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The Life of Aurora Norman

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Dark Lord Stan, May 31, 2015.

  1. Dark Lord Stan

    Dark Lord Stan The Recoloring Master

    Mar 11, 2014
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    ((This journal is now on Aurora's shelf in her and Anna's room and sometimes on her person.))
    ((Journal's Description: Standard multiple subject composition book. Leather cover with the title "The Life of Aurora Norman"))

    Well, suppose since this is a new life, I should start a new journal. Though considering I am writing this so that people can read it one day, I should introduce myself a bit. My name is Aurora Norman. I do not know how old I will be when people read this but at this time I am at the age of twenty-two. I am not from this sector of the universe. I come a colony planet with humans who survived the end of Earth. I was fourteen at the time. I don't remember much of that day, it was all a blur, but I do remember one thing, it was the day my family and I lost everything. Things did not go well for us the first few years on the colony. Parents barely held a job, lack of proper housing, things were rough to be blunt. But come around the time I was about to turn seventeen, things picked up. I was able to work as a waitress at some of the local places and helped my family get back up on their feet. But come my twenty-first birthday, my life was going to change. Seems my parents were saving enough money to get me a small ship to travel the universe, and safe to say I took the opportunity and started a new life. Sure I miss mom and dad and all the people I grew to love, but I felt some change was needed.

    Well, that was a longer introduction than expected, and this is only the first page. Well, suppose I will keep the rest brief for this entry. I arrived here in Antares shortly after I turned to my current age. I browsed the local StarNet and found a place called New Tetanus. Upon my arrive there I encountered a strange old man. He seemed to work in construction. I am pretty sure he was insane. Eventually, I talked to another interesting man, though he was more sane. He seemed to have ancestors from some sort viking descent. We talked briefly. probably caused I accidentally pushed a few nerves. Shortly after that I applied for a job at New Tetanus, hoping to work as bartender. I got the job, but I guess there is something going on with the colony. Just a bump in the road of life.

    Well, that was quite a bit of writing. Hopefully I can keep this interesting, only one way to find. This is will be the first page of many.
    #1 Dark Lord Stan, May 31, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 6, 2015
  2. Dark Lord Stan

    Dark Lord Stan The Recoloring Master

    Mar 11, 2014
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    Well, quite a bit has happened in the two days since I started this. The first day was nice, the second day not so much. Hopefully the second day is not something normal around here, not sure if I can handle it. Anyways, suppose I shall explain what has happen even if I really do not want want too.

    So the first day, I went to Dexter's Garden. It is a nice and quiet place, definitely has great scenery from what I have seen so far. I was casually enjoying a cup of tea when everyone around me looked down. Curious, I followed their gaze and found the best thing ever. There stood a tiny, white penguin whose name was Shark. He had to be the most adorable thing ever! He even talks. A talking penguin, not just an Avian who looks like a penguin, but one takes looks like it was from Earth. I enjoyed a nice conversation with him and think I can him a friend. Either way, that was a nice day.

    However, it would soon be washed over by the next day. I go to New Tetanus to she how things are going. There was people there today, my co-worker who is named Galanthus and my boss, Steven Evergreen. According to Galan though Steven is a president, I will have to look into that more. Anyways, I got to work for my first time there. It seemed alright at first, but then the insane man I meet when I first went here. Everything, and I mean, everything went downhill from there. He starts off asking a Floran for help with killing a bug. As a reward, he then tries to water the Floran. The Floran retaliates but flicking bugs into the man's mouth and shoves a few down his throat was well. He also got hit with a bone and knocked out. Around the time he regains his consciousness, a female Avian shows up. She both makes things better and worse for this situation. He whistle at the Avian, thinking that is some kind gesture or something, gets more bugs down his throat, tripped by the Avian, and meatwine spilt on him. He then leaves the planet. I thought this was going to be the end, but I was so wrong. He comes back with a gun! He was going to kill the Floran. If the Avian didn't stop him, I think he might have. Luckily, the Floran survived, though he got shot in the leg. I had to use my jacket to wrap the wound. The old man was arrested and taken to a fort. That was my first day of work ever. I think if I have to explain this in person I going to be mentally exhausted.
  3. Dark Lord Stan

