in 'Roleplay Planning' started by Foray, Mar 24, 2014.


Would you be interested in joining the Vades Mecum?

  1. Yes, right from the get go - as a Librarian

  2. Yes, right from the get go - as one of The Grey Men

  3. Maybe as a researcher/resident of the library.

  4. Maybe as a content contributor, but not an active character.

  5. Maybe once/if the faction picks up steam.

  6. no u smell

    0 vote(s)
  1. Foray

    Foray New Member

    Mar 17, 2014
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    The Order of Librarians – The Vades Mecum

    I'm interested in forming a neutral organization -- an Order of Librarians. This would be composed primarily of historians and researchers in areas such a linguistics, sociology, zoology, geography, geology, archaeology, any field of study to enhance server lore,. Secondary to the researchers and library staff would be a number of wandering chroniclers trained to record events. Tertiary to both of those are all the researchers/scientists/archaeologists/treasure hunters that are both employed by and are researching within the Library.

    What I'm envisioning:

    The Library

    Their main base of operations would be a massive library complex that would be known as one of the largest repositories of knowledge and history within discovered civilization. The name of said library would be something conceptually simple englishlike -- The Archive, Codex, The Catalog, etc. As it is meant to be a universal library, I figure that it should be a fairly accessible name to all languages, conceptually. For now though, I will refer to it as “The Library”

    There will be smaller outposts/meccas for members of this organization in some colonies, and I hope to have at least one outpost in each sector.

    The Library and all outposts/ships would be widely heralded as a universal neutral meeting ground between parties wherein the members of the organization act as objective and impartial mediators.

    The Vades Mecum

    [Pronounced vah-day mehck-kum]--derived from the latin phrase whose literal translation is "go/come with me", but is often used as a noun to refer to a handbook or journal kept on one's person]

    The collective name given to the organization as a whole. All races are welcome to the organization.

    There would be three main divisions within the organization.

    The Librarians/The Vellum
    A library staff would be in place – collectively known as the “Vellum” – intellectually inclined persons with a resolute thirst for knowledge. They catalogue the vast repository, and aid any researcher who comes to utilize the library, and add to the collections when new items are brought to them, while also pursuing their own interests and research. This position, at least initially, would be fairly low-key, not absolutely necessitating a lot of in-game time, and would most likely involve some lore writing on the forums.

    The Vades/The Grey Men.

    [Grey man - an individual who possesses the skills, ability and intent to blend into any situation or surrounding without standing out, concealing his or her true skills, ability, and intent from others.]

    The wandering chroniclers, known officially within the organization as the Vades, but as knowledge of their existence was made more common they became informally coined “The Grey Men”. People who sit outside history, blending in and recording. These collectors would be the hands, eyes, and ears of the library, traveling out into the universe collecting stories, artifacts, and pieces history wherever they travel. Coming from diverse backgrounds, there is no particular set of qualities a Vades must have, other than a willingness to collect and preserve pieces of history-- whatever form that may take. Some may journey recording music, other individuals securing soil samples from various worlds, the social ones chatting up everyone they meet, and the odd screwball who will collect vintage hylotl model pin-ups. All official Vades will receive training and conditioning within the library before they are allowed to represent the organization under its name. To be quite transparent, it would be essentially possible to have a normal character who engages in most activities and events serverwide still be a member of the Vades, and record and report back to the Library.

    Guests and Researchers/collectors.
    All those seeking knowledge would be welcome in the Library, so long as they are willing to eventually contribute the results of their search for answers.

    The Vades Mecum as an institution would be fairly monastic in nature, taking seekers in as guests, providing them with food and shelter during their stay. The only thing they ask in return for access to their vast archive and residency until their search is complete is that the seekers share their story with the Library to be privately cataloged.

    Members of Vades can be requested to accompany researchers to a location for protection and assistance given that said location is deemed worthy of attention.

    The library would also be willing to pay treasure hunters/archaeologists/collectors for pieces and artifacts that they come across in their adventures/auction wars/inheritances/whathaveyou.

    The Council

    Leadership of the Library would be under the jurisdiction of a council composed of three members of the Vellum and two members of the Vades, the titles passed down to candidates of the councilmember’s choice at a time of their choosing.


    I feel that having this institution active with dedicated writers/observers, both in-game and on the forums, could do wonders for lorebuilding and otherwise. There's already a wonderful post in the Tetanus bestiary concerning one of the local fauna, and I'd love to have some more dedicated people to begin an odyssey to record things like that on the server.

    Naturally, there would be massive room for interaction with almost any character. Asking scientists for the results of their research, putting out bounties on rare creatures to be located for study, paying off mercenaries/treasure hunters for ancient artifacts/technology, being consulted at a library, mediating conflict and otherwise traveling from planet to planet, going on geological expeditions, speaking with the inhabitants and learning their stories. The possibilities are vast, and it’s a chance for everyone to contribute to and engage in server lore.

    Who’s up for it?

