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The Library

Discussion in 'Fernbrook Field' started by Leschinsky, Oct 8, 2016.

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  1. Leschinsky

    Leschinsky Bohemic Tendencies

    Dec 31, 2013
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    Inside the Town Hall is the Library, a public space and repository for a variety of books collected or written by the residents themselves.

    Here, characters can learn about Fernbrook, the local flora and fauna, and various other topics.


    ((OOC Note))

    (If you have something you'd like to submit here, just shoot me a PM!)
    #1 Leschinsky, Oct 8, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 8, 2016
  2. Leschinsky

    Leschinsky Bohemic Tendencies

    Dec 31, 2013
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    Ecological Notes: Ragnarok Rim III
    Dr. Mia Jameson

    A partially filled book missing many of it's pages, originally the notes of Dr. Jameson, along with the locals' own observations. Residents are still compiling the old notes, adding any loose pages they find and their own notes to the worn-in tome.


    Evergarden Vines

    "The Evergarden Vines, ever since the quarry flooded they've been growing out of control. A decent portion of everyone’s daily routine is trimming and uprooting the plants to stop their encroachment on the buildings and farmland.
    They’re very fibrous and tough, the surface feeling like soft bark, smelling incredibly strong when cut. It's almost like a cross between pine needles and fresh mint. In bloom, they're very beautiful, and the petals make a rather nice floral morning tea when dried." - Mrs. Fernbrook


    "These things are just obnoxious. You can't burn them, you can't entirely uproot them, and they're so hard to cut that it takes a pair of tin snips to get through them. Though, Widow Fernbrook was right, the tea is great, and their autumn blooms are amazing." - Clementine Toulali Schultz




    A species of airborne amphibious creatures, the Jarvikos fill the niche of a small prey species.


    They're capable of short distance flight using their fleshy, fibrous ‘feathers’. With their large abdominal sacs, they can send out very loud calls, a rapid and shrill sound, able to be heard from great distances. It hits a fevered pitch during mating season, only occurring under a full moon, a cacophony of mating calls echo through the hills and fields.


    These small creatures feed primarily on the surface of bodies of water, swooping down and skimming the surface for small prey or plant detritus. They’re nocturnal, lounging through the day along the shores, occasionally dipping into the water to keep their skin moist. At night is when they hunt, and display their most notable feature; singing.


    Mrs. Fernbrook's notes have been crossed out with a blue ink pen.

    "A very, very beautiful creature, their songs under the moonlight are so lovely! It's like a big celebration of new life and love." - Mrs. Fernbrook


    The following entry is clearly written with the same blue ink pen.

    "Fuck these things. Fuck these things and their middle-of-the-night horse crap squealing, it's like a frog ate an air horn, it's impossible to sleep when one's toot-dooting as loud as it can. Shoot them if you see them, their meat's pretty good, but, shoot them on principle, and for everyone else's sake."- Clementine Toulali Schultz


    "I tried one of these things, I guess they're alright? When cooked, I get a good bit of energy from them, other than that, I can't say these things are much of a threat, free food, I reckon." - Ignis Stokk


    "If harvest bag well from corpse and blow air into it, can make same sound and attract others. Also works well as waterskin. Wings are nice and crunchy when fried. Look in dark overgrows or caves if want to find by day when they sleeping, yes." -Smilefang




    These hound-like reptiles are commonly found in the tunnels riddled throughout the outlying hills. They’ve proven dangerous to any residents who’ve ventured into the caves or traveled at night alone or unprepared.


    Due to their exothermic nature, they congregate around any source of heat they can find underground. Hot springs, geothermal vents, or basking in the sun near cave entrances are the most common methods. Muscular and serpentine in build with strong legs, not only are they apt swimmers and sprinters, but their flexible body allows them to constrict and strangle prey. However, due to their compact clawed feet, they have difficulty traveling over wet or muddy terrain, avoiding it when they can. Their jaws and teeth are designed for tearing through bone, hide, sinew, even thick shell or carapace. On their muzzle is a sharp, tough horn, used primarily for digging out tunnels and burrows within their dens. Under certain circumstances, they’ll use it to charge and gore larger prey. Their scaly, soft hides are speckled with slightly bio luminescent markings, mimicking their eyes. Current theory suggests this is to make their hunting pack appear larger than it actually is. Despite their slender frames, they are incredibly heavy due to dense body mass of muscle that allows them to flex, bend, and stretch their length.