    Dark Lord Stan The Recoloring Master

    Mar 11, 2014
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    Well, been two to three days since I have wrote in this thing. A few interesting this happened, both good and bad, but mostly good this time. I've learned a few things and became a bit more social than I am usually and I think I've made an actual friend. Things might have started rough in this sector but they sure are picking up.

    Alright, so I will start with the first eventfully, my second day of work. Not anything to out of the ordinary, served a few people, saw some familiar faces and some new as well. There was this one guy though, completely armored. I thought two things when I saw him. The first thought was if something goes down, he can easily help out. The second thought was, if he causes trouble, I am not going to be able to stop him. Luckily, he turned out to be a decent guy. Though it seems, he wanted to give a Floran some whiskey after the Floran was told they could not have anyone because they would get in trouble with the Floran's parents. Something along those lines. Though before I could give the person the order, a scream and gunshot were heard in the quietness of New Tetanus, the armored guy and a Floran rushed ahead. I had no way of defending myself so I got a kitchen knife and chased after them. We came upon Annabelle, who was practically unconscious by the time we got there. The Floran cared her over to the hospital at New Tetanus and the armored guy patched her up. Guess she had a broken leg. I would eventually talk to her again two days later though.

    So I spent a day not being social. Decided I was going to explore the sector a bit and maybe camp on an inhabited world because with the size of my ship, I would go insane if I did not get some fresh air. Found a nice ocean planet to set up camp on. Fished for alittle, swam a bit, cleaned any the things I needed to clean. Was an all around decent day.

    Now, this is the day I am glad I can write about. I went back to work after taking a short. Talked to Anna again, she is walking around so suppose she is healing up, which is good. We talked a bit, I found out something that I never knew but it is probably best that I do. While talking, I think I made her smile a few times. This would not be so unique if smiled all the time, but she does not. She seems to be a bit hardened to me actually. Either way though, I think I am going to do my best to be her friend and make her smile more. I am going to take her on a camping trip with me next time I go. Hope things go well. If they do you will know in the next entry.
  4. Dark Lord Stan

    Dark Lord Stan The Recoloring Master

    Mar 11, 2014
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    I suppose this is what happens when I decide not to write in my journal for awhile. I am so much to write about I don't even know where to start. Too much has happened and I do not have enough time to explain it. I never expected these things to happen. I will suppose I will start with the simple stuff and go from there.

    I got another job at a place called Fort Mattis. It is a military base for the USAF. I guess Anna is also apart of the force. I would have started working the first day I was there, but it had recently caught fire and burned a bit. So I was unable to work there for a bit until it was safe to go in there again. But how wish and am glad I could work there.

    On my first day of there, things were a bit heavy to say the least. I guess Annabelle was having a rough day and could was not handling some of her PTSD well. Safe to say when Galanthus, a friend of her's walked into the bar it when everything went down hill from there. I guessed he had cause some trouble there that would lead to his arrest. I don't really want to write about what happened next. Anna pulled out her gun and put it to her head. I managed to get it away from her, but how I wish I could just talk to her right now. But I am in a bit of trouble myself.

    So I board a ship in hopes of seeing another sector of the universe. Well, I kinda got what I was looking for. The ship crashed onto an arctic planet. We have no way off it, because our communications are being jammed by something so we can't call for help. We have already almost died a few times, some people did and the group of survivors is split into two. I fear we may never get out of here. I just want to go home, not my ship, but my actual home. I should have never left home. I'm sorry mom and dad. I may never get to see you or hear your voice again. And I'm sorry Annabelle. Guess I may never take you on that camping trip.
  5. Dark Lord Stan

    Dark Lord Stan The Recoloring Master

    Mar 11, 2014
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    Boy, it's been awhile since I have written in this thing. I hope I have enough room on this page to write about all the things I want to talk about because given how I haven't written in here for over two weeks, I have a lot on my mind. That is both good and bad. Well, I start off with the obvious subject.

