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The Memories and Case Notes of Brody Stykes

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Shoofly, May 22, 2015.

  1. Shoofly

    Shoofly New Member

    May 22, 2015
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    Day 1 in Antares, day something in my life.
    Managed to look into a few settlements here. Nothing spectacular and built on generally hostile worlds for some reason. The first was called 'New Tetanus', the second was called 'Fort Mattis'. Both were... familiar enough, if you're familiar with military compounds hollowed out and refilled with civilian comfort. Both had walls three times my height and enough tech and protection to drive a Luddite to suicide.

    Let's start from the beginning then, huh? I shocked into the local sector on this little 'midlife crisis' to find it pretty barren. No big companies, no core world representatives. It's nice and scary at the same time. So much empty space it puts a chill in your spine. The only law in these outland sectors seems to be 'make your own laws'. Which unsurprisingly means there's a lot of lawlessness. But I'm a little tired to get into the trouble of no police or governments even trying to make it out here.

    So I zeroed in on the local net for directions. Found "New Tetanus." I don't know what "Old Tetanus" was, but it must have been a damn nasty place to get the name "Tetanus." New Tetanus, on the other hand, was surprisingly clean and refined. Probably not even overboard on the security. No real spaceport, just a landing zone near a gate to the main settlement. A quick check on my background, my name and a scan and they let me through. No need for my passport or credentials or licenses. Customs is pretty lax out here.

    But the place was empty.

    So Fort Mattis. While the settlements security was even MORE lax, I was greeted to the sight of a barrel being stuck in my face (I have thus decided to purchase a personal side-arm for self defense). Looked like a bunch of guys getting ready to drop on some 'rebel' dirt farmers in the gear they had. Bit heavier than riot gear, which itself would have been heavy for the ONE guy they were dealing with. (Not very efficient unless they run around in that stuff all the time. Takes a while to put on.)

    But at least there were some locals when I got into town. Came to the harrowing discover that I'm out of e-cig cartridges, talked with some girl a bit and then spooked out. Almost as soon as I was back in orbit, the radio blew up with some kind of kidnapping.

    Buying a gun tomorrow. Too tired to go surfing the net tonight.