    The Kormonts are cunning predators, employing a wide range of hunting tactics. This makes them very versatile, adapting to almost any prey they can find, large or small. When presented with easier prey, they will simply pounce the creature, crushing the skull or windpipe. However, when dealing with larger or more dangerous creatures, they will employ pack tactics, surrounding and exhausting the hunted with rapid glancing strikes, retreating before it can fight back. Anecdotal evidence has suggested they may even lure prey into 'trap burrows' they've carved into the stone, but, this hasn't been confirmed.


    "These things are smart. Smart and vicious. They hunt in pairs, we think. We know they've taken over the Mines, and aren't above eating their own. We learned that much." -Clementine Toulali Schultz


    "They like to attack from the sides from what I saw, and they're definitely good at hunting in packs. If do you see one, don't expect it to be alone. Look out for it's horn too, thing's tougher than iron." -Ignis Stokk


    "Floran found one Kormont in hills. Stab it when Kormont try to attack and watch Kormont bleed to dead. Pack came out of shadows at Floran as soon as he stabbed. Got away with corpse but bit hurt. Must watch surroundings and try to bait creature into open ground. Also tongue is very good when boiled in own blood and then smoked. Very nice treat, yes." -Smilefang


    Svulbi Bulbs


    A unique species of fungus that’s developed a method of mobility.


    This species of fungus’ most interesting characteristic is the use of their very soft tissue and contractible liquid sacs to slither and bounce. While an ineffective method of locomotion, the fact that a simple fungus is able to move is impressive. Their diet is very adaptable, extracting nutrients from the soil, sunlight, and carrion, scavenging when the opportunity arises. Current theories suggest that they reproduce through expelling spores into the air during strong winds to disperse them across a large area in the hope another Svulbi will be pollinated when traversing through.


    They exhibit nil or non-existent intelligence, reacting very simply to stimuli such as light, heat, and terrestrial vibrations. Observations show they have a strong aversion to smoke, fleeing when even small sources are nearby.


    "If one sticks to you don't grab it. Lightly poke it once or twice, and failing that, try getting your hands on some Wretch Root. If that doesn't work you're S.O.L." -January


    "Grab them by leaf and drop them in jar full of alcohol. Will move around a bit but then stop and start absorbing it all. Slice and put slices in meat sandwich. Give it strong aftertaste and make you feel funny afterwards, yes." -Smilefang


    'Svulbi Titans'/'Hupstalks'


    "I like calling these things Hupstalks, after my little adventure out into the Overgrowth. I noticed they had an odd fascination with me, I'm a pretty bright Nova, so they were probably attracted to the light I give off. The small ones are harmless, but I would advise keeping careful around the big ones, they don't seem to care about other sentients, just us that like to give off light, but after nearly losing our squad to one of these, it's safe to say they're dangerous when angered." -Ignis Stokk


    "They were docile, save for a fascination for Ignis and our flares. Once we upset one however, they shot out a spore cloud that seemed to put a black mark on us. We squared off with one of the big ones. Nothing stopped it, blowing holes into it, stabbing it in the face, everything just went right through it... I even took out its eyes. Nothing slowed it down. By the time we were done with it, the thing looked like Swiss cheese and it still functioned. It was like night of the living turnip. Avoid these things." -Mary Whitaker


    "The little bulbs and the huge guys are clearly the same species. They look the same, act the same, and smell the same, one's just a hundred times as big. If Dr. Mia's right and they're a fungus, I'm betting that whatever's in the water is what's juicing them up. They seem content to do their own thing if you leave them alone though, so try to live and let live."
    -Clementine Toulali Schultz


    "Can't turn very well when charging, so just strike them when they pass by you. Floran jumped on top of one and tried to ride, but almost threw floran off and stomped. Would not recommend. Floran harvested leaves and eyes. Leaves make for good minty taste in a soup, and eyes give spicty taste when sprinkled in meat. Very good, yes." -Smilefang


    (More to be Added)​
    #2 Leschinsky, Oct 8, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 5, 2016
  3. Leschinsky

    Leschinsky Bohemic Tendencies

    Dec 31, 2013
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    Fernbrook Flora

    The collected observations and notes on the local flora by herbalist Anisazi, recorded on soft beige paper within a salvaged leather cover.

