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The logs of Noxos Kester

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Razortazor, Feb 26, 2014.

  1. Razortazor

    Razortazor ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Feb 1, 2014
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    *At the begining of the audio log, there is a message that reads...
    "~This log is property of Noxos Kester, if found, Do not read. either destroy or return it..~" You decide to continue on reading it anyway...*
    Entry 1

    :Audio static begins to play, as the file is opened..:

    So, I have decided that keeping a log of events that go on in my life would be a good idea for the Future, and so, i went and bought one of those 'Audio log' things. So, first things first, I'm going to name this audio book, "A.B.B.A" which stands for, "Awesome badasss Book Audio". So, what happened today...Oh, right, i found a half-dead man, which was lying around unconcious up against a tree, missing most of his limbs...Poor kid. Anyway, I've decided to help him out, and get some replacement parts. The other major thing that happened today was the death of my Pet fish, Travis. Who i will miss dearly. [The Audio log cuts out]

    Entry 2

    {Faint voices can be heard in the background of this log}
    Its been about a week since i picked up the Limbless-lad i found on that planet...I think its about time to wake him up, his injuries should have healed over, and i think i can talk to him without too many worries. I mean, worst case is he is a Mass murder left there to die, but i dout that...-[The audio log cuts out here]

    -[The Audio log resumes] its been a few hours since i woke him up, and had him fitted for some new Limbs..I wish i had a therapist to teach him how to get used to it so he wouldn't collapse every 5 minutes, i guess he'll just have to learn then. [The Audio log cuts out]
  2. Razortazor

    Razortazor ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Feb 1, 2014
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    Downloading logs.....
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    Entry 3
    :Audio static begins to play, as the file is opened..:
    So, this is my third entry into A.B.B.A, and i decided that the Lad I picked up would make for a great crew member, even if he is a little pathetic. I'm sure hes hiding something...Oh, and those replacement Limbs cost a fortune, so i can't send him away now. After finding out how much of a Horrible cook he was, i decided that i should find something better for him todo... He failed further than i could have possibly imagined. But, he was a fairly confident speaker, which will be great for convincing people that it wasn't my fault that something went wrong. So I've decided that he can be a PR of sorts. [background voices start occuring] Anyway, i think I'll call it quits for this log, things are kicking off....