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The Journey of an "Outcast" (IronAce)

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Barfdragon, May 12, 2014.

  1. Barfdragon

    Barfdragon New Member

    May 11, 2014
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    ((Feel free to comment. I am breaking each real life day into separate posts on this thread.))

    The following data is accessible through a cloud saved backup on Starnet, however, names, locations, and descriptions are replaced with [REDACTED, check file /harddisc/non-backup/9834.2ply]. It is possible to access the full, undisclosed file via hacking IronAce, this will unfortunately cause multitudes of errors throughout his programming, and it is unknown how he will react.

    Day 1:
    I decided to start this journal at this point. I didn't think about it while I was running for my life, but now that I am stuck, it seems things are getting interesting. I just ran out of fuel and food. I started a distress beacon. It uses my fake Glitch accent, even though I am not comfortable speaking it.

    Day 2: Someone arrives. I heard them over the radio, and I knew that it was a Glitch coming. I mentally prepared myself for it, and went planetside. There was an avian, fighting with a local glitch. the avian beat it in a few seconds. Then the Glitch arrived. He was dressed in all black and had red eyes. I believe his name was "Raoul," or something of the sort. He heard my stomach rumble and immediately gave me a large amount of food. I ate only a small amount, but it was plenty to fill me. He then asked me where I wanted to go. Tetanus Fields. I had heard of the place while I was traveling. It was a safe haven for refugees. I figured there would be as good a place as ever to start looking for fellow outcasts. During the jump aboard his massive ship, I asked if he was an outcast. Surely someone so generous and free was. He simply answered "No, Wolf." I stayed quite. I had no idea what he meant. When we arrived he led my to his teleporters and said "Just push the button and you'll be there". I thanked him, pressed it and went planetside.

    The place was nothing but rusty metal, but something about it felt satisfying. I ran around and explored the dilapidated corridors. I found a few shops, but having no pixels, I didn't really even approach them. the entire place was a labyrinth. I found what seemed to be the entrance to sewers, a hospital, and a public cafe. I noticed one place had a large Exxon symbol. I remembered because it was an Exxon ship I had stowed away on to get off planet. I went back to the cities spawn, and travelled back to my ship. I realized my mistake as I beamed up. So now I am back to where I began, but at least now I have plenty of food and the coordinates to the Tetanus Fields. Now I just need fuel....

    Day 3: Went back planetside, the Glitch was dead and the avian was gone, but the castle had remained untouched. I checked around and found a multitude of loot. I used most of it to decorate my starship. I walked the other direction and found a giant creature, it seemed to emanate fire. I hid in a hole and stabbed at it. It hit me a couple times, so I quickly made some bandages and patched myself up. I even managed to make a bow out of the remaining plant fibers. I finally managed to kill it, and as it drops dead I realize it had some form of massive weapon in it's back. I analyzed it. It had a fast attack speed, was brutally sharp, and the blade was poisoned. This changes everything....

    Day 4: Circumnavigated the entire planet, started turning the old castle into my own, and began smoothing out some of the path from spawn. It only fogs here, and it's pretty often, but I like it.

    Day 5: An Avian arrives. She was obviously retired military. She said that she was responding to my distress beacon on day 1. It made sense, signals can only travel so fast. Apparently she was across half the galaxy, because she said that a third of her fuel stores were taken up by the jump. It took a while for us to actually introduce our selves.She went first. Dawn Crestfeather. I told her my full name, Fe-1/1, she believed it was clever. She stated that she saw potential in me, and asked if I had any combat experience. I told her no, my closest to combat was self defense from these creatures, and I know there are worse. She was offering adventure, a chance to explore and not fear, and I had to tell her that I had a secret. Something she should know if we worked together. I had to tell her. I had to...

    I told her. I told her what I was. I dropped the motif. Her response? She didn't even bat an eyelash. She told me that she was grounded. An outcast in her own species as well. Simply because she accepted others beliefs. We aren't so different. I realized that maybe this was a sign. A sign that things may work out.