    I am no longer stuck on the arctic planet that I crash on with others. We managed to get off the planet by salvaging some electronic devices people had. I gave up my PDA for the task, so I without one currently. I also never found my guitar among the wreckage, so I need to get a new one of those. Wonder if Bork will know where I can get one. I should probably talk to him again, haven't seen him since the rescue.

    Another noteworthy thing that has happened, I finally took Annabelle on that camping trip. I had fun on it, I just hope she did too. I am surprised she doesn't have more friends honestly. Maybe if she didn't seem so hostile she could have more, may even a boyfriend. But I understand why she is this way, I would be too if I had gone through what she did.

    Speaking of what she is going through, I guess she taking charge in the new colony being built. Evergreen has been missing so she was forced to run it by herself. That is until she asked me to help her. I never ran a colony before, heck, I've never done any sort of leading in my life. I've always been a follower or someone who just does what they are told. Should be interesting to see how I do, right?

    Well, think I've left on that note. If I do not have a PDA and guitar by the time I write this, I think I might go insane. I miss drawing and music. It helped keep me calm.
  6. Dark Lord Stan

    Dark Lord Stan The Recoloring Master

    Mar 11, 2014
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    Because a certain someone decided to read my journal and suggest I write another page, here I am doing so. Not a lot has happened but enough for me to make an entry I suppose. Not sure what to right about without filling the entire page with words upon words, but I will figure something out. So with that being written, enjoy the rest of this page.

    So little things first I suppose. I got a new PDA and guitar so I have my stress relief again. It feels so good to sit on my ship and strum away at the strings again. I never knew how much I missed the feeling. It is calming and makes me happy when I play the right song at the right time. I have been practicing more difficult songs and I think I might offer to play music at places. I would be cool to have a band though. I wish I could sing, because I would so sing and play guitar. I wonder if any of the people I know can sing or play an instruments. Might need to explore that option. Antares needs to liven up a little.

    Next thing, I finally moved out of my ship. I moved on to that work in progress colony that Anna and I are going to run when it opens. I share a room with Anna, which wasn't so bad at first, but I am glad it happened for reasons you will read later on. It definitely doesn't have all the things on my ship that I am used to, but least I don't have to worry about smacking my head on the ceiling for standing up too straight. Wonder if I can get a new ship one of these days. Those things are super expensive though. I barely afforded the one I have.

    Though while we are speaking of money, I got a new job, I guess. There is a colony called Mawl which seems to a place for people to set up shops and sell things. So, Anna and a friend of her, Smokestack, set up a shop there. I told I would help out there if she liked, though not sure what I could do there. So I decide to set up my own shop. The "One-Stop Clothing Shop". I think I need to think of a better name, or maybe a catchy slogan. Might as Anna what she thinks. For now though, I need to finishes Max's suit he ordered. I should also figure out prices after this. I don't want to overcharge people but I want to make profit. I should also find out if someone sells materials here in Antares since the ones I have are just some of the ones I have found. Scavengers might be able to help.

    And the last thing I am going to right about is something well, interesting to say the least. Remember that camping trip I wrote about. Well during that trip, Annabelle told me her true feelings about me. Obviously at first, I didn't feel the same way. It might have just been the shock of the moment but over time, I grew to feel the same way. So currently we are in a relationship. Never expected my first kiss or relationship was going to be with another girl, but after giving it some thought, maybe datings girls isn't strange. But regardless, Anna makes me happy and I hope I make her happy too.

    Well, I hope that is good enough for a page of reading. Hope whoever is reading this is enjoying it.