    Bloody Bell

    This flowered shrub secretes a deep crimson gel that irritates the skin. The bell of petals on the ends of its branches hides a soft fruit similar to a peach but much larger. Bell fruit is sweet and helps to settle stomachs and aid in digestion. Bloody Bell is found in dry, slightly shaded environments typically at moderate altitudes such as forested cliffs and plateaus. A note of caution Hylotl appear to be exceptionally vulnerable to inflammatory effects of the bell flower, suffering from redness and swelling for up to two weeks.

    Mire Moss, Trapdoor Turf

    This moss grows exclusively in shallow and still water, often in ponds and the floodplains of larger rivers. Mire Moss has a tendency to grow until it has completely blanketed the surface of its body of water. Most Hylotl enjoy the taste of the moss, which is bitter with a hint of mint. Fermenting the moss brings out its decongestant properties, but also increases its bitterness ten fold.

    Envy’s Grip

    This thin, verdant vine grows in tight coils and sports triangular formations barbs along its length. The stalk tastes like cinnamon and provides an anesthetic effect when consumed or applied topically. It can be ground and boiled into a solution or, more frequently, just chewed to relieve sore gums and throats.

    Pearls of Amber

    A bush that roots on the banks of lakes and streams. It’s long drooping branches grow into the water and produce a shiny orange berries. These sour pearls are mild stimulants, with a glass of it’s juice being equivalent to about a half cup of coffee.

    Rottop, Winter's Kiss

    A fungus that spends half it's life as an inert white spore, until it comes into contact with decaying trees. It forms a bulbous pod that bursts into of new spores, coating the surrounding area like a dusting of snow. When harvested before bursting, this fungus has a nutty flavour. Humans and Apex are commonly allergic to rottop, especially in spore form. Those suffering from prolonged allergies to meticulously clean all linens to remove the hardy spores. Rottop is most commonly found in the bottoms of valleys and forested floodplains.

    Wretch Root, Fool's Sprout

    A foul tasting blue spud that closely resembles Turquine and commonly found in the same places. It is nearly indistinguishable from the stem up. However wretch root grows multiple spuds from a single stem unlike the single spud it mimics. Wretch Root concentrate makes for an excellent pest repellent.


    A bland but nutritious blue spud with a tough, helix-shaped stem. The violet hued ends of the stem are not readily edible but act as a powerful muscle relaxant when peeled and left to diffuse in water. Turquine grows in hilly plains where there is plenty of sunlight and moderate amounts of water.


    A sagging mushroom that grows commonly on cave walls and ceilings, not far from the mouths of mountain caves. Consumption of the cap slows the heart rate, lowers blood pressure and causes general disorientation. Tiptops can be distinguished from its unremarkable cousin fungi, by the orange spots found along the rim of its yellow cap.

    Wisp Eyes

    A small bioluminescent fungus with a pinched oval shape that resembles an eye. Wisp Eyes are mildly toxic to all species and induce hallucinations often described as an abstract flight through a swirling nebula. This rare fungus can only be found deep underground in the absence of other fungi and plants

    White Lie

    A sweet smelling, yellow and white flower that can be extremely poisonous. This flower absorbs harmful elements from the soil and concentrates them in its petals. White Lie can grow in almost any environment, but is found in abundance near industrial ruins where soil contaminates slow the growth of competing flora.

    Dew Cups

    This flower’s petals open at night and constrict during the day. It's bowl shaped blossom collects the morning dew and funnels it down it's hollow stem during the heat of the day. It's seeds can be used as a mild opiate. Dew cups are usually found at higher altitudes in sunny open areas.

