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The logs of Duality. [Twinleaf and Bloodleaf, the florans who share a body]

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Malachar, Mar 6, 2014.

  1. Malachar

    Malachar Heir to Madness

    Feb 1, 2014
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    These logs are private and are for the OOC enjoyment of others only, fo not treat as IC knowledge, OOC questions or comments are allowed and appreciated.

    Entry One

    Blood and I agree to keep this log for thoughts and not mess with each others entries, I'm not sure where or who I am anymore.. We woke up in a Miniknog test site. Blood says that they tried to fuse us to make a more docile breed of floran or something. Combining his killer instinct with my peaceful nature, and hopefully making something easily controllable, it seems it didn't work right. I don't even remember where I came from or my own name. Blood suggests I call myself Twinleaf, to represent our two sides, he can be kind of poetic when he isn't focused solely on murder.

    Never said we couldn't read each other logs though Twinnie. The Miniknog attempted to make some kind of new breed yeah, or maybe it was some sick experiment, whatever it is, it left us sharing a body and our face royally screwed up with us having two mouths we each speak from. Freaking gruesome. Twin is horrified by what they did to his body, and wears a mask now, but I kind of like it, makes the ones we hunt cower at the sight of us. Twin's worried I'm gonna go ape-shit and mass murder a bunch of people. But that isn't how I roll. Even I have some kind of code.
    1. My prey needs to be able to put up a fight
    2. This means no sickly, no elderly, and no kids
    3. I prefer to prey on those who prey on others, nothing like killing a killer, they always look so surprised.
    4. I will aid those who earn my respect in their kills and possibly forfeit the above three rules
    5. I enjoy my kills and revel in their horror before I eat them.
    6. I kill quickly when the time comes, prolonged suffering sickens me.
    We ran outta that facility, I took control and slaughtered them all for what they did to us, we're looking at a star map and listening to a radio wondering where to go.

  2. Malachar

    Malachar Heir to Madness

    Feb 1, 2014
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    Entry Two

    We found a small colony that seems to accept us. Blood and I don't get along much if at all. Whoever said opposites attract messed up big time. Not many people have ridiculed us for our duality and even few have acknowledged it. We may have found a home...

    The people here are kind enough, emergency meat if there dare attack us but so long as they put up with us, I figure I could lift a blade to help them, besides, I don't think they'd care if I ate the aggressor afterward.
  3. Malachar

    Malachar Heir to Madness

    Feb 1, 2014
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    Entry 3

    Met two people we both sort of liked today. One was a pink floran with red flower petals. Something about her seems.. Familiar... But it is impossible to remember anything. Did I know her? Does she know me? She doesn't act like it, it's like the feeling you get when something seems familiar but it is your first time seeing it. We also met a human girl who calls herself Lydia. She's a hot tempered one and scares me a little, she thought we were messing around with our voices until we showed her our face... She reacted as expected, considering us a freak, but she didn't run way or shun us though.

    The pink floran... Unlike Twin, I retained my memories, but I know i've never met her. Yet I feel a drive to protect her.. I don't give a poptop's ass about most of these people so this is strange for me... I ain't no scientist but I bet it has something to do with Twinnie's forgotten past. Still, she's kind and refreshingly innocent, just the kind I go out of my way not to kill. Can't shake the strange feeling though.

    And the other girl, Lydia, or Bubblegum as I call her. Pink shirt pink hair, and a firey attitude with no fear. I like her. She's a fighter, a survivor, and she doesn't take crap from people.
  4. Malachar

    Malachar Heir to Madness

    Feb 1, 2014
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    Entry Four

    We've been lazy for a while, a lot has happened. Lydia's dad showed up one day and was crazy from stims. He had a shotgun pointed on her and she was forced to fight him. He was killed when the gun went off and hit his neck.

    I don't like thinking about a lot of what happened later so I'll leave it to Blood.

    After Bubblegum burned her dad on a pyre, we promised her we'd help in any way we could to avenge him with her. Man like that brings up a daughter like her doesn't deserve a death like that. He should have went down fighting a worthy opponent or protecting one of the few things dear . Then apparently someone cloned the man without his or her consent, we tracked one of the ones responsible and a ship malfunction unfortunately sent him into space, A shame, I would have gladly ended him myself for disgracing the memory. I don't know if he possibly survived.

    The pale one in the sky mask said he'd help out as well, so that Lydia doesn't have to stop being a kid. Told him I was pretty sure that ended after that sick **** traptooth, and if that wasn't enough, she accidentally killed her own dad.