    Day 6: We stayed awake through the night, as I had no beds. She spent most of the night in a different world, deep in her own mind. Her hand had an iron grip on the pistol in her holster. When she snapped out of it, she simply said sometimes she has flash backs, of things that had been. I told her it was fine. We went deep into a chasm later that day. I mined downwards while she kept the beasts at bay. She had no form of mining equipment with her, so I just mined on my own. However, she did have an ample supply of lights, even giving me 454 for my own use. They were high-tech, water proof and cold to the touch. when we reached the bottom we found a large vein of diamonds. When I finished mining them, her radio started to chatter. She had to leave, saying that she would be right back, but then she did something truly surprising. She took a shotgun from one of her many slings, and said "Merry Christmas". When she had left and I felt confident that it wouldn't embarrass me, I fired it at one of the creatures that clambered down the shaft. There is now a dent in my shoulder armor.....
    #1 Barfdragon, May 12, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2014
  2. Barfdragon

    Barfdragon New Member

    May 11, 2014
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    ((An OOC note, the random beam and missing equipment were caused by me accidentally getting a bit of malware (an incomprehensible amount, that added an additional proxy, 400 new ads to my web browser, a few root wreckers and I may have accidentally uninstalled something that adds a forced proxy, so I couldn't be on the internet for more than a second without it forcing a proxy check, and finding it deleted.), and I had to wipe my computer. I unfortunately remembered to back up everything but my save data :mad:. Thankfully I have a picture of IronAce, so I easily recreated him.))

    Day 7: I awoke to find that my gear was missing and I had jumped to a new planet. My fuel tanks were empty... I beamed down and found a small encampment of tents and such. Cautiously, I explored it, finding no one. I circumnavigated the planet and found nothing. I sent out a signal to Dawn, and she arrived after a few hours. I asked her if the Encampment looked abandoned, and she confirmed that it must be. I scavenged it from top to bottom. When I had reached the very bottom, I could hear new people on the planet. I quickly and cautiously made my way up to the top of the shaft. I spotted 2 men and an avian, questioning Dawn. They were dressed in military gear, and held large military rifles. The avian was wearing some form of rain cover, and toted a large sniper rifle. One of the humans, "Tony" as I would find out, wore heavily padded military armor, and carried a large assault rifle. the other human "John" I believe, was dressed in standard military gear, and carried a marksman rifle with a large bayonet. I announced myself so as to not be shot. They quickly greeted me and asked if I had seen anyone on the planet. I said that I had not, and that i had been he for a few days. The human, Tony, was looking for his son, "Wrynnus Aurelio". I told him I would keep an eye out. Just things happened. Dawn had an episode, and it started raining fire. Again. John tried to pull her inside, but she was stiff as a board. The fire started raining harder. the heat didn't affect her at all. he continued trying to pull her, until a fire ball hit him in the arm. She snapped back and quickly dragged him into the cavern.

    Day 8: The 5 of us huddled down in the entrance to the shaft. They discussed Dawn. I learned several things. She was an ex-USMC gunnery sergeant. When they asked how her, a xeno, got into the military. She stated she was simply persistent enough. After a while of fighting by the USMC's side, they added her to her pay roll. Apparently, she worked off the books, and didn't want to state anymore. A couple more days pass, the fire rain eventually let up.

    Day 10: The fire rain finally let up, so they said there goodbyes and left. Dawn gave me enough fuel to fill my tank, and I finished scrapping the encampment. I traveled back home. And we went downstairs to the beds she had made in my absence. tired, I fell asleep nearly instantly.
  3. Barfdragon

    Barfdragon New Member

    May 11, 2014
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    ((Please tell me if I got your name wrong in my logs, it's a pet peeve of mine.))

    Day 11:
    My luck has turned around! I found a derelict spaceship loaded to the brim with equipment! A few repairs, and now it's good to go. It has some sort of future fuel in it, and even has access to the Zeta sector!

    Traveled to a zeta sector planet with Dawn. Nearly died. At least 8 times. I managed to collect saplings for a new fire tree. I wonder how it will survuve on my new home planet?
  4. Barfdragon

    Barfdragon New Member

    May 11, 2014
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    Day ???: Error in coding. All I know is that for a long, long time my coding has kept me frozen in place. Working through it is a complete pain. I must mull of every code, every line, every parsing, until I can fix the error. Is anyone worried about me? Does anyone alive even know I exist? What is happening and has happened outside? I don't know. I can't even look. All of my sensors are down. The coding that is key to my very being, the same coding errors that give me sentience, have locked me in place. What of Dawn? Is she still alive? How long have I truly been gone?

    I can't keep asking these questions. I'll drive myself crazy. I just need to solve the coding. I'm getting closer now. I just hope I am not yet left behind...

    When I wake up, it will be day 12. This was just a long dream... I hope.

    ((Hello again everyone! I will be returning soon when I finish building my new PC. I wasn't here for long, but hopefully I'll get back into the swing of things. My old computer actually melted internally! So my save files are gone, but I'll just have to remake IronAce a 3rd time. Excited to see you guys again soon!))