    Fire Fan

    An exceptionally large scarlet flower with four firm petals. The seeds of this flower are full of protein and can be used as an antihistamine. However, seeds should not be given orally to non-avians, as they contain capsaicinoids that are described as painfully hot to other species. Fire fans are rare but can be found in a multitude of climates. Sadly full grown flowers do not fare well when relocated.

    Slumber Fern

    This lavender fern requires little sunlight and is typically found growing beneath the cover of larger plants found in swampy lowlands. The roots can be brewed into a sedative solution, however the forked leaves should be avoided as direct contact with the skin will produce a rash. Slumber Fern can cause nausea and dehydration in Avians when taken in larger doses.
    #3 Leschinsky, Oct 8, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 31, 2016
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  4. Leschinsky

    Leschinsky Bohemic Tendencies

    Dec 31, 2013
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    Notes: Minerals and Metals of Fernbrook
    Ignis Stokk

    A small red notebook of lined paper, it's title penned in permanent marker on a bit of masking tape. It contains the ongoing notes of local smith Ignis Stokk's geological observations on Fernbrook.

    Green Geodes: Flashpoint Mines

    As a smithy, I should know a good deal on crystals like these, usually they're used to adorn stuff, like jewelry, but a lot of the crystals on this rock are too small to really use for anything. I'd say these are like emeralds, but something is kind of unsettling about them to me, if anyone's got any of these, can you bring them my way so I can see what they're all about?
    #4 Leschinsky, Oct 25, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 25, 2016
  5. Leschinsky

    Leschinsky Bohemic Tendencies

    Dec 31, 2013
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    Restored Overgrowth Diaries
    Ti Kazuki


    This book is the transcribed pages of several partially destroyed documents recovered from an old mining office and cafeteria within the Overgrowth, chronicling the wokrmans' final days trapped within the collapsed structure.


    Foreman Haji Zisumi's Logs

    The tunnels have collapsed, we think the quarry workers struck an aquifer. There was a detonation, followed by the thunderous roar of rushing of water, a lot of it. Me, 6 other foremen, and 36 workers are trapped in here. The ceilings are leaking, floors are slick, and there’s the sounds of muffled crashing in the deeper tunnels.


    We’re doing everything we can to stop everyone from panicking. We have food, water, power. Just need to keep the peace and everyone's’ hopes high, we’ll be out of here soon.


    I should've fought it. I should've told the workmen. Organized a strike. Gotten in contact with the Council Settlement Board. Reveal these dangerous work practices to a news outlet. Anything. But this job paid too well. I have kids to feed. Now they might grow up without a father. I'm better than this, I swear on my life and honor that I am a better man than this.


    I can't take it. Every night we get hungrier and hungrier, it's driving me insane. I have to tell them, if I'm dying down here, I'm leaving this world with as clean a conscience as I can.


    Workman Gerald Papadopoulo's Journal

    That fish soon of a bitch told us everything. That the higher ups and their greed is why we're starving in the dark. We tore the bastards to pieces... They deserved every bit of it, but the smell, it's getting to us.


    The Fernbrook’s boy, he died in his sleep last night. Doctor told us it was his heart giving out, like his father last Spring. But it's just because he didn't want to admit that the poor kid starved to death, like the rest of us are going to. God bless him for trying to keep us calm.


    We caved in, we did what everyone was thinking and no one wanted to admit. No one said a word when the chef came out of the kitchen with that pot of fresh meat stew. No one made a sound while we ate. I only hope they would’ve understood.


    Chef hung herself. Left a note about the guilt. Cut the power before she strung herself up. Can’t blame her for anything she did, or how she chose to die.


    There’s less than half of us now. At least one or two folks are passing away each night. Most of us are too weak to move. Please, God forgive us for what we’ve done down here.


    Chef's Suicide Note

    I'm not playing your ghoul any longer, my soul won't suffer one more meal served. If you want to devour one another, do it of your own accord. Do it in the dark like the devils we've all become.

    Aubergine Willett
    #5 Leschinsky, Nov 5, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 5, 2016
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