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The Lost Hylotl Colonies

Discussion in 'Roleplay Planning' started by Thewaltham, Jun 22, 2016.


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  1. Thewaltham

    Thewaltham New Member

    Aug 8, 2014
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    So, I recently had an idea. A lost Hylotl colony/star system. An old colony ship sent out hundreds of years ago, sucked into a wormhole. The ship crash landed on a mostly habitable planet in the new frontier. The planet was hot, humid, and bathed in heavy solar radiation from their sun. The Hylotl adapted, they evolved after being knocked back to a pre-atomic civilisation, to colonising the local star system with relatively primitive, low warp starships in relatively short order. Only now have they perfected erchius based reactors, providing enough power to create big enough folds in space so they leave their star system, to seek out new life and new civilisations, to boldly go with no Hylotl has gone before. Unbeknown to them, this area of space is now populated, something they will soon find with their new lines of interstellar vessels. What will become of these Hylotl? Only IC RP events will decide!

    Technology: Their sublight engines rely on nuclear fission fragment rocket motors, but their FTL now uses the same principles as the rest of the galaxy. Starship wise, their ships look almost like angular white space submarines, cigar shaped, engines at the back, railgun batteries at the front, missile batteries on the sides, with two command bridges, one top, one bottom. On top of these bridges are radar systems, with a similar appearance to today's naval radars. Biology: Looking at one of these beings, you could not really mistake it for anything but a Hylotl. However, with the increased solar radiation, their skin has significantly darkened and turned thicker. It has also dried slightly, still maintaining some level of moisture which is naturally maintained via the planet's humidity, but nowhere near the level required by a normal Hylotl. Their top third eye has been blinded, originally intended to look upwards to scan the surface of the water for predators and prey, has been blinded, and has grown shut. Naturally, leaving these Hylotl with less depth perception, however, they have evolved to be stronger and more resilient to injury from the harsh environment of their new homeworld

    Culture: These people are highly practical, unlike regular Hylotl art and beauty is a secondary concern, believing that form follows function anyway. They are more courageous than regular Hylotl, and while they naturally strive for peace and share the Hylotl's love for diplomacy, they are more than prepared to fight to protect their interests. They also haven't met several of the major starfaring races, as at the time of their departure, the Hylotl had not encountered many of the sentient species that call the galaxy home

    Notes: They do not have teleporter technology. Instead, they must rely on re-entry capable landers and shuttlecraft to visit planets. Their ships have no shields, instead rely on thick armour plating. They have no artificial gravity, instead relying on rotating their hulls to simulate gravity. Their ships are small, the biggest craft they have measures at 200 meters.
  2. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    It's not a Bad idea but it's a bit weird.
    It requires some thougt/discussion, Hylotl lore itself hasn't been finished as of yet and this is going into sub-species / sub-faction territory, which is some pretty major stuff.
    Personally, I don't see the appeal, because it doesn't really add anything to Hylotl as a whole.
    I don't feel that Hylotl technology would place aesthetics before beauty, I'd say that functionality probably is a form of beauty in their eyes, much like how a weaponsmith would despise fancy decorated swords, and believe that funtionality is key the beauty of a sword.
    I'm not that interested in this idea itself, but for Hylot lore, I wouldn't say that there wouldn't be groups of Hylotl who may not share the general culture of pacifism and beauty the Hylotl are known for, however those would be rather few in number.
    Additionally, we don't really know what would happen if someone were to enter a wormhole, chances are that they would likely perish, unless it would be an artificial wormhole which we can see in some warp drive(?) theories for faster than light travel.
  3. Thewaltham

    Thewaltham New Member

    Aug 8, 2014
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    I see your point. Keep in mind that this is a first draft. Also, if you answered potato... if you could give your opinion on it too, that would be great. Really shouldn't have included that option...
  4. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    Potato is basically "I care more to answer a dumb potato answer than I care about this idea", so it's bascially NO...
  5. CaptainBritton02

    CaptainBritton02 Man of War

    Jan 7, 2014
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    NOTE: Anyone who has something more reliable that contests what I posted is free to correct me.

    Sorry that I'm late to the party here, but I'm just gonna give what I got on wormholes, even if it may be slightly off topic.

    According to most theories on wormholes, entering naturally occurring types generally means either being stretched to death or fried to a crisp.

    Generating and keeping open an artificial wormhole seems to be the best option. However, only highly advanced civilizations could manage to collect near enough exotic matter with negative energy (Erchius isotope in our lore) to sustain said artificial wormhole. Good thing we are set far in the future, so this theory just might work.

    By opening and sustaining the wormhole, the internal and external conditions would have to be near perfect as to avoid problems. Looking past this, it's definitely possible according to the theory.

    According to quantum mechanics and some aspects of physics, not so much. It's a very iffy concept, but it's either we use what we got or try to bullshit up an explanation, which I'm not keen on doing.

    Source for my paraphrasing and ramblings: http://www.smithsonianmag.com/scien...ellar-trip-through-wormhole-180953269/?no-ist
    #5 CaptainBritton02, Jul 3, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 3, 2016