    #1 Foray, Mar 24, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 2, 2014
  2. DirtyGoblin

    DirtyGoblin Guest

    .......Nifty o.o
  3. Bunshuu

    Bunshuu New Member

    Feb 18, 2014
    Likes Received:
    This idea is??? really cool??
    I doubt i could actually be active of the idea myself but dang
    this opens a lot of possibilites and rp interactions and wow this idea is A+
  4. Iridium616

    Iridium616 New Member

    Feb 2, 2014
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    Do it.

    One of my characters would join..
  5. The Grand Mugwump

    Dec 29, 2013
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    It sounds like a really nifty idea. Just keep in mind some of the game factions (certainly not the Miniknog or Stargazers) might not appreciate a still standing repository of their "actual" history and would actively seek to destroy your organization if they know it contained such. So try to maintain a few blank spots where nothing is known about them beyond what they've distributed themselves. :p
  6. Foray

    Foray New Member

    Mar 17, 2014
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    That'd be easy enough to run about with. They'd have 'restricted archives' something they are against morally but maintain pragmatically, a secret library, to consign information due to conflict being incited should it be known.

    That being said, I'm sure while they don't know EVERYTHING, they'll have plenty of information on most active groups in the galaxy, publicly released or not. The Order, at least officially or in any large number as I imagine it, does not engage in espionage. However, they will commission people for information, should they be seeking reward, leading to some interesting information coming their way.
    Whether it is accessible to researchers or not, that'll be up to the RP-circumstances. I also assume that there will be MiniKnog and other faction spies in place to monitor for suspicious information, something the Order will have to be vigilant of.

    Naturally, the Library is not all-knowing, and secrets only come their way if they are leaked or somebody wishes it to remain known. I imagine that the Library would be the place for idealistic traitors to run to, in order to make sure the information they know is kept alive should they be under threat of harm or death, in addition to being a safe neutral ground. They are not good, however, and will turn someone over should they be deemed a threat. Their interest is in the collection and preservation of knowledge, not people. While this would vary on an individual basis, that would be the cohesive schema for the organization as a whole.

    I want at least four people to start out, either Vades or Librarians, maybe a library central AI, if someone is up to making up consistent information that fosters RP on the spot. :p A hell of a lot of varied writing though, and we'd have to agree on a format beforehand.

    I've got one character confirmed, who else is interested? I'll also be trying to get lore posts happening on the forums -- bestiaries, history, and so on so forth. It's a place to use your imagination and flex your writing muscles. So anyone who loves writing and world-building, this is your chance.
  7. Narfball

    Narfball narfball

    Dec 22, 2013
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    I can create a character to join..
    NO I CAN'T.
    But the concept is SUPER cool. I'd be able to contribute to it minorly here & there. Not much else I can do beyond that.
  8. Foray

    Foray New Member

    Mar 17, 2014
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    We could recruit existing characters!
  9. The Grand Mugwump

    Dec 29, 2013
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    I can think of "other" peoples' characters who would work great with this, but sadly none of mine have the time or interest currently.
  10. Narfball

    Narfball narfball

    Dec 22, 2013
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    -looks at character list-
    -recalls personalities-
  11. Foray

    Foray New Member

    Mar 17, 2014
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    Anyone interested in joining/even just trying out the organization please post here or send me a message. Even if you just wanted to write for the library.
  12. Twitch

    Twitch Wayward Star

    Dec 17, 2013
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    Like the idea, not a fan of the name. Order of Librarians, all I can think of is a bunch of pale old women with coke bottle frame glasses sitting round a table in the legion of doom, plotting to raise book fees for late returns.
  13. Foray

    Foray New Member

    Mar 17, 2014
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    Hm, valid point. Maybe just "The Order" or "Vades mecum". Unless anyone else has any burning ideas? :3
  14. Lavinda

    Lavinda New Member

    Jan 12, 2014
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    How about Novis Orbis Librarium?
  15. Foray

    Foray New Member

    Mar 17, 2014
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    I'd rather it be something a little less well established by BlazBlue :p
  16. Lavinda

    Lavinda New Member

    Jan 12, 2014
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    Damn it, I wanted to pull a ragna.
  17. Twitch

    Twitch Wayward Star

    Dec 17, 2013
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    The Archivum?
  18. Bunshuu

    Bunshuu New Member

    Feb 18, 2014
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    so yass jumps off into the bandwagon

    I wanted to say that i have a character that could work very well in the Vades thing, her having her main job and income from searching for strange objects so yeah im totally into the idea
  19. Ollanius Verok

    Ollanius Verok New Member

    Mar 7, 2014
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    I love this and I can see it being a sort of library version of Warhammer 40k's Adeptus Mechanicus.
    Going off that idea, how does "Adeptus Liber" sound?
  20. The Grand Mugwump

    Dec 29, 2013
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    The librarians must now integrate books into their physiology, perform sacred rites to preserve the books without understanding how they really work, and hunt down and destroy anyone who